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With last month's earnings report, the world learned a thing or two about Blizzard's Titan, most notably that it will not be a subscription-based title like its elder sibling, World of Warcraft. In today's Free Zone, we take a look at that tidbit of news and offer a few thoughts. Check it out!
Early this month, during the Q2 Activision Blizzard earnings conference call, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime stated that the long-awaited Project Titan is “unlikely” to be a subscription-based MMORPG. His choice of words didn't absolutely rule out the possibility, but it does seem quite reasonable to think it won't be. If we make this assumption, there are three main conclusions we can reach; it won't be subscription-based, it won't be an MMORPG, and it won't be either.
Read more of Richard Aihoshi's The Free Zone: Titan Not A Subscription MMORPG... Whodathunkit?
At this point I wonder if the game actually even exists...
It has been years now and Blizzard has not released ANY concrete information at all. By the time they actually finish this game, no one may even care.
You know, I've actually wondered this myself, since I first heard rumblings about it. Does anyone have anything concrete?
Could you imagine if Titan == WoW F2P? Why else would something be in development for years and then get pushed out another 3 years again? All the while, there's been nothing leaked as far as images, etc. There is no doubt that F2P WoW would be a titan. Either that or maybe Blizz is just really good at keeping secrets
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
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Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Completely disagree. D3, in it's current state, is awesome. But if you like skipping awesome games...carry on.
Nothing is subscription based anymore, so this is about as as surprising as idiots on the internet.
i would rather pay a subscription though, it weeds a substantial chunk of annoying people out of the game, and for that i gladly pay.
They havent released anything yet, because they didnt have anything yet. We all know they were just waiting for SOE to announce EQN, now they are hard at work copying it.
I would expect to start to see alot more on "Titan" in a few months, now that they actually know what it is they are copying. SOE did the best thing they could have done, and that is black box EQN, now Blizz is at least a year behind on developing "Titan"
I checked it out again last week when I was bored.., Reinstalled, fired it up, gave it 5 or 6 hours of play, removed it, defragged my drive, and pretended I hadn't. Obviously you and I have different definitions of "awesome games."
Blizzard are especially proud of the 'WoW clone' branding of every game that dares to be released in the mmorpg genre. Titan is actually almost finished. They were waiting to see EQN so they can cram all of its features into Titan asap and launch before EQN. That way EQN and any future game with similar features gets to be dubbed a Titan clone!
Well played blizzard..... well played
there is no sane person that thinks d3 is an awesome game.... maybe if you like stock market trading and find it fun then yeah d3 is for you
Blizzard are especially proud of the 'WoW clone' branding of every game that dares to be released in the mmorpg genre. Titan is actually almost finished. They were waiting to see EQN so they can cram all of its features into Titan asap and launch before EQN. That way EQN and any future game with similar features gets to be dubbed a Titan clone!
Well played blizzard..... well played
wth is this. tells me my post is marked as spam and to complete the captcha. So i complete it and it still posted it the first time anyways lol. How to delete a post?
Something exists, they wouldn't move Kaplan to vaporware for several years. While it probably is unfair to say so, Kaplan did leave Wow at it's height and it have gone downhill ever since. No chance they would move him to a project they don't believe in.
Then again, it is hard to say how complete the game is and it is very possible that Blizzard scrapped what they had and started over one time or more, they did so with both Diablo 2 & 3, while they never released Starcraft: Ghost.
So I wouldn't be that surprised if they just have the engine and a few basics and the game wont release for 3-4 years. I am not saying it is so though just that it is a possibility.
But I am sure something do exist even if I wont hold my breath while I wait for release.
Oh, you mean the AH. I don't use it for anything other than selling. Buying gear cheeses the game IMO. Perhaps that is why so many are upset with it. They don't have any self control and must beat the game as quickly and in as efficient way possible and end up buying their gear on the AH...thus making any drops downgrades or sidegrades and removing any potential pleasure they might receive from getting that great drop.
Sounds like someone who didn't know how to change the monster level imo....
I would agree with shadow tried it twice, combat just didn't keep me interested and this has nothing at all to with how long it takes to kill an NPC (adjusting the monster level as you call it).
Its just uninteresting, the dungeons the worlds, the loot and itemization, the skill system, just so generic.
Wow was a fluke. Released at just the right time on the heels of Warcraft III and was swept up in a rush of people wanting to play in the Warcraft III world openly. It was a great game to begin with, then the expansions started. BC was good, gave the game a little bit more. Then Lich King hit and it started downhill with Activision buying up Blizzard about 6 months before. Things started to be rushed out the door then. LK was going to be delayed before Activision stepped in and said it was going to release, with or without everything that was supposed to be in it. I still play it and I do enjoy it somewhat. I just wish they had not made it "faceroll for the win" to attract new players, it was already casual enough.
Not sure if I would play Titan, even without any info on it. Every FTP game I have been in holds my interest for about 2-3 months, just until it gets frustrating because you have to be nickled and dimed to death to play like it should with a sub.
This is Blizzard you are talking about. Since when are they ever in a hurry to release ~anything~.
How long did it take for SC2? D3?
I wouldn't hold my breath on Titan, and I think a "2-3 year" release date as estimated by anyone, including an internal Blizzard source, is smoking something good. I would say we'd be lucky to see released in 5 years, and would not be shocked if it's not until 2020 or later, and be totally serious about that.
Maybe Titan was a fake project by blizzard devs to steal WoW money. To put more in thier pocket becuase they 'deserve' it.
Strange that they would scrap something that so far does not exist... and all of a sudden with certain eyes watchings... its a smaller project that is f2p.
Assuming its smaller since f2p means it will take longer to pay back the original investment. So why call it Titan?
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
I suggest you wait for an actual game announcement before speculating on how the game will be funded. My bet will be there will be a sub option. The big AAA titles have been successful with their f2p implementations having that sub option around because a lot of players use it.