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Every launch is like this on MMORPG

cnutempcnutemp Member UncommonPosts: 230
  1. Game launches
  2. Not enough servers / game bugs
  3. FORUM OUTRAGE! Que melodrama
  4. Thread title get more ridiculous as days go by (Day1: Worst game ever! Day2: Company is doing something illegal. Day3 should be arrested for crimes against humanity
  5. everything fixed in a week or two
  6. Forums go back to normal
Anyone else see this repetitive cycle? Not sure why MMORPG always stirs itself up into this whirlwind over launch woes.


  • RaxeonRaxeon Member UncommonPosts: 2,288
    ussly theres thread as about endgame not beign there and the game sucks not about them wanting to play but cant
  • KnaveSkyeKnaveSkye Member UncommonPosts: 137
  • StrangerousStrangerous Member Posts: 165

    Yeah pretty much...followed by a few weeks or a couple months of quiet...followed by a massive rage induced tidal wave of people leaving...usually over mundane or arbitrary things.

    People spend a few months on a game, pay like $60-$75 for it...and rage like its the end of the world.

    Go over to steam and people are happy that a $60 game is longer than 8 hours.

    Its a cycle of stupid that I try to avoid.  I will say that the EA thing and early launch was incredibly bad...ive been though some bad launches....nothing is more infuriating than the silent treatment as they hold your EA code hostage while 90% of the community is stuck unable to play.


    Typically with launches they give you the game for your purchase, let you download...and then a lot of people get into queues and there are server crashes often.  This game decided to keep most off the servers to prevent crashes...which sounds smart only that a majority of the community got shafted (considering crashes often flush servers of RMT bots and afkers allowing more people to actually get on)

    I think they should have let the server go full tilt and let them crash every so often due to load.  More people would have gotten more time to play, and it really would have been just like every other launch...what they did was stupid in hindsight, and the fact that they were silent for what seems like a week + didn't help...

    They are VERY lucky the game itself is polished...I think it more polished than Rift was at launch (and they did the whole server crash thing at their launch, and it was considered a perfect launch by many)

    Bottom line, they need to stop with the hard cut on people queuing for their servers...not sure if that's a bug or not...that's step one.  Step two is to let more people play, crashes be damned... Its going to take them at least a week to get more servers online so you might as well let people play a few hours before servers crash kicking the spammer bots and hordes of afkers out.

    Whoever decided that EU needed only 5 servers should have his head examined.

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