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We all know there is a bug that is affecting people logging in but while this sucks it is not really anything that is going to be a long term issue. This will be fixed and then we all will have an amazing game! It's not like many games out there that have horrible flaws in the actual game like GW2 (no trinity = no community) or The Secret World were the characters all look like Apes and have the worst animations possible. I have nearly played every major MMO since Ultima Online and this game is nearly complete in every aspect. Crafting is solid, housing, trinity, amazing spell and fighting animations, cutscenes, great story, amazing music, stunning world, mounts, HUGE bag space, dynamic fates (they get better..I am 24 and can see them getting harder with new dynamics) and a lot of dungeons.
This is by far not the worst launch ever. Square has kept us in the loop via the forums, twitter, game launcher, and in game messages EVERYTIME they are bringing down the server. They have only brought them down for 2-3 hours at a time and THEY have actually brought them up EARLIER then they projected the downtime (45 minutes early once). We still have early access, which means even if we only get to level 10 (I'm 24) then we have an advantage over the people on launch day. I've been in games where the servers drop and it takes 24 hours to fix and they don't even take the time to update us. What they did to this game in the past two years seems amazing. Up until 2 weeks ago I had no clue about this game because 1.0 was do bad that I never even thought twice about it.
I know people need to jump on the forums and vent because they can't play but if you look at the big picture on how well polished the actually game is and realize that once this bug gets fixed that you get to have an amazing world to play in everyday. If you want this game to succeed in anyway, then coming on here and announcing that square is horrible, worst launch every, I want my money back, blah blah blah....then that is one less person who reads that crap who might decide to not give it a shot.
When you take a car to the repair man and they say it will be ready by 3 p.m. and when you show up to pick up your car they tell you it will take another day due to something they didn't expect, you don't go ranting on their forums do you? You realize that stuff happens sometimes and you just adjust. When you pick up your car the next day you never even think about the situation again. Once the bug us fixed, none of us will remember or even car about a few hours of downtime.
I for one think the actually game is GREAT. The combat is a little slow but Materia closer to endgame drops the global cooldown to near 1 second, which changes the dynamics of the fight a lot. There are so many ways to level in this game that no experience will be the same and you can change your class whenever you feel like it. Take a deep breath and please look at the big picture, not the one bug (log in issue) that is affecting us. They fixed the group finder bug last night so we don't have to worry about that anymore.
I would be more worried if they kept the servers up and never fixed anything, then you know they don't care. The fact they are trying to fix it shows me they actually care. No launch is every smooth and FFXIV is no exception but at least the game is great. You can't fix ugly and there are many ugly games out there.
Yes, look at the BIG picture.
You lead an utterly meaningless life in an inhospitable cosmos into which you were thrown at birth and will be thrown out of again, seemingly without rhyme or reason, completely alone each time. This is just one more moment in the continuous stream of such moments characterized by sheer banality and existential ennui that make up what you call your 'life'.
This may apply to many, but not to me. I know that I made a difference in many peoples lives.
USMC (Retired)
Seattle Police Department (Still serving)
Not to belittle your service, but I suspect it takes more than even a lifetime of 'making a difference in people's lives' to solve problems inherent to the human condition. What have you done to give those people's lives new and fruitful meaning/direction?
Dunno about you but I pre ordered - ie PAID - with the understanding that I'd be playing now. If you're playing you've been charged, eh?
Making excuses for professionals that should know better is way too fanboy for me. But there are always fanboys, aren't there?
Their open beta was a joke (since it wasn't really open, they limited then shut off access to keep it small and not representative of anything resembling launch rush) and wasn't even much of a demo (since many in it were already testers and had already seen the game a bunch).
They didn't let people register til the last moment and even that was a fiasco.
Now the launch is rough. Shocker.
I don't buy into the "it's EA not release" - that's BS. How many people are actually waiting for release? 10? If you're going to pay to play, you did EA. MMORPG players aren't a patient lot. Give them a chance to play earlier and they'll be on it. I think I've seen one person post here that they had to wait for release - due to obligations not desire.
Plus it's not like their mickey mouse architecture is going to handle MORE load gracefully in a couple of days if significantly more players do join at launch. It's not like they're holding back saying screw EA players and we'll flip a switch and make it all better on the 27th.
As a seasoned MMORPG player I expect some degree of roughness in a launch but most companies do a bit better of a job of stress testing and using open betas to gage player interest and solve problems. It's like SQEN is so full of themselves that they couldn't be bothered or they're just that incompetent. Plus, a few hiccups are one thing. The game being down as much as up within the first 2 days and barely playable due to duty finder carnage for anybody who didn't get 10 in OB is a bit beyond that.
No doubt some are going over the top in expressing themselves over this but I'd say they have the right to do that as paying customers. Blind fanboy support of a company that's screwing up...not so justified.
Premium MMORPGs do not feature built-in cheating via cash for gold pay 2 win. PLAY to win or don't play.
I’ve helped children abandoned find loving families, farmers who have grown nothing but opium their entire lives while there children died from exposure because it’s the only way to earn money, change to a different produce that helps feed their family safely. I’ve rescued babies from meth addicts who would sell them for another hit. Walked in on a guy before who had his two month old baby girl sucking on his **** because he was so horny from the side effects of meth, that’s right two months old. She now has an amazing family who loves her. I helped save an Afghan child who was bitten in the face by a snake. I spent 32 hours trying to find some anti-venom for the child and was finally able to. We had to fly it in from the other side of the country. When you have a near lifeless child in your hands no matter if his father just shot your friends a few day's earlier, you can't give up on trying to make a difference. Maybe he grows up to be a terrorist or maybe he grows up to lead his country in a new direction, to me I don't really care because I go to bed knowing I did the right thing.
I also read to my son every night before he goes to bed because I love the little guy. I would be happy if everyone just did something as simple as read to their children at night. It doesn’t take much to make a difference in someone’s life. Everyone should try it sometime.
A better analogy than your garage one is this. You buy a ticket to see your favourite boy band, one direction. The band are great the best ever. You turn up to the gig with the other million people that pre-ordered tickets and discover that the promoter has hired a venue that seats 50,000 not only that rather than operating a queuing system they pick people randomly out of the chaos to be allowed in.
I was 83 in queue just then to be told the server was full when I got to the front of the queue. Classy.
The infrastructure is part of the game, it's the backbone to everything. People should be bitching to high heaven about the problems because we see it over and over where devs think this is okay. It's not okay, if I bought a new car and it didn't work for the first two days I'd be pissed. Taking your car to a mechanic, sure you'd have an expectation that it might take longer to fix or something but a brand new car? No, it's expected to work.
SE knew how many preorders they had so there's no excuse really. This is their second launching of FFXIV - the infrastructure should be rock solid at this point. People need to make as much noise as possible and make sure SE and every other dev out there looking to release an MMO understand that early access isn't beta, people who preorder expect a working game. Everyone is willing to overlook minor issues at launch, but major issues preventing people from being able to play for close to two days is unacceptable and I hope people make as big a stink as possible about it.
I have a lot of patience with MMO launches - been through so many. After 10+ years, how come NO ONE can figure out a way to fix these launches?
That's the thing, though, isn't it? beta 3 AND 4 both had these issues. They just never fixed them.
Much like how we've now had 5 surprise maintenances to deal with the exact same issue. Maybe the 6th(?) time's a charm?
I applaud your attitude and salute your deeds.
Still, I wonder if the roots of the problem whose symptoms you've spent much of your life so far helping to treat will not continue to fester in the future if not remedied at the source. Surely those misguided people you had to confront did not reach those lows at which you found them for no reason, or because they were innately evil, or some such.
I tend to think careful reflection on that question, with view to a productive answer that will guide one's future efforts, is necessary - a step further than acting out general good deeds...
But I'll leave it at that for now (after all servers will be back up soon). Have a good day, sir.
Shhhhh!!!! You'll jinx it!
i remember only 1 mmo with smooth start without any issues - Rift. Who was there will agree.
We can argue for a long time but the truth is launch is far from perfect and YES they could do better. just dont tried hard enough.
Don't wanna jinx you or anything but if your experience is the same as mine (and a few other posters) you will get to the front only to be told that the server is full true story.
Indeed, that was probably one of the best launches in mmo history imo.
(The hacking issues after that did taint things, but the launch itself was gold.)