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Anyone got an idea if this is gonna be good or bad?
It sounds like customizability within some logical boundaries in both visual and stat terms.
So you can't have Leather armor stats with Plate looks and neither you can have Drow plate stats with Human Plate looks.
But you have some visual choices between the same type (Cloth, Leather, Plate) and Family (Drow, Human, etc).
Imo it's good.
EDIT : But what about class and available armor types? Can i wear plate as a mage? I don't like artificial limitations like "YOU CAN'T", i prefer being penalized heavily than being totaly denied the usage.
Sounds good to me. Still I have to see how it works in the game.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
That's what i though initially also.
Eh? I was under the impression from that video that you COULD mix parts of armour.
For example, Dakr elf plate you can mix with human plate armor.
However you can't change types, like wear plate and have it look like cloth, etc .
Hmm is that the case?
I'll have to look the vid again.
EDIT : I think this is not the case cause at the end one of the devs says :
"If i'm in dark elf i can always swap in dark elf, if i'm in dark elf plate i can always swap in dark elf plate. The idea is we introduce many parts in those armor families and you can swap between them."
EDIT 2 : I guess you can mix the parts but not change its looks to another family.
Hmm. Agreed. That is definitely Elder scrolls like though. And who knows how far they will venture down that path. Although, there are 40 classes available. So maybe there is a class that is a mage w/ plate armor and you can mix and match abilities that you have unlocked to your liking. And I think the penalty will be more what skills you pick to customize.
I actually like the system they described,
One of the best customization of outfits out right now is Lotro, the other is probably The secret world....but the first doesn't have pvp and the second isn't really "armor" it is clothes.
In a game with PvP, I can see the the upside of making plate wearers look like they have plate on, after all full plate armor isn't an easy thing to hide, but I like the fact they seem to be going down the path where you can get backwards transmog to something you like the looks of better. I honestly wonder about this video's talk of "only if you killed that dragon can you get that look" and the cash shop though. Most cash shops thrive on offering skins, and most of those skins mimic the looks of higher quality rare weapons.
now if we just knew what exactly pvp WAS in eqnext that would probably help us answer these round table polls. If it limited to some BG's I don't see why they couldn't give full customization in the game and then plop you in some generic class specific armor in the Battle grounds like TSW does.
edit: I really liked the last bit about the npc being recognizable with player knowledge,
in a world with random things, you would not be able to wiki every hard npc you run across but maybe if you learned to play you could have a good idea by looking at its stance and armor and weapons what type of skills might be brought against you. This is a type of progression as well, personal progression...which I think is more important than going from a 6 slot to an 8 slot bag.
From SOELive it was stated by Jeff Butler (I think, not going to search for a link) that your class is defined by your weapon set and your chest item. Therefore I suspect caster classes will have a cloth look etc.
However, remember you can for example pick a heavy armor class, mix in abilities from the class(es) of your choice and then rename it whatever you want. Therefore I suspect a plate mage is viable.