Do my eye's deceive me or does this look like an actually mildly challenging fight. Roots and a big AoE cone move that sends you plummeting to a horrible death of melted face.
I think a lot of the people that only got to play in phase 4 will be surprised at the difficulty of dungeons in the upper levels. I'm not saying they are going to be insanely hard but not like they were. Mainly, you will need strategy and you will need communication or you will fail.
Phase 4 only had the 4 easiest dungeons and they actually made them easier then they were in phase 3 and hopefully they increase it at launch too. In phase 3 satasha had a lvl cap of 15 not 18 and the trick to the boss wasn't known and it was the easiest then too. As you progress the dungeons will get harder and harder.
Don't assume that you'll have no issues with dungeons even in the mid 30s well before lvl cap.
From what they've put out about the game I've always understood as pre lvl 50 dungeons as merely leveling tools, the challenge will be with the hard mode dungeons and raids. I hope that's the case, I want to see FFXI difficult dungeons.
I think a lot of the people that only got to play in phase 4 will be surprised at the difficulty of dungeons in the upper levels. I'm not saying they are going to be insanely hard but not like they were. Mainly, you will need strategy and you will need communication or you will fail.
Phase 4 only had the 4 easiest dungeons and they actually made them easier then they were in phase 3 and hopefully they increase it at launch too. In phase 3 satasha had a lvl cap of 15 not 18 and the trick to the boss wasn't known and it was the easiest then too. As you progress the dungeons will get harder and harder.
Don't assume that you'll have no issues with dungeons even in the mid 30s well before lvl cap.