Was watching a video but it didnt cover what was said very deeply. Something about switching between the 2 jobs an Arcanist can do you would not be able to change your 30 points very often so playing both Jobs would not work very well. Anyone know what Mr Happy was talking about? I thought you could switch Jobs easy and play everything on one char?
You get stat points to allocate to your class (not job), so those are the 30 points being referenced. Since Scholar and Summoner are both from the Arcanist class, they don't have unique stat allocations. As a Summoner you will want more Int. As as a Scholar, you will want more Mind. As Yoshi said in the live letter, it will be possible to respec your stat allocation, but it won't be something you can do easily or often. Therefore, its not really practical to play both on the same character unless you don't mind gimping one somewhat.
So when you make a char you really cant play everything on one char? I put my stats into int and now any class or job thats not int based I will be gimpy at? How much does your stats effect you? I hope its small because this is a big feature of the game.
He was talking just about summoner and scholar the other jobs have their stats set up differently for example when you switch to summoner you have set it as ++INT but when you switch to warrior you have ++STR. The problem is just for arcainist and the 2 jobs the other classes has 1 job.
"mmorpg.com forum admins are all TROLLS and losers in real life"
My opinion
Only for Scholar/Summoner.
The rest of the jobs all have different base class requirements.
Scholar/Summoner both branch directly off from Arcanist.
For example, if you switch between say Arcanist and Lancer, or between Scholar and Dragoon, you get to re-do your stats.
If you switch between Scholar and Summoner, you don't get to re-do your stats as they have the same base class (Arcanist.)
As the poster you quoted stated, stats are allocated per CLASS, not per JOB.
Since Arcanist is the CLASS, you allocate stats while playing Arcanist for only THAT class, and its subsequent advanced JOBS, BOTH Summoner AND Scholar. This is the first class to have two advanced jobs, so this is why there is confusion.
So if you were to say play a level 1 Lancer after having a level 50 Summoner, you could allocate all your stat points into STR while leveling lancer and be just as good as everyone else who did so. It only effects the Class / Job you are allocating points into while on that job / class.
So if each class ends up having 2 jobs and each job works off a different stat you would need to make 2 chars. Ok thats not bad =-) Thanks for the info. I love playing many classes on one char and I was starting to think this was not the game I thought it was lol
Thanks for the help everyone!
Also as Arcainist I will go 50% MND 50% INT and be set for both Summoner and Scholar
"mmorpg.com forum admins are all TROLLS and losers in real life"
My opinion
Conjurer has an ability they learn rather early on to swap your INT and MND stats.
Maybe Arcanist will have the same, or they'll enable Scholar/Summoner to cross-class that ability from Conjurer.
I hope so, I kinda wanted to play both a summoner and scholar. Lots of options for support and dps. Guess I will have to wait and see. Tanking, healing and dps oh my!!! =-)