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So I'm at level 16, ended up in Aleport and I didn't get too much time to play in the open beta and I just kind of stumbled through it trying to do a bit of everything. I've asked on here what's the fastest way to exp (even though I should stop and smell the roses), and I've read and come to the conclusion is grouping on fates and group grinding in the meantime. Would grinding a dungeon work too?
I really wanna limit the solo questing I was doing, so I need to find a guild or good group quick.
Whats the best channel to ask for guild?
Whats the best way to ask for group? (I remember there being a LFG menu I think?) (in the 1 day or so I played the open beta I was inundated with info so I might have read through the LFG menu tutorial and forgotten it exists, that and I'm old so I might have forgotten due to old age.)
I know the tried and true method of getting a guild is grouping with someone, then asking them personally about their guild and if you can join them. But I'm just gonna spam for one instead that way I can jump right in.
If that doesn't work I gotta rely on getting in a good group or dungeon grind group. In the olden days we just stood outside of the dungeon and asked people running to and from. I'm guessing there is a better way to join a grind group or dungeon group as opposed to clicking people by sight? Whats the hotkey to bring up this newfangled group finder menu? is it for dungeons too?
Best regards,
You could always check on forums for guild recruiting messages/threads. There tend to be a few for each game on the variety of websites online. Try SE's official ones if it helps.
The group finder is called the Duty Finder, and you use it for dungeon raid planning mainly. Make a team or go solo for whatever roles you have, and the finder will fill in the rest. Get to a dungeon and it should unlock that dungeon in your duty finder. I forget the hotkey, but it's one of the buttons on your lower right menu (or blue menu if using gamepad).
It would also help to know what server you're on.
As far as XP, there's plenty of ways to do it. Most are going to do quests/dungeons for the storyline, but you can also do levemetes/guildhests to run up XP. Fates are good too, but most use them as "hey why not, I'm in the area" type of XP gains, rather than actively hunting them down. Fastest way to level is, of course, to do it all. Run the quests/dungeons, do leve/guildhests while you're waiting for the Duty Finder, or find fates while questing or travelling to/from your leve/hests.
...sorry if that came off a bit confusing. But, just keep at it and do it all, you'll get XP and to smell the roses along the way.