Because EQ1 was the best.. and it punished failure, something no game since has really done. Without the risk of loss, the adrenaline rush of success and excitement of pulling victory from the jaws of defeat isn't there.
I would've been very cool with them adding sandboxy elements to EQ1. Just give us the realistic-style graphics and tab-targeting/holy quadrilogy/EQ1 style combat. Give us EQ1-like dungeons (none of this random smashing your way through the world which makes no sense).. And then throw the sandbox stuff on top of that, like the emergent AI and the world quests. Instead they decided to just totally overhaul the "everquest" lineage... IMHO, they went too far in trying to be creative/unique.
Originally posted by Gildenlore Immersion is the biggest draw of a MMORPG for me. EQN is shaping up to be a TWITCH Console-Centric Button-Mashing Action RPG. I don't necessarily want a reskin of EQ, but this play style undeniably kills immersion at its very core. I can make my peace with everything else...
how on earth does action MMO undeniably equate to a loss of immersion?
lots of people think that not having to aim a ranged attack breaks immersion. to me, hideous global chat breaks immersion. to many, many people the fact that your avatar essentially is a spaceship breaks eve's immersion if not completely preempting it. but I find eve incredibly immersive as do thousands of other folks.
i found EQ1 VERY immserive. i felt like i could log onto EQ and just be in the world for a couple hours and enjoy the world. but others didnt like it; they found UO to be more immersive due to the player politics that were less present in EQ1.
what i think you meant is that, to you, action rpg breaks immersion. but you certainly dont speak for everyone.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
I don't think they really want a re-skin. What the old vets really want is that feeling they had when playing EQ1 for the first time. The sense of a tight-knit community, a niche community, a fun, open world to explore where you could become a known character in the game. It was a great feeling and made you really love the game and think 'Wow! This is the best thing ever.'
But times have changed. MMOs, guilds, and players have come and gone. In the end, we are just playing games - and most of us are okay with that.
But the disgruntled vets will continue to hold on to the past and hope that one day, they will get that feeling back.
Many of what made EQ awesome for us vets is still possible in EQNext, we need more information.
I played games like neverwinter, tera action combat does not break immersion they just have to be careful not to take shortcuts.
I have played cartoonie looking games that also does not break immersion they just have to keep it in line with lore.
This game looks like it will have little to no instancing that is HUGE we have been asking for this for a long time.
And the biggest issues come down to how they do character customization/progression/monster difficulty. This is a delecate balance they have to have some way no matter how smart they think their AI is to give players the options to cooperate and become greater than thier sum of parts or else the content will innevitably be too dumbed down. There has to be some level of depth to progression/customization of characters so people have the ability to get attached to what they have built. There needs to be some kind of punishment for mistakes outside of a small time sink that is not enough. We need corpse runs back and or xp loss that are another feature in game that are easier to deal with when you cooperate with others.
Most of the content should be designed to be taken on by players cooperating together rather than like most games today most of it is solo and group content is an afterthought. There should be a path to solo but it should be challenging you should have to be clever to seek out/hunt monsters when they are in a state of weakness, like seperated from their herd/allies. There is a huge opportunity to do this with the emergent AI tune the majority of monsters to be to strong for a player to do by himself due to the way they watch eachothers back etc. but create opportunites for players being clever to still get by soloing by doint what they did in EQ1 but on a more real scale rather than memorizing permanent spawns/patrol paths players will have to addapt to new dynamics(like learning a new zone all the time) all the time this is what made both soloing and grouping so great in EQ1 and made players truly learn their classes and environment.
They say there world is huge but I have not heard very much about how players will traverse this world. Will players be using those big events to build up transport infastructure like eq1 boats? Will players have to work together to open portals to wizard or druid spires? Or will players be expected to explore and adventure their way to destinations?
Lets all keep in mind how many of these things that everquest had that made it great, games since EQ1 even EQ2 failed to recapture.
Originally posted by Gildenlore Immersion is the biggest draw of a MMORPG for me. EQN is shaping up to be a TWITCH Console-Centric Button-Mashing Action RPG. I don't necessarily want a reskin of EQ, but this play style undeniably kills immersion at its very core. I can make my peace with everything else...
how on earth does action MMO undeniably equate to a loss of immersion?
lots of people think that not having to aim a ranged attack breaks immersion. to me, hideous global chat breaks immersion. to many, many people the fact that your avatar essentially is a spaceship breaks eve's immersion if not completely preempting it. but I find eve incredibly immersive as do thousands of other folks.
i found EQ1 VERY immserive. i felt like i could log onto EQ and just be in the world for a couple hours and enjoy the world. but others didnt like it; they found UO to be more immersive due to the player politics that were less present in EQ1.
what i think you meant is that, to you, action rpg breaks immersion. but you certainly dont speak for everyone.
Jeesh! There's always that one guy who wants to argue the most minute point.../sigh. I clearly stated "...for me." and the post was pertaining to MY opinion. I have never spoken for the entire world, nor will I ever, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this...
I was simply stating that this type of play style breaks immersion...FOR ME...I wasn't speaking for the people who think snorting a line and chasing it with a handful of Vitamin C tablets and a gallon of orange juice is RELAXING!
But by all means...Feel free to TWITCH all you want!!
"Walk soft on the Paths of Society...For Subtlety is the Blessing of Sanctuary."
You know what's funny about the number of people who argue the aesthetic of the new models?
I got angry months after eq2 release they nerfed the unreasonable expletive out of my toon. I was a swb alchemist, and they took away my off hand poison, they tiered the fuel i was grinding for plat off mats to crude ink product sold to merchant. They halved my damage and income, yet I was still arguing eq2 (over conventional competitor wow) had the greatest graphics/models.
Ok so I was a nerd arguing an opinion.
Look, it didn't get them farther. Wow's cartoony graphics in their instant-reward world won.
Now look, this is not for posterity, but be real. Admit something with me.
People arguing against pixar animation, I promise you, I was there, the defense added to about jack... nothing.
As a matter of fact at this point, saying "I don't like cartoony yada yada".
I was there, wounded by nerf bat, arguing "but this is better". Where the hell were you?
OK so mistakes were made and compensation rolled over too little too late, but really, i was there, i promise you...
Aiming for great graphics never saved the fight.
Your argument against the aesthetic style, let's say perfected to your opinion, did not add to a saving grace.
EQN looks like garbage compared to many older MMOs, including both EQs. Maybe gameplay will be good but honestly I don't care about lion kings and digging holes into ground. I was expecting new generation Everquest game.
There is definitely a market for EQ1 with new graphics and a reboot. The problem is that it isn't going to be mainstream, and probably isn't worth the investment for most bigger companies. I am sure an indy dev will get it right one day and do it.
VG was the last attempt to copy EQ1, but failed dismally (due to poor coding and performance mostly), there really hasn't been anything close since.
Seems to me some people havnt examined their feelings thoroughly. They want that same feeling they got playing EQ1 for the first time but don't think about how and why that feeling was generated.
You got that feeling because it was a novel experience. You never experienced something like EQ until that fateful day. That sense of wonder, excitement, and danger comes from that feeling of novelty. Novelty can produce very impressionable memories.
Drugs like LSD work on activating the novelty detection centers in our brains. So even mundane aspects of our everyday lives feels more significant.
So to ask for a reskin of EQ1 to experience that feeling of novelty once again is completely counterintuitive. You need a new and unique experience to activate those novelty centers of your brain. SOE explicitly stated they were aware that reskinning EQ1 wouldn't have produced that feeling of novelty. They want us to feel that magic again and they are doing so by giving us something completely different.
I think EQ1 looks awesome as it is - no need to reboot, that would be silly.
I've been playing Eq1 since 1999, and still play it - the game doesn't need a reboot.
I dont think that an EQ1 reboot would be silly. Why dont make an EQ1 with a modern graphic if people like it? I think that would be many players interested in.
The EQ1 gameplay, class and race system was nearly perfect for my taste.
The only changes i would act, whould be:
1) a more dinamical combat system (but NOT action based)
2) a PvP based on factions (good vs evil races) that prevent races of different alligment to group together.
"Brute force not work? It because you not use enought of it" -Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead.
I just miss games that had a strong sense of character identity. Everything seems to be going multi-class hot-swap skills lately, which can give you more flexibility but also reduces uniqueness. Back in EQ1 I used to be jealous of those wizards who could teleport all over the world, classes who could bind to cities, and shamans who had incredible buffs at their disposal. Now, anyone who multiclasses can just load in and out all of those abilities making classes overall feel less defined and unique (not to mention many of those 'flavor' skills being removed from games if they aren't directly related to combat).
Asheron's call actually had my favorite, completely open, skill system out of all the online games I've played. It allowed incredible flexibility while still allowing you to build out your character in a customized way that made you feel different than most of the other people you came across while adventuring.
And what would that do to EQ1? If they love it so much, why do they wish it to die?
The EQ1 that everybody talks fondly about doesn't exist anymore. SOE so thoroughly dumbed it down over the years that it bears little resemblance to what it once was. This is why many of us want a new game that captures the old feeling.
I plan on playing EQN when it comes out but would also like to see a reskin/reboot of EQ1.
To my knowledge no company has ever taken an old game that was a hit and simply rebuilt it back to its original state with a brand new engine & updated graphics without changing so many other things that they should of just called it a new game. I get nervous at the term reboot because of the heavy handed tendency to change things too much.
My Pepsi analogy -
PepsiCo: We're rebooting Pepsi.
Fans: Yay, a shiny new logo for our FAVORITE soda pop!
PepsiCo (unveiling the rebooted Pepsi): Ta-da! Crystal Pepsi!
Fans: WTF?
I played from vanilla EQ1 through PoP before I quit. It was just simple burnout, I've tried returning a couple of times the past 3 years but haven't been able to get into it. I admit I'm a graphics whore & the old graphics were uglier with a clunkier ui then I remembered, but the only other thing that put me off was that newbie island or whatever it was. I rolled a human monk with memories of running around the Qeynos newbie area, out on onward to Blackburrow to smackdown gnolls...boy was I disappointed. It really was mostly the graphics though, I can deal with a cliched newbie tutorial easier then I can decade old graphics. You can't ever recapture that "first time" feel again, but I think being able to see the old familiar areas again in new, modern, hi-def resolutions & animations would come pretty close. But if anyone thinks they'll re-live the golden era of EQ1 you'll be sorely disappointed, too many "dumb-down" changes over the years to even come close to recapturing the way virtual life was back then.
So basically what I'd like would be less of a reboot and more of a massive graphical re-engineering. A catching back up with today's technology, as a way thanking a dedicated fanbase, that has kept the game alive for so many years.
I think EQ1 looks awesome as it is - no need to reboot, that would be silly.
I've been playing Eq1 since 1999, and still play it - the game doesn't need a reboot.
I dont think that an EQ1 reboot would be silly. Why dont make an EQ1 with a modern graphic if people like it? I think that would be many players interested in.
The EQ1 gameplay, class and race system was nearly perfect for my taste.
The only changes i would act, whould be:
1) a more dinamical combat system (but NOT action based)
2) a PvP based on factions (good vs evil races) that prevent races of different alligment to group together.
Don't forget the UI. The old one is clunky and difficult to navigate. It wouldn't just need to be a graphic update.
To my knowledge no company has ever taken an old game that was a hit and simply rebuilt it back to its original state with a brand new engine & updated graphics without changing so many other things that they should of just called it a new game. I get nervous at the term reboot because of the heavy handed tendency to change things too much.
Runescape has done this three times now. Anarchy Online is planning a graphics update in the near future too. But yes, a HD EQ1 would definitely have a solid following of about 200-300k players at least.
Donpopuki, 1000 concurrent players on a weeknight generally extrapolates into a much larger userbase. It takes some serious loyalty to play with 1999 graphics and taking 4-5 hours to hit level 5.
I see nothing out of the realm of possibility for SOE to sub out a team working on a shoestring budget to bring the graphics up to date while leaving the gameplay intact.
I think when people like myself talk about a reskin, its not because we don't want new features, but because games have, with one accord, failed to reproduce the features that made Everquest great.
When I play an MMO, I want it to feel like a virtual world. When you jumped into EQ, nothing told you where to go. You started with a note to take to your class guild leader and some food, drink and a crude weapon. You had to venture through the city and track down your guild leader, turn in your note and then you were basically on your own. You could go through your guild or the city and talk to npcs, maybe find some info and a few quests, but thats about it.
Then there was the world itself which felt real. Everything had consequence, and the chance to die in any given fight was much higher than it is in a new game. As you leveled up, killing npcs of the same level became harder and harder. It made grouping appealing, even necessary in the higher levels. All the while death was just a mistake away, and losing experience and having to retrieve your corpse made combat much more meaningful and exciting.
Those are just a few of dozens of things that Everquest did right, that new mmos do wrong.
When we say we want a reskin, its because we would rather have the same game having those important elements, than have a brand new game without them.
Because EQ1 was the best.. and it punished failure, something no game since has really done. Without the risk of loss, the adrenaline rush of success and excitement of pulling victory from the jaws of defeat isn't there.
I would've been very cool with them adding sandboxy elements to EQ1. Just give us the realistic-style graphics and tab-targeting/holy quadrilogy/EQ1 style combat. Give us EQ1-like dungeons (none of this random smashing your way through the world which makes no sense).. And then throw the sandbox stuff on top of that, like the emergent AI and the world quests. Instead they decided to just totally overhaul the "everquest" lineage... IMHO, they went too far in trying to be creative/unique.
how on earth does action MMO undeniably equate to a loss of immersion?
lots of people think that not having to aim a ranged attack breaks immersion. to me, hideous global chat breaks immersion. to many, many people the fact that your avatar essentially is a spaceship breaks eve's immersion if not completely preempting it. but I find eve incredibly immersive as do thousands of other folks.
i found EQ1 VERY immserive. i felt like i could log onto EQ and just be in the world for a couple hours and enjoy the world. but others didnt like it; they found UO to be more immersive due to the player politics that were less present in EQ1.
what i think you meant is that, to you, action rpg breaks immersion. but you certainly dont speak for everyone.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
i don't want an exact re skin of EQ1 but i did expect an everquest game to at least have some features from everquest.
its absolutely ridiculous they took all these other features from other mmo's but none from the game they are naming it after?
I don't think they really want a re-skin. What the old vets really want is that feeling they had when playing EQ1 for the first time. The sense of a tight-knit community, a niche community, a fun, open world to explore where you could become a known character in the game. It was a great feeling and made you really love the game and think 'Wow! This is the best thing ever.'
But times have changed. MMOs, guilds, and players have come and gone. In the end, we are just playing games - and most of us are okay with that.
But the disgruntled vets will continue to hold on to the past and hope that one day, they will get that feeling back.
Many of what made EQ awesome for us vets is still possible in EQNext, we need more information.
I played games like neverwinter, tera action combat does not break immersion they just have to be careful not to take shortcuts.
I have played cartoonie looking games that also does not break immersion they just have to keep it in line with lore.
This game looks like it will have little to no instancing that is HUGE we have been asking for this for a long time.
And the biggest issues come down to how they do character customization/progression/monster difficulty. This is a delecate balance they have to have some way no matter how smart they think their AI is to give players the options to cooperate and become greater than thier sum of parts or else the content will innevitably be too dumbed down. There has to be some level of depth to progression/customization of characters so people have the ability to get attached to what they have built. There needs to be some kind of punishment for mistakes outside of a small time sink that is not enough. We need corpse runs back and or xp loss that are another feature in game that are easier to deal with when you cooperate with others.
Most of the content should be designed to be taken on by players cooperating together rather than like most games today most of it is solo and group content is an afterthought. There should be a path to solo but it should be challenging you should have to be clever to seek out/hunt monsters when they are in a state of weakness, like seperated from their herd/allies. There is a huge opportunity to do this with the emergent AI tune the majority of monsters to be to strong for a player to do by himself due to the way they watch eachothers back etc. but create opportunites for players being clever to still get by soloing by doint what they did in EQ1 but on a more real scale rather than memorizing permanent spawns/patrol paths players will have to addapt to new dynamics(like learning a new zone all the time) all the time this is what made both soloing and grouping so great in EQ1 and made players truly learn their classes and environment.
They say there world is huge but I have not heard very much about how players will traverse this world. Will players be using those big events to build up transport infastructure like eq1 boats? Will players have to work together to open portals to wizard or druid spires? Or will players be expected to explore and adventure their way to destinations?
Lets all keep in mind how many of these things that everquest had that made it great, games since EQ1 even EQ2 failed to recapture.
Jeesh! There's always that one guy who wants to argue the most minute point.../sigh. I clearly stated "...for me." and the post was pertaining to MY opinion. I have never spoken for the entire world, nor will I ever, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this...
I was simply stating that this type of play style breaks immersion...FOR ME...I wasn't speaking for the people who think snorting a line and chasing it with a handful of Vitamin C tablets and a gallon of orange juice is RELAXING!
But by all means...Feel free to TWITCH all you want!!
"Walk soft on the Paths of Society...For Subtlety is the Blessing of Sanctuary."
- anonymous
You know what's funny about the number of people who argue the aesthetic of the new models?
I got angry months after eq2 release they nerfed the unreasonable expletive out of my toon. I was a swb alchemist, and they took away my off hand poison, they tiered the fuel i was grinding for plat off mats to crude ink product sold to merchant. They halved my damage and income, yet I was still arguing eq2 (over conventional competitor wow) had the greatest graphics/models.
Ok so I was a nerd arguing an opinion.
Look, it didn't get them farther. Wow's cartoony graphics in their instant-reward world won.
Now look, this is not for posterity, but be real. Admit something with me.
People arguing against pixar animation, I promise you, I was there, the defense added to about jack... nothing.
As a matter of fact at this point, saying "I don't like cartoony yada yada".
I was there, wounded by nerf bat, arguing "but this is better". Where the hell were you?
OK so mistakes were made and compensation rolled over too little too late, but really, i was there, i promise you...
Aiming for great graphics never saved the fight.
Your argument against the aesthetic style, let's say perfected to your opinion, did not add to a saving grace.
Save your breath.
Signed, guy who was there.
"Brute force not work? It because you not use enought of it"
-Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead.
There is definitely a market for EQ1 with new graphics and a reboot. The problem is that it isn't going to be mainstream, and probably isn't worth the investment for most bigger companies. I am sure an indy dev will get it right one day and do it.
VG was the last attempt to copy EQ1, but failed dismally (due to poor coding and performance mostly), there really hasn't been anything close since.
You got that feeling because it was a novel experience. You never experienced something like EQ until that fateful day. That sense of wonder, excitement, and danger comes from that feeling of novelty. Novelty can produce very impressionable memories.
Drugs like LSD work on activating the novelty detection centers in our brains. So even mundane aspects of our everyday lives feels more significant.
So to ask for a reskin of EQ1 to experience that feeling of novelty once again is completely counterintuitive. You need a new and unique experience to activate those novelty centers of your brain. SOE explicitly stated they were aware that reskinning EQ1 wouldn't have produced that feeling of novelty. They want us to feel that magic again and they are doing so by giving us something completely different.
I dont think that an EQ1 reboot would be silly. Why dont make an EQ1 with a modern graphic if people like it? I think that would be many players interested in.
The EQ1 gameplay, class and race system was nearly perfect for my taste.
The only changes i would act, whould be:
1) a more dinamical combat system (but NOT action based)
2) a PvP based on factions (good vs evil races) that prevent races of different alligment to group together.
"Brute force not work? It because you not use enought of it"
-Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead.
2 Reasons.
Fear of change.
Inability to adapt.
I just miss games that had a strong sense of character identity. Everything seems to be going multi-class hot-swap skills lately, which can give you more flexibility but also reduces uniqueness. Back in EQ1 I used to be jealous of those wizards who could teleport all over the world, classes who could bind to cities, and shamans who had incredible buffs at their disposal. Now, anyone who multiclasses can just load in and out all of those abilities making classes overall feel less defined and unique (not to mention many of those 'flavor' skills being removed from games if they aren't directly related to combat).
Asheron's call actually had my favorite, completely open, skill system out of all the online games I've played. It allowed incredible flexibility while still allowing you to build out your character in a customized way that made you feel different than most of the other people you came across while adventuring.
The EQ1 that everybody talks fondly about doesn't exist anymore. SOE so thoroughly dumbed it down over the years that it bears little resemblance to what it once was. This is why many of us want a new game that captures the old feeling.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
I plan on playing EQN when it comes out but would also like to see a reskin/reboot of EQ1.
To my knowledge no company has ever taken an old game that was a hit and simply rebuilt it back to its original state with a brand new engine & updated graphics without changing so many other things that they should of just called it a new game. I get nervous at the term reboot because of the heavy handed tendency to change things too much.
My Pepsi analogy -
PepsiCo: We're rebooting Pepsi.
Fans: Yay, a shiny new logo for our FAVORITE soda pop!
PepsiCo (unveiling the rebooted Pepsi): Ta-da! Crystal Pepsi!
Fans: WTF?
I played from vanilla EQ1 through PoP before I quit. It was just simple burnout, I've tried returning a couple of times the past 3 years but haven't been able to get into it. I admit I'm a graphics whore & the old graphics were uglier with a clunkier ui then I remembered, but the only other thing that put me off was that newbie island or whatever it was. I rolled a human monk with memories of running around the Qeynos newbie area, out on onward to Blackburrow to smackdown gnolls...boy was I disappointed. It really was mostly the graphics though, I can deal with a cliched newbie tutorial easier then I can decade old graphics. You can't ever recapture that "first time" feel again, but I think being able to see the old familiar areas again in new, modern, hi-def resolutions & animations would come pretty close. But if anyone thinks they'll re-live the golden era of EQ1 you'll be sorely disappointed, too many "dumb-down" changes over the years to even come close to recapturing the way virtual life was back then.
So basically what I'd like would be less of a reboot and more of a massive graphical re-engineering. A catching back up with today's technology, as a way thanking a dedicated fanbase, that has kept the game alive for so many years.
Don't forget the UI. The old one is clunky and difficult to navigate. It wouldn't just need to be a graphic update.
Runescape has done this three times now. Anarchy Online is planning a graphics update in the near future too. But yes, a HD EQ1 would definitely have a solid following of about 200-300k players at least.
I see nothing out of the realm of possibility for SOE to sub out a team working on a shoestring budget to bring the graphics up to date while leaving the gameplay intact.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
I think when people like myself talk about a reskin, its not because we don't want new features, but because games have, with one accord, failed to reproduce the features that made Everquest great.
When I play an MMO, I want it to feel like a virtual world. When you jumped into EQ, nothing told you where to go. You started with a note to take to your class guild leader and some food, drink and a crude weapon. You had to venture through the city and track down your guild leader, turn in your note and then you were basically on your own. You could go through your guild or the city and talk to npcs, maybe find some info and a few quests, but thats about it.
Then there was the world itself which felt real. Everything had consequence, and the chance to die in any given fight was much higher than it is in a new game. As you leveled up, killing npcs of the same level became harder and harder. It made grouping appealing, even necessary in the higher levels. All the while death was just a mistake away, and losing experience and having to retrieve your corpse made combat much more meaningful and exciting.
Those are just a few of dozens of things that Everquest did right, that new mmos do wrong.
When we say we want a reskin, its because we would rather have the same game having those important elements, than have a brand new game without them.
Personally have no intrest in a eq1 reskin, however I do want consequences to return to mmo gaming.
The whole convenience race among mmos have gone way to far, death dosnt mather, class dosnt mather, race dosnt mather, risk is gone.