I got it yesterday and created a character with no problem on a NA server around 2am. Today it took about 15 minutes of spam logging to get into the game (kept getting error 1017) but it's playable for me.
Depends, its utterly hit-or-miss I think. Of the total population, only a fraction has serious problems, but the ones that have are dealing with the snowball effect (I'm guessing the errors are related)
I myself have had some minor problems at login sometimes, but all that was needed was to restart the game and voila solved.
Depends on the server, I'm still not able to log in on Behemoth a lot of the time. I heard that some of the other servers with lower populations are fine though.
I hope by next weekend it clears up, looking at getting it, but been too busy since pre-launch and such, so I waited...Think I will give it a try, since everything else seems so far off (AA / EQN).
Depends, its utterly hit-or-miss I think. Of the total population, only a fraction has serious problems, but the ones that have are dealing with the snowball effect (I'm guessing the errors are related)
I myself have had some minor problems at login sometimes, but all that was needed was to restart the game and voila solved.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I hope by next weekend it clears up, looking at getting it, but been too busy since pre-launch and such, so I waited...Think I will give it a try, since everything else seems so far off (AA / EQN).