Husband and wife Tank/healer duo looking for an NA end game progression guild (Semi-Hardcore) on any server but prefer Ultros or Siren server because we were able to max out a few characters during the open beta. We have decided to make FFXIV our home for the long haul after playing the beta and loving that old school feel. We are very experienced MMO endgame players from the early EQ raid days and nearly every MMO since that's worth mentioning. We have always played a healer/tank combo and this has a great advantage due to being in the same room together.
We are looking for a small guild (like 25 ish members) and a mature crew. My hopes is to find one that plans to raid 2-3 times a week. We want to be successful and serious while raiding but can no longer put in a 7 day a week raid schedule like our glory days! We are dramafree and have a great connection/computers. Besides seeing the game to it's fullest, we are just looking for some great people to hang out with via the journey.
Either server is fine with us and will even travel to another if the guild is a great fit. We currently have characters maxed to 20 on both servers. Hoping to be set with a guild before early launch. Would really like to meet with guild via vent or whatever voice system is used during this week if possible. PM me on here or reply if you think we might be a good fit. We live on the west coast so those times would be best but not a deal breaker.
Vicus Vendetta