So i am completly torn between the 2 classes. Really liking the archer so far but i dont want to take a big hit in my dps once im a bard, although i dont mind playing dps/support but if i cant solo mobs on my own as fast as a dragoon. any input would be helpful ty
I think its more accurate to say bard is dps/support. Word is they replaced cnj offclass with pug.
Bard IS archer with 1/2 the cross class skills and with some buffs and bard-like stuff instead. Jobs basically give you 5 role specific abilities (somewhat unique to that job) and cut the cross class skills in half. They don't diminish the original class.
I would agree that bard is dps/support. You could say lancer/dragoon is too since lancer has some debuffs that the dragoon would inherit. Bard gets FIVE whole abilities by 50 to distinguish it from archer so it's not like playing a job vs playing a class completely changes the class, it just gives you more some set abilities for a particular role.
The other point is that jobs tie into the base class such that leveling either one levels both. Once you have bard unlocked it'll always be the same level as archer. Level as bard, archer goes up too. It's an interesting system especially when you can have ALL classes.
I unlocked all classes of all types in OB and already had some good stuff to mix around via cross class skills.
As such you could always do both. I intend to eventually have all classes at 50 and every job unlocked. I usually make alts and level every class type and craft to max so it'll only be different in that it'll be rolled up into one instead of many.
Lastly, I didn't get all classes to any significant level but in the earliest levels it felt like the lancer hit noticeably harder than anything else. I enjoyed archer more due to ranged and being able to move while "casting" abilities.
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Where did that rumour come from seems one person said it and more people keep spreading it I haven't seen any official statments saying this. It makes absolutely no sense for a Bard, an Archer with Group Buffing abilities, to require a close range melee DPS as the secondary.
I'll say that I'm looking for clarity in the system because most early documentation for it shows you being limited in cross class skills to the primary and secondary but doesn't show any need to level the secondary. A lot of the secondaries reported thus far seem a little arbitrary.
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