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Why is the NDA not being lifted? People are having a hard time seeing what the games all about with limited videos. Not to mention im going out of my mind that I can't watch any while waiting for early release!!!
How exactly does that prevent players from uploading the first couple of hours of gameplay after release?
It doesn't but by that time anyone who was on the fence probably bought it. And the "reviews" of the tutorial wouldn't have affected their decision. That's what I think anyways I could be totally wrong, maybe they just forgot.
It doesn't but it's still some damage control.
You can talk about the game all you want, you just can't post video or audio. I think they even let you post screenshots all you want. It's a weird NDA.
Right, it's only a video/sound NDA. I referenced the tutorial directly in my review on these forums (which are not locked).
Text does the tutorial an even WORSE service because the game actually does look good. If the reasoning for the NDA is damage control, then there is an incompetent individual working on the marketing of this game.
Actually, no.
How bad would the impact had been to see a dozen streamers struggling with a variety of error messages and login messages during this last beta test... along with the inevitable shit talking of the streamer themselves that would go along with it.
On top of that, the early levels and tutorials are brain drudgingly boring. The early level combat is painfully slow and repetitive, especially on a class like Conjurer; and especially from the perspective of an observer....and you end up showcasing how the game has almost no voice-over work for quests, which has become fairly standard fair over the last few years and can be rather jaring.
The game is quite pretty, but they definitely did well by themselves to keep the NDA in place.
Nobody knows for sure that the game ever changes. Nobody will know til they play those levels. You have no way of knowning, even if you played in previous betas, that everything hasn't changed completely.
On one hand it's kind of weak to surpress info when you would think the hype would just grow. I might think the game is amazingly dumbed down, simplistic, and way too solo ez-mode, that 20/50 levels of tutorial is excessive by 15 or more levels, and that SQEN thinks the average player is dumber than pond scum. But some people just can't wait to faceroll to 50 with zero effort and as usual are hailing the latest MMORPG as the second coming.
On the other hand, there's nothing worse than wannabe youtube stars making horrible videos and mutilating speech and language attempting to share their primitive thoughts. The web is being spared for a while. The web will endure plenty of "let's play FF XIV with incoherent babbler #98" soon enough.
This game is about hope. I hope that after 20/50 levels of game designed for infants deprived of technology that the game gets at least harder enough for grade schoolers deprived of technology and hope that maybe by 50 there's a shred of challenge and that there actually is an endgame that somehow isn't full of bugs and expoits since it's yet to be seen by players who are 1000x more devious than any internal tester could ever hope to be.
Premium MMORPGs do not feature built-in cheating via cash for gold pay 2 win. PLAY to win or don't play.
No such thing as an NDA for this game anymore, it launches saturday morning
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.