Every release has these issues. You are incredibly nieve to believe that this game is a polished package ready for general release. These ppl have invested years in developement and have all the elements in place. It just needs some polishing up and stress testing. That is where it is and nothing more. You are helping these ppl acheive the vision they started out with a couple of years ago so do your part and contribute to the process. Dont whine that it is not up to WoW standards. You are fools if you do. Withhold your sarcasm and negativity until the official release.
This game doesn't look like 4 years of development, it doesn't look like a "lower content version" of the real beta. It looks like a starting point LEADING to 4 years of development. NP3 really hasn't shown that they are capable of making a 3rd generation MMORPG, which is what they'll need to go to compete with Vanguard, DDO, WoW and the other MMORPGS out there.
Graphics aren't to terrible, but four months left means they should mostly be in the final stages of development. Look at beta pictures from DDO. The final product won't change much from what you see, and that's got nice textures. Vanguard, months and months away and it's already an absolutely beautiful game with solid gameplay, in beta 1 of 4+! People keep comparing this to WoW beta, but what they are comparing is SERVER LAG AND STABILITY of WoW's beta to the ENTIRE GAME of SoG. WoW was a pain to play because things took forever, but it was a polished and nearly complete game. SoG, and therefore probably DnL beta isn't polished and isn't close to complete. No vendors!? C'mon!
The server infrastructure clearly isn't enough to handle things. The server reboot process takes too long (1 hour? no game should take that long to restart, 30 minutes maybe). Even assuming that things are in "rough form" there's just way too many little, and big, things wrong that I really doubt will be fixed in 4 months.
The absolute worst part of the game however has to be AD. They simply provide NO customer service, which is, as far as I can tell, supposed to be their job. They shut down their website, that can't even handle the traffic they are getting, the have limited at best contact with the developers and server team, they ignore for hours problems. They had *NO* staff accessable during the lauch, till hours later. Most of their "employess" sound like college aged kids volunteering from home. Some choice quotes from AD members , during a major outage: "Well, I gotta do to work now, good luck all", during server downtime: "Good night all, I'll try to be on tomorrow" and during general chat when asked about the work AD was doing, "I can't answer that, I wouldn't shoot myself in the foot like that", about a free account for working for AD: "Well, I'm supposedly a GM for DnL, so I sure hope so!" AD has *no* organization, *no* experience and *no* ability to provide enterprise level support, which is exactly what a MMORPG requires. It's downright shameful.
Originally posted by MrBW B E T A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every release has these issues. You are incredibly nieve to believe that this game is a polished package ready for general release. These ppl have invested years in developement and have all the elements in place. It just needs some polishing up and stress testing. That is where it is and nothing more. You are helping these ppl acheive the vision they started out with a couple of years ago so do your part and contribute to the process. Dont whine that it is not up to WoW standards. You are fools if you do. Withhold your sarcasm and negativity until the official release.
Actually SOG is NOT beta.
I am not sure if anyone here is complaining about the DnL Beta.. cause that is on totally different servers and requires a TOTALLY different client.
We are talking about SOG.. a MINIGAME that is to build the prehistory of the world.
This isn't supposed to be beta at all.. just so you know
Originally posted by MrBW Dont whine that it is not up to WoW standards. You are fools if you do.
Ofcourse people compare it to Wow. Why shouldn't they. 2 games in the same genre should be compareable. I don't really understand what's up with people that are fans of small developers and their games. It's 4 months to release the games runs like shit and feels like shit. People point that out and then you come with your only argument. IT'S BETA!!!!!! You don't make a new game in 4 months, you just can't do that, specially not a tiny development team located on a small island somewhere east of Madagascar. The other upcoming games in this genre show extreme polish compared to SoG, they are in beta too. A game that has been developed for 4-5 years (even if it's a small development team) should be able to do better than what Farlan/npcube have pulled of so far.
The logic behind the "It's beta" defence, the "small" game fanboys are using is flawed. It's as flawed as the small developers themself. For some weird reason you never hear the slogans and promises for games from the big guys in the industry (The 100 million $ budgets ones), but [Insert 5 person development team, on a 3 year old Somalians bank account as budget] shout out GIANT promises. We are going to make the biggest, the best, not only one, but 6 of the biggest, best, most epic, true pvp, giant world, 300k per server and so on. <- These promises are coming from [Insert 5 person development team, on a 3 year old Somalians bank account as budget] and not (The 100 million $ budgets ones). Something doesn't add up there.
Originally posted by Pulsar7 Well, for starters, I'm no fanboy type of guy or a troll...just an ordinary gamer who is usually indifferent to all the politics/flaming, but I have to say... This SoG thing is the shittiest abomination on the mmorpg scene i have seen in a while. I got a free settler account and am yet to be able to login. Getting the same crap everyone else is. Been following the DnL development for several months now and greadually things just started to not add up. Lack of info, promises promises everywhere but ultimately it turned out to be lies or just plain BS, etc... My god, these Farlan guys are a disgrace to game developers. I have not seen such a disjointed incompetant display as this. Maybe there has been worse but I haven't seen it. Back to EQII and Guild Wars for me.... God help those that paid $60 for this. I'd be spewing right now if I had...
Right! All that, except add two years to the time I've been following the game. I just didn't see things for what they really are until after I spent $60 for a Pioneer key. I am such an ass. I am sticking with SOE and Turbine. They never let me down (I never played AC2, so I can't hate them for that). I'll watch Icarus, a small cmopany making Fallen Earth and follow their game development, but no way am I giving a cent until I see the final product. Not anymore. Thanks for DnL I've opened my eyes a bit more to all this.
Quote: Actually after consideration I would like to take back every bad statement I've made about SoE in the past.... this game makes them look like GODS....
No, actualy after all I have seen in SWG since launch, and specialy this last year, this is why i'm not even angry at this team, i can't login, but this isn't even 000,1% of the crap i had to endure on that game has a MCH, so i only sigh at the "server is down" screen.
I'll save the flames, but be sure i have plenty about SOE. I wont play any of their games ever again, the same way i run from Disney/Pixar ones like the Devil from a Cross. LOL.
Originally posted by iamct2327 I am going to play WOW, way better than this crap. Give me a break after all of this crap cannot login to the damn game. Stay away from small devs like this, I am sticking to the big boys for now. Well its off the a Galaxy far far away, at least their game works. This is a joke, unexperienced game devs, IT guys working for NP cube and Farlan. These guys are not going to make a dime on this game, its probably going to get shutdown before release since they have no clue what they are doing. The devs should travel to America and go to Blizzards office and take a lesson on how to program an MMO from blizzards devs.
I have to disagree with you sir. I really enjoyed playing SoG yesterday, and the game looks great. I had alot of fun, and I am sure my buddies did to. WoW is an ok game, but DnL will be a great game.
I pre-ordered not one, but two copies of DnL. One for me and one for my husband. I was a little reluctant to do that because there's been so little detail released but I figured that the risk was probably worth the reward and the hubby agreed.
Now I'm starting to doubt our theory.
SoG is not officially a DnL beta, but in PRACTICE it is. And not just for the technical side. I didn't even try to log in when the servers first went up because I knew that the first day or two would be a mess. Launches always are. But the disappointing part of it is the way that Farlan and AD are responding to problems.
There has been very little information, hardly anything is being posted on the website, and the forums - my main source of information so far, thanks to fellow players, not the devs - are now offline.
So thus far, CS has been very poor.
Well, you say they're a small company and they just need some time. If they're so small and need so much time, then how are they going to have this game fully implemented and playable in the next four months then?
I wont be even trying to log into the game for at least another day. If I don't use my SoG account, I can still get my money back on the pre-order so I'll be waiting to see what everyone else says - if they can get in, how it plays, how it looks, what issues they're having - and i'll be watching to see how Farlan/AD respond.
If I don't like what I see and hear though, I'm outta here. There are too many fish in the sea to sit around and wait for a dog.
There is only so much BS/spin/excuses you can hand out before everyone gets the real picture.....I think many are starting to see the 'real picture' now
Farlan/AD are a joke...which is a shame, because as a keen gamer I was looking forward to this game being a success. Unfortunately I cannot see them pulling this thing off though. They can't even manage their own website nevermind an mmorpg to go with it.
Yeah I feel the same thing. Its like a big joke!!! but it doesnt mean Im going to play damm WoW or SWG. I think they are trying to have this game early so thats why there are alot of bugs and they make alot of problems too.
Originally posted by Pulsar7 There is only so much BS/spin/excuses you can hand out before everyone gets the real picture.....I think many are starting to see the 'real picture' now Farlan/AD are a joke...which is a shame, because as a keen gamer I was looking forward to this game being a success. Unfortunately I cannot see them pulling this thing off though. They can't even manage their own website nevermind an mmorpg to go with it.
Must admit i always had a bad gut feeling about the website,ive seen small guild site's done by a young member alot better than darkandlight.net
I wonder how many community representatives from SWG are making negative propaganda here atm just to see if they can save their jobs...all those that mention the game has an alternative do not belong to the exiles for sure, i can accept people sugesting any other game, but those from SWG that are here, are for a very good reason, and i don't honestly believe any would return unless there was a rollback. So go back to your moderation on your forums, and leave us alone. You wont get back subscribers to pos NGE here. Be gone
If you mean me, yes Master, it is, i was MCH/MBH/Ranger 3 tracking on my main (TAMER), and on my alt M/Riffleman/MCommando/Medic lower skills. Both chars are totaly broken. So no mater how much honey, extra slots, yadda, yadda, I wont be a tamer again there, nor is commando working has intended, nor did i like the alt, so closed it earlier this year. The NGE was my last drop, since i pre-ordered ToOW for the necklace and was planning to tame all those tamer friendly high level creatures. However i'm getting off the topic, so my apologies.
Also, I never intended to be a jedi, unlocked my force sensitive and was only grinding for extra weapon damage. "When i die the last of the Jedi will you be" (Yoda): this was the reason, it didn't match the way i see it, though i did understand why all people dreamed of becoming one.
This isn't the game yet, we were all warned the server had limited capacity, the graphics and character options aren't the ones DnL will have, this is just an entrance to the main dish, a gift to reward us for our dedication, according to the developer team post. Was the team behind Guild Wars known before it became one of the most sold games ever? Nope. Is this DnL going to rock? Who knows, we will have to wait to see. Am i giving up yet? I haven't given up SWG with all the bad moves for 3 years, so i certainly am not judging this game yet.
Nothing agains't you Heavy, but you are right, i sense some SOE moderators might be posting here.
I realy dont understand why ppl are being so harsh at this game.
First this game is on beta test its not the final product, if you beta tested other games you would know that such bugs and lag are usual in beta test or in stress tests.
Most of the lag and the performance problems is due to the huge amount of ppl in the same area. Ive experienced the same in WOW, server crashes are usual there when lots of ppl are in the same area or raiding. The same happened in EVE when some systems are crowded. And both on the final releases of those MMOs.
As in regard to the gfx complains i dont think that they are that bad, i agree they arent the best graphics around but i kinda like them and im sure that the models will be further improved cause, again, its BETA.
I can only ask everyone to be pacient and try to make constructive critics. No good will happen in saying that the game sucks or even hyping the game with 0.
Just give them time and if the game is as unstable as it is now when they release it then you can start with the flames. Again i remind you that this is a beta stress test, the pioneers payed for the pre order of the game, not for SOG.
The game has a great concept and im confident that they will release it in April.
Originally posted by Manmower November 21 2004..... throw $59,99 in the Blizzard pocket..... Try to log.... server too f**king busy... Try again.... same thing...try, try , try , try ,try..... Crap !!! then WOOOT !!!! Login in YA !!!! why i am not moving??? What the h**l is that sound, i am not even moving.... ooooo i moved and died.... Crash to desktop.... Login screen, WTF ???? ALL server are down !!!! Take those few lines than rince and repeat for at least 4 days.... Then too much servers not enought peoples.... And then come the truth, there is no soul in the game, it's a cooly interface, with cartoon graphic design to attract the 10-17 years old... That only know how to ninja loot around them and screw up all possibility in the community.... And Blizzard can teach something to someone ??? WoW was the same old MMORPG launch has any game. The only one that was not a terrible launch was DAOC. All except DAOC have crash their launching day, all of them. The main difference was WOW just crash it in a bigger way So plz, give the game a chance or just give away your account to someone who will be happy to play the free part. We will all be more happy if you just get the he*l out of here so we wont hear your whinning all day long. Take a long breath and with a quick stroke, remove the stick from your anus.... You should feel better after that ! Have a nice one buddy !
The funny thing is.. even with all of the SOE bashing, EQ2 ran very well on initial launch. I haven't had much issue with EQ2 at all for how long I played. Little blips here and there were about it. It worked on launch though. I know because I logged on and played on day one without a problem.
Originally posted by MrBW B E T A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every release has these issues. You are incredibly nieve to believe that this game is a polished package ready for general release. These ppl have invested years in developement and have all the elements in place. It just needs some polishing up and stress testing. That is where it is and nothing more. You are helping these ppl acheive the vision they started out with a couple of years ago so do your part and contribute to the process. Dont whine that it is not up to WoW standards. You are fools if you do. Withhold your sarcasm and negativity until the official release.
SoG is NOT a beta. It's a prequel that is supposed to be a complete and finish mini game based on the full DnL game and leading into the full storyline. Period. That's what they've said all along.
You guys can sugar coat this all you want but there are FAR too many A and B known issues (bugs) in this game to even be considered Beta! Pretend all you want that this is a free gift from the devs. and continue to whine, bitch, and complain. The sooner you realize this IS a Beta build and expect all this to happen the more enjoyable your time in game will be. Only then can you start to help these guys out by participating and making the game better.
Originally posted by Allerum Farlan is a SMALL COMPANY not A BIG ONE. that means IT TAKES LONGER TO DO EVERYTHING! BUT they end result is what THEY want not someguys in SUITS! Though it will take longer it will be better because they have their own vision and they will achieve it no matter how long it takes. Give it AT LEAST A WEEK! jeez its DAY 1-2. They got sog FROM the BETA so it still needs work. Also consider this 18K PEOPLE ARE TRYING 2 GET ON AT THE SAME TIME! ON THE SAME SERVER they said DNL WILL HAVE 100K CAPACITY NOT SOG! The reason for the server up arrow is because its up BUT NOT THE LOGIN SERVER. The login sever is whats down NOT the game. The game may support 18k BUT nobody said the limit of the Login sever.
When they ask me to pay 60 dollars for a preorder Im going to compare them to ALL MMOs.. In April If a miracle happens and the game goes retail... I WILL COMPARE THEM TO ALL MMOs.. Regardless of the size of the company they are trying to run against big dogs and they will be compared to big dogs...
The last 4 years of beta or shall I say Alpha has sucked, SoG sucks and I don't think the future looks very good for them.
Anyone that believes SoG isnt everything this team of morons has come up with so far, deserves to part with 60 bucks...
Originally posted by Crimedawg They have the right to call it anything they want. But obviously this product is far from even Beta if anyone has had a chance to sample it.
And you never paid to play SoG so end of that threat.
Crime, it wasnt a threat. Thus the"period" one word sentence. Without getting into semantics with you, please direct your "they can call it whatever they want" to the Consumer Rights and Protection Laws (easily found by a website search). Referring most adamantly to their posted statement of once you log into SOG, your refund is ineligible. Paid for DnL huh? Then I should be eligible for a refund up until the time I log into DnL, not SOG. Referring to their posted SOG is a full game, a prelude to DnL and not stating this is an open Beta, Alpha, whatevertheywanna call it is false pretenses and misleading to the public.
I am NOT stating I am asking for a refund. I am NOT telling ppl to get a refund. I am however miffed, just like alot of others out there, that we were LED TO BELIEVE that SOG is not a BETA. We were LED TO BELIEVE SOG is a full game , albeit a minigame, demotype if you will, of the saga of DnL.
Soooo, there are alternatives and safety harnesses to all those that have paid, yes. If the bad pr going on now gets too much, if they dont come thru, etc, etc. there are alternatives for those that wish it.
There is also the "sigh....okay, had faith enough to fork it over.....okay, its a BETA....okay I will put up with it and HOPE it gets better.........I will wait and see" alternative also.
I really do not understand why so many people think that saying this is a "free version", is any kind of defense for this game. We all know its free! But do you really think that suddenly on the launch day of DNL you will be playing an entirely different game??
What on earth would be the point of giving people a sample of a totally different game with different gfx, gameplay, models and handling to replace the entire thing come a few months from now.
It seems in my opinion that a lot of you defenders are just unwilling to accept that this game is a flop and you may not see that money you invested again.
By the way I have played the game and explored a lot of the SOG content.
I finally got in the game and I wasn't even a wee bit impressed. I know they say this isn't DnL, it's a DnL prelude... but it does represent DnL to some degree. It's DnL's graphics and gameplay... which isn't very good at the moment. The UI was pretty awful and very clumsy. That bit I'm sure they can sort out in a relatively short period of time. Chat was hard to see and I couldn't find a way to adjust anything. The graphics are really dated and the models are terribly constructed. I have a brand new GeForce 7800 GT and I cranked the setting up high and it still didn't look very nice. I understand that this is a bare bones version of DnL, but the bones they included are not pleasant to play.
I don't know if they'll release in April... I never know what these game companies are up to. Sometimes they launch their game in the most dreadful state. (AO ate my computer and spit the bits back at me ) I suppose they have pressure from publishers and share holders... whatever... none of that has anything to do with me. I'm just a regular punter looking for a good game to play.
I think my best bet is to wait until I can play the "real" DnL, either via beta test or when it's released. I probably wouldn't pay anything for it (I'm a SoG Freebie, I didn't pre-order) going by what I've seen, and I probably won't even fiddle with SoG again... it's really that bad... but I'll keep an eye out to see what happens in the future.
And before anyone bothers to ask me for my key... they didn't give me a key. You log in with your website info. Name and password, so no... you can't have them!
B E T A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every release has these issues. You are incredibly nieve to believe that this game is a polished package ready for general release. These ppl have invested years in developement and have all the elements in place. It just needs some polishing up and stress testing. That is where it is and nothing more. You are helping these ppl acheive the vision they started out with a couple of years ago so do your part and contribute to the process. Dont whine that it is not up to WoW standards. You are fools if you do. Withhold your sarcasm and negativity until the official release.
This game doesn't look like 4 years of development, it doesn't look like a "lower content version" of the real beta. It looks like a starting point LEADING to 4 years of development. NP3 really hasn't shown that they are capable of making a 3rd generation MMORPG, which is what they'll need to go to compete with Vanguard, DDO, WoW and the other MMORPGS out there.
Graphics aren't to terrible, but four months left means they should mostly be in the final stages of development. Look at beta pictures from DDO. The final product won't change much from what you see, and that's got nice textures. Vanguard, months and months away and it's already an absolutely beautiful game with solid gameplay, in beta 1 of 4+! People keep comparing this to WoW beta, but what they are comparing is SERVER LAG AND STABILITY of WoW's beta to the ENTIRE GAME of SoG. WoW was a pain to play because things took forever, but it was a polished and nearly complete game. SoG, and therefore probably DnL beta isn't polished and isn't close to complete. No vendors!? C'mon!
The server infrastructure clearly isn't enough to handle things. The server reboot process takes too long (1 hour? no game should take that long to restart, 30 minutes maybe). Even assuming that things are in "rough form" there's just way too many little, and big, things wrong that I really doubt will be fixed in 4 months.
The absolute worst part of the game however has to be AD. They simply provide NO customer service, which is, as far as I can tell, supposed to be their job. They shut down their website, that can't even handle the traffic they are getting, the have limited at best contact with the developers and server team, they ignore for hours problems. They had *NO* staff accessable during the lauch, till hours later. Most of their "employess" sound like college aged kids volunteering from home. Some choice quotes from AD members , during a major outage: "Well, I gotta do to work now, good luck all", during server downtime: "Good night all, I'll try to be on tomorrow" and during general chat when asked about the work AD was doing, "I can't answer that, I wouldn't shoot myself in the foot like that", about a free account for working for AD: "Well, I'm supposedly a GM for DnL, so I sure hope so!" AD has *no* organization, *no* experience and *no* ability to provide enterprise level support, which is exactly what a MMORPG requires. It's downright shameful.
Actually SOG is NOT beta.
I am not sure if anyone here is complaining about the DnL Beta.. cause that is on totally different servers and requires a TOTALLY different client.
We are talking about SOG.. a MINIGAME that is to build the prehistory of the world.
This isn't supposed to be beta at all.. just so you know
Ofcourse people compare it to Wow. Why shouldn't they. 2 games in the same genre should be compareable. I don't really understand what's up with people that are fans of small developers and their games. It's 4 months to release the games runs like shit and feels like shit. People point that out and then you come with your only argument. IT'S BETA!!!!!! You don't make a new game in 4 months, you just can't do that, specially not a tiny development team located on a small island somewhere east of Madagascar. The other upcoming games in this genre show extreme polish compared to SoG, they are in beta too. A game that has been developed for 4-5 years (even if it's a small development team) should be able to do better than what Farlan/npcube have pulled of so far.
The logic behind the "It's beta" defence, the "small" game fanboys are using is flawed. It's as flawed as the small developers themself. For some weird reason you never hear the slogans and promises for games from the big guys in the industry (The 100 million $ budgets ones), but [Insert 5 person development team, on a 3 year old Somalians bank account as budget] shout out GIANT promises. We are going to make the biggest, the best, not only one, but 6 of the biggest, best, most epic, true pvp, giant world, 300k per server and so on. <- These promises are coming from [Insert 5 person development team, on a 3 year old Somalians bank account as budget] and not (The 100 million $ budgets ones). Something doesn't add up there.
Quote: Actually after consideration I would like to take back every bad statement I've made about SoE in the past.... this game makes them look like GODS....
No, actualy after all I have seen in SWG since launch, and specialy this last year, this is why i'm not even angry at this team, i can't login, but this isn't even 000,1% of the crap i had to endure on that game has a MCH, so i only sigh at the "server is down" screen.
I'll save the flames, but be sure i have plenty about SOE. I wont play any of their games ever again, the same way i run from Disney/Pixar ones like the Devil from a Cross. LOL.
I pre-ordered not one, but two copies of DnL. One for me and one for my husband. I was a little reluctant to do that because there's been so little detail released but I figured that the risk was probably worth the reward and the hubby agreed.
Now I'm starting to doubt our theory.
SoG is not officially a DnL beta, but in PRACTICE it is. And not just for the technical side. I didn't even try to log in when the servers first went up because I knew that the first day or two would be a mess. Launches always are. But the disappointing part of it is the way that Farlan and AD are responding to problems.
There has been very little information, hardly anything is being posted on the website, and the forums - my main source of information so far, thanks to fellow players, not the devs - are now offline.
So thus far, CS has been very poor.
Well, you say they're a small company and they just need some time. If they're so small and need so much time, then how are they going to have this game fully implemented and playable in the next four months then?
I wont be even trying to log into the game for at least another day. If I don't use my SoG account, I can still get my money back on the pre-order so I'll be waiting to see what everyone else says - if they can get in, how it plays, how it looks, what issues they're having - and i'll be watching to see how Farlan/AD respond.
If I don't like what I see and hear though, I'm outta here. There are too many fish in the sea to sit around and wait for a dog.
There is only so much BS/spin/excuses you can hand out before everyone gets the real picture.....I think many are starting to see the 'real picture' now
Farlan/AD are a joke...which is a shame, because as a keen gamer I was looking forward to this game being a success. Unfortunately I cannot see them pulling this thing off though. They can't even manage their own website nevermind an mmorpg to go with it.
Yeah I feel the same thing. Its like a big joke!!! but it doesnt mean Im going to play damm WoW or SWG. I think they are trying to have this game early so thats why there are alot of bugs and they make alot of problems too.
The Negativity is strong in you, young padawan
Hi Heavy
If you mean me, yes Master, it is, i was MCH/MBH/Ranger 3 tracking on my main (TAMER), and on my alt M/Riffleman/MCommando/Medic lower skills. Both chars are totaly broken. So no mater how much honey, extra slots, yadda, yadda, I wont be a tamer again there, nor is commando working has intended, nor did i like the alt, so closed it earlier this year. The NGE was my last drop, since i pre-ordered ToOW for the necklace and was planning to tame all those tamer friendly high level creatures. However i'm getting off the topic, so my apologies.
Also, I never intended to be a jedi, unlocked my force sensitive and was only grinding for extra weapon damage. "When i die the last of the Jedi will you be" (Yoda): this was the reason, it didn't match the way i see it, though i did understand why all people dreamed of becoming one.
This isn't the game yet, we were all warned the server had limited capacity, the graphics and character options aren't the ones DnL will have, this is just an entrance to the main dish, a gift to reward us for our dedication, according to the developer team post. Was the team behind Guild Wars known before it became one of the most sold games ever? Nope. Is this DnL going to rock? Who knows, we will have to wait to see. Am i giving up yet? I haven't given up SWG with all the bad moves for 3 years, so i certainly am not judging this game yet.
Nothing agains't you Heavy, but you are right, i sense some SOE moderators might be posting here.
I realy dont understand why ppl are being so harsh at this game.
First this game is on beta test its not the final product, if you beta tested other games you would know that such bugs and lag are usual in beta test or in stress tests.
Most of the lag and the performance problems is due to the huge amount of ppl in the same area. Ive experienced the same in WOW, server crashes are usual there when lots of ppl are in the same area or raiding. The same happened in EVE when some systems are crowded. And both on the final releases of those MMOs.
As in regard to the gfx complains i dont think that they are that bad, i agree they arent the best graphics around but i kinda like them and im sure that the models will be further improved cause, again, its BETA.
I can only ask everyone to be pacient and try to make constructive critics. No good will happen in saying that the game sucks or even hyping the game with 0.
Just give them time and if the game is as unstable as it is now when they release it then you can start with the flames. Again i remind you that this is a beta stress test, the pioneers payed for the pre order of the game, not for SOG.
The game has a great concept and im confident that they will release it in April.
My regards, Carnago
The funny thing is.. even with all of the SOE bashing, EQ2 ran very well on initial launch. I haven't had much issue with EQ2 at all for how long I played. Little blips here and there were about it. It worked on launch though. I know because I logged on and played on day one without a problem.
SoG is NOT a beta. It's a prequel that is supposed to be a complete and finish mini game based on the full DnL game and leading into the full storyline. Period. That's what they've said all along.
You guys can sugar coat this all you want but there are FAR too many A and B known issues (bugs) in this game to even be considered Beta! Pretend all you want that this is a free gift from the devs. and continue to whine, bitch, and complain. The sooner you realize this IS a Beta build and expect all this to happen the more enjoyable your time in game will be. Only then can you start to help these guys out by participating and making the game better.
Sirandar - Scout / Daoc- Lancelot (R.I.P - deleted)
MajikPanda - Archer /AC- Leafcull
CrimeDawg, Ghostnight, Ghostwind - Daoc/Lancelot (Midgard)
CrimeDawg - Hunter /WoW -Malygos
Annnnd maybe, since it DOES state , in writing, that is NOT a Beta; a "gift" to their fans, then guess what?
They duped the public. False pretenses. Grounds for alllll 8881 pioneers to request and receive their money back. Period.
They have the right to call it anything they want. But obviously this product is far from even Beta if anyone has had a chance to sample it.
And you never paid to play SoG so end of that threat.
Sirandar - Scout / Daoc- Lancelot (R.I.P - deleted)
MajikPanda - Archer /AC- Leafcull
CrimeDawg, Ghostnight, Ghostwind - Daoc/Lancelot (Midgard)
CrimeDawg - Hunter /WoW -Malygos
When they ask me to pay 60 dollars for a preorder Im going to compare them to ALL MMOs.. In April If a miracle happens and the game goes retail... I WILL COMPARE THEM TO ALL MMOs.. Regardless of the size of the company they are trying to run against big dogs and they will be compared to big dogs...
The last 4 years of beta or shall I say Alpha has sucked, SoG sucks and I don't think the future looks very good for them.
Anyone that believes SoG isnt everything this team of morons has come up with so far, deserves to part with 60 bucks...
And you never paid to play SoG so end of that threat.
Crime, it wasnt a threat. Thus the"period" one word sentence. Without getting into semantics with you, please direct your "they can call it whatever they want" to the Consumer Rights and Protection Laws (easily found by a website search). Referring most adamantly to their posted statement of once you log into SOG, your refund is ineligible. Paid for DnL huh? Then I should be eligible for a refund up until the time I log into DnL, not SOG. Referring to their posted SOG is a full game, a prelude to DnL and not stating this is an open Beta, Alpha, whatevertheywanna call it is false pretenses and misleading to the public.
I am NOT stating I am asking for a refund. I am NOT telling ppl to get a refund. I am however miffed, just like alot of others out there, that we were LED TO BELIEVE that SOG is not a BETA. We were LED TO BELIEVE SOG is a full game , albeit a minigame, demotype if you will, of the saga of DnL.
Soooo, there are alternatives and safety harnesses to all those that have paid, yes. If the bad pr going on now gets too much, if they dont come thru, etc, etc. there are alternatives for those that wish it.
There is also the "sigh....okay, had faith enough to fork it over.....okay, its a BETA....okay I will put up with it and HOPE it gets better.........I will wait and see" alternative also.
To each his own.
It will be relased on April of course.... but my question is about what year? 2008 i bet after saw SoG!
Whoever fears death, dies everyday. Who doesn't, dies only once.
I really do not understand why so many people think that saying this is a "free version", is any kind of defense for this game. We all know its free! But do you really think that suddenly on the launch day of DNL you will be playing an entirely different game??
What on earth would be the point of giving people a sample of a totally different game with different gfx, gameplay, models and handling to replace the entire thing come a few months from now.
It seems in my opinion that a lot of you defenders are just unwilling to accept that this game is a flop and you may not see that money you invested again.
By the way I have played the game and explored a lot of the SOG content.
I finally got in the game and I wasn't even a wee bit impressed. I know they say this isn't DnL, it's a DnL prelude... but it does represent DnL to some degree. It's DnL's graphics and gameplay... which isn't very good at the moment. The UI was pretty awful and very clumsy. That bit I'm sure they can sort out in a relatively short period of time. Chat was hard to see and I couldn't find a way to adjust anything. The graphics are really dated and the models are terribly constructed. I have a brand new GeForce 7800 GT and I cranked the setting up high and it still didn't look very nice. I understand that this is a bare bones version of DnL, but the bones they included are not pleasant to play.
I don't know if they'll release in April... I never know what these game companies are up to. Sometimes they launch their game in the most dreadful state. (AO ate my computer and spit the bits back at me ) I suppose they have pressure from publishers and share holders... whatever... none of that has anything to do with me. I'm just a regular punter looking for a good game to play.
I think my best bet is to wait until I can play the "real" DnL, either via beta test or when it's released. I probably wouldn't pay anything for it (I'm a SoG Freebie, I didn't pre-order) going by what I've seen, and I probably won't even fiddle with SoG again... it's really that bad... but I'll keep an eye out to see what happens in the future.
And before anyone bothers to ask me for my key... they didn't give me a key. You log in with your website info. Name and password, so no... you can't have them!