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Launch day is the 27th, not now.
You did not purchase Early Access, you were given it for free, and an incentive to purchase maybe, but that is not what you purchased.
You purchased the full game, getting what players who purchase after launch will get, for the same price.
But for paying earlier Square Enix gave you Early Access for free, as a gift.
Judging the game on this gift, even if its a really crap gift, and whining about wanting your money back is pathetic. (Unless of course you actually just dislike the game in general, then by all means complain.)
Yes, Square Enix messed up with their gift to you, but ah well, deal with it.
Wait until launch day (27th) if you're still not happy then, get your refund.
Patience is a virtue, one most MMO players don't seem to have, like children. I'm sure instead of complaining there is something else you could be doing?
Yet, the pre-order still costs the same as it would if someone purchased the game after launch.
Therefore the incentives for pre-ordering are free gifts.
Thank you for making my point even more clear.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Erm, no, sorry. Early access is included in the preorder price. If it was a 'gift', it would be provided for the people that did not preorder. Is it a gift in exchange for SE getting to hold my money for months without providing me any service? That's what I'd call paying...
Anyway, it's fair to expect some kind of compensation for this - maybe a little extra free playtime. SE needs the good PR anyway.
If the OP enjoyed getting bent over the table as a consumer, who am I to judge.
But when a Company says if you purchase this, you get that....then you are entitled to whatever THAT was. They are in the right to be pissed and who are you to tell them they should shut up and take it.
Yes, launches can be rough....but when your open beta phase is only a few can you NOT expect things like this to happen?
SE has always, ALWAYS sucked when it comes to the logistics side of things...I just can't understand why they don't just bite the bullet and pay the right people to make this part of the process not suck.
Just look at Playonline....nuff said.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Ah bullshit. If you're going to offer early access as a part of the pre-order it's not a gift. It's part of the reason people pre-ordered. It's not like people bought the game early and were told after the fact, thanks for pre-ordering for your valued support we give you three days of early access. That would be a gift. In this instance, the early access was part of the purchase agreement when buying the game, and part of the purchasing decision.
People are dealing with it, by voicing their feelings and opinions about not being able to access the game they bought and paid for on internet forums.
Well, I do find it concerning that things are handled the way they are.
I have nothing else to go on but the early access - and if this is the level of service I am going to get when playing the game in the future - I must say I have lost interest. Early Access should not be worse then most open beta's I have tested - and right now I feel more like I doing a really bad stress test - then trying to play a finished product during early access.
I have already written my ticket for a refund (I did not find the game exciting enough to accept this level of incompetence) - ill join the long line of people who are waiting for the game to go on sale... might be an enjoyable product by then.
This is my opinion and FF:ARB failed to impress - partly due to an extremely poor launch (experience have taught me that the launch of an MMO says a lot about the future of the game).
Launch day is a formality.
For all intents and purposes, launch was the 24th. That's when the most players hit. Launch will add some but will be nothing like the 24th and the real launch.
Make excuses, play semantics - it's all BS. The game should've been fully ready to go on the 24th. Early access is early access, not a warm up for them to figure out how to get their game running.
MMORPGs have been around for a while. Learning from mistakes (of others) is good. Repeating mistakes is not good. This company isn't rookie, they've made MMORPGs before. Overall, they should know better and be better prepared.
They also don't need you to make excuses for them, they're doing enough of that themselves.
Premium MMORPGs do not feature built-in cheating via cash for gold pay 2 win. PLAY to win or don't play.
I agree. They can call it what ever they want - does not change the fact that they are obviously incompetent and ill prepared. I did not expect a perfect launch, but this is one of the worst launches I have seen in an modern MMO - and does not bode well for the future.
This. It is all marketing spin.
Marketing spin by white knights none the less. Even less credible.
Horrid launch is horrid. It's going to get even better on Tuesday.
Yeah, those frequent crashes and severe loot lag issues sure doomed WoW...
and before someone says blah blah blah 2004 there hasnt been a truly successful game since then (besides LOTRO maybe), good launch or bad. Some games have done ok, some have done poorly. but none have been truly successful.
The important question to ask is if the issues are game play related (like VG and SWTOR's ability lag) or congestion related (like WoW). Congestion related issues tend to be short term.
So many people act as if they've never played an mmorpg on "early access" day, I'm sure these are the same people who complained during the beta as well.
This hasn't been an amazing first 24 hours, but it hasn't been terrible either, it has been pretty common. If you don't want to deal with this stuff, make your character, log off, and then wait until the 30th or so to log in to play.
Killing dragons is my shit
I'm guessing the concept of payment & ownership is completely foreign to you.
Buying something (i.e. a Pre-Order) automatically makes it NOT free. In additionally, something you pay for is NOT a gift. It's a purchase.
I recently bought a car. There were a number of cars on the lot for around the same price. Many of them had 'bonus features' as added incentives to buying each car, however the prices were more or less the same. Does this mean that these 'bonus features' are now just gifts, that if the 'bonus' stereo in my car didn't work, I wouldn't have a right to get them to fix it, replace it, or refund the vehicle? No, it doesn't. Maybe you're in a part of the world without such laws, but to the rest of us (those of us living in NA, EU, or Japan) that is how the law works. You buy something, you are entitled to the agreed upon purchase.
To the OP.
Most people are worried about the server issues and the numerous errors we are getting.
They already tried to fix those issues during the last 30 hours with no success.That's what worries everyone. They did 3 maintenances so far and got none of the issues fixed.Not to mention their horrid preorder/early access code mess.
Cut it with the ''gift'' and ''early access is final beta'' stuff. It is a matter of marketing and it relates to business ethics since nowadays mmo's make launch straight from beta, let alone early access. Early access is the new launch now, with the amount of players entering the game through early access.
Meanwhile, launches gotten smoother throughout the years and players get less patient. Considering the last 5-6 launches I've been in, other than Aion's terrible queues, this has not been a great one but not the worst one either. With that being said, the problems are not terrible, nor shocking. Except for the server side issues, the game is pretty much bug free from what I've seen. This game also had a fairly successful beta and everything that have been promised made it in. First one sucked, but this one does not. First one had terrible beta reviews while this one had good ones. Be the judge, you did not had to play the first one. You were just craving for a new mmorpg where you could suck the content out in a month.
People you are putting the blame on are trying to fix the issues that have been causing these problems. So, they are neither stupid like NCsoft was with aion or frauds like funcom was with Age of Conan. Just chill and accept this was not the greatest launch but was not the worst either. There is no point in defending square enix or crying for refund. Both are premature and unfair assesments driven by your addiction to get stuff the way you want. Some people wants to make it better then it is and others are just impatient little kids.
Being worried or frustrated is one thing, being angry is another. Ive even seen a thread about getting refunds.
Making a judgment on an issue like this based on less than two days is absurd. people need to understand the complexity of these issues and the fact that there often isnt an easy fix.
@OP: the one thing you have to keep clear is that SE are intentionally not offereing queing systems. That is simply bad HR. They invited alot of people to their professional pre-launch, and then drop the ball when the fire breaks out.
I think most of us can accept that problems will occour, and we all know that it's kinda really good news for SE that so many people are intersted in their game. It is a total lack of respect the other way around - for their paying customers (we didnt get to enter the game freely, we had to pay) - not offering a very basic organization of the masses of people trying to get into their game.