How many kids there is who dont want to see their favorite idols getting hurt?
Do they really want to see Avatars / lion kings getting mutilated in battlegrounds in EQN ,really ?
And i bet it wont stop here,no way hoce.
+And what this does to community ,sure SOE wants and aims for active community but rhesus: My avatar is stronger than lion king who is stronger than Shrek(formerly known as Froglok),buff please,nerf please why this and that and they suck and jeejee! its going to be freaking crazy.
So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014. **On the radar: **
I actually hope they move the Dark Elves away from the old 80‘s Dungeons & Dragons lore material they were ripped off from where they were a race of sexist BDSM fetishist designed to simulate challenging players with another group of players and into something with more universal appeal. As to the look of them I am mixed. It does look awfully Disney. Some stylized facial hair options could really help with that letting them look pretty and sinister too. I was oddly reminded or the old Dragon's Lair game with Dirk the Daring.
Originally posted by Havok2all Yikes, I just had flashbacks of the old Dungeons and Dragons Saturday morning cartoon series. That's what most of the art style reminds me of, Saturday morning cartoons.
Seriously - is the EQN art team incapable of doing anything that looks serious and dark???? Honest question - so far everything looks so damn happy and light.
Everquest's lore is pretty twisted - why is EQN looking so G rated?
Not when your art director is responsible for Free Realms....
Everquest lore isn't EQN lore. Everquest Next lore take place on planet Disney in the land of Pixar.
Starting to think EQN art team has no originality. They have to use Avatar look-alikes for dark elves? Lion king for Kerran? I mean seriously. I don't like how dark elves look, and I thought that was one race where they couldn't mess up. SOE is so desperate to attract mass audience they have no problem creating these look alikes. That's just sad.
As for dwarves, concept art looks good, but concept arts don't ever look like ingame art. So I see how they try to woo people by showing the dwarves concept art at the same time showing the butt ugly dark elves.
The more I see from this game, the more I'm looking elsewhere.
Originally posted by Havok2all Yikes, I just had flashbacks of the old Dungeons and Dragons Saturday morning cartoon series. That's what most of the art style reminds me of, Saturday morning cartoons.
If the actual in-game dwarves look EXACTLY like that concept would be amazing!! I would like this game then...a living cartoon...not cartoony graphics...but actual, beautifully hand-drawn looking art.
.....of course it won't.....the in-game dwarf will look like it was done by someone tho glanced at those concept art pix a few years ago and half-remembered it.
Understand, I LOVE cartoon work. Okami looked beautiful! But the cartoony graphics...i realize its a subtle difference. One looks amazing....the other just looks cheap.
First picture looks cheap. Jake Sully would not approve.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone -3d Artist & Compositor -Writer -Professional Amature
Make nose more narrow with a slight point, slant eyebrows more, slant eyes and make them a bit smaller, white hair = evil...
From my experience, any evil look is usually from having a permanent scowl on a character. Even the male dwarves have a slight scowl going on which makes them even better looking.
I have no doubt that between character customization, emotes, soemote, gear, etc it won't be difficult to have a sinister looking character of any race. Aion and GW2 both made it easy to do this, assuming EQN will follow.
Originally posted by gigat ... Just about anything they do with EQN graphically will be an improvement over EQ and EQ2. They could make the Fae look like sparkly cartoon turds with wings, and it would still look better than EQ2!
It is not really hard to beat EQ2s graphics. They didn’t even look that good in 2004 even though they ate up a lot of system resources.
Yes EQN looks different, but if you ask me it’s only a different kind of bad. You have to consider that this time they had all the freedom they could have. There are almost no restrictions on the technical side anymore and 3D character design has come a long way since 2004. They had a million of art styles to choose from. They looked at it all and then they chose one that closely resembles The Clone Wars.
The bad thing is that graphics set the tone for the whole game. If you choose the art style of The Clone Wars, you are also in for the kind of storytelling from The Clone Wars and a casual kind of game.
I'm glad another thread was made for people to, again, voice their opinions on the graphics. I think its important to get it out there as many times as you can, especially when you pair it with predictive values about how the EQN storyline and gameplay will pan out.
/sarcasm off
Even post-reveal, we know very little about EQN. Unfortunately, added to this, we are still faced with the Dev team who is maintaining an atmosphere of silence about the bulk of the game. So, we have enough information to tease us, but this also fosters yet another state of wild speculation that the community saw pre-reveal. It is important to note here that of all the ideas thrown around for months pre-SOE Live, the majority truly ending up being ridiculous and irrelevant.
"The Sky is Falling" mentality is non-productive, especially given that we haven't seen any gameplay reviews or read previews from beta testers. No, the rudimentary demo from SOE Live does not count as an indicator of anything. It's early alpha, and the team has clammed up leaving us with the barest skin of a glimpse of what EQN is. Speculative predictions at this stage are, of course, baseless.
Personally, I was hoping for some real information at Gamescon and PAX- something along the lines of a major presentation to unveil another large chunk of missing information. It seems they are just using these venues as introductions to EQN to the mainstream gaming world, rather than just the niche SOE Live attendees. Now, that is all well and good, but there are still a lot of people with their eyes and ears on these events who are wanting more. PAX isn't over yet, so hopefully they'll flesh out some more of the skeleton. Maybe some Twitter nudges will stir things up.
The D&D Saturday morning cartoon was great back when i was 7, but about 2 years ago I looked up that old cartoon to find some online streams and man was it cringe worthy. It was pretty bad. Pretty obvious what age group they are gunning for here. It is hard for me to take any of the races serious.
Ok, taking odds on what old cartoon characters the other races will mimic. 10 to 1 odds barbarians give He-man a run for his money :P
Look, the bottom line is this. Whether the art concept is good or bad is irrelevant. It is pretty evident that a good majority of the player base do not find it appealing. Sony needs to decide if they are ok with ostracizing a large majority of the possible customer base (older mature crowd). If they are, then more power to them. I wish them luck.
To be honest, I don't think I am all that bothered anymore. I am a long time EQ player and I really was hoping for something closer to the old EQ, with a lot of the new concepts they are adding. But, the more I learn about Project Spark the less I care about how anyone makes the next gen MMOs. I'll just make the ones I want to play using that software.
Look, the bottom line is this. Whether the art concept is good or bad is irrelevant. It is pretty evident that a good majority of the player base do not find it appealing.
78.42% of all publicized statistics are made up on the spot. See what i did there?
Except I didn't make any numerical statements as if I formulated some form of grand survey to represent public opinion. I made a legitimate observation based on the negative feedback based on every post regarding the art style. In every thread, you could estimate at least 30-40% do not like the new art style. How many of those will still actually play? I don't know or care to guess.
I will concede I used improper terminology. I probable should have said a good percentage instead of a good majority. Sheesh, I just got up with only 5 hours of sleep :P
Originally posted by Havok2all Yikes, I just had flashbacks of the old Dungeons and Dragons Saturday morning cartoon series. That's what most of the art style reminds me of, Saturday morning cartoons.
I loled at this..... because its true.
I grew up watching that, I don't see the problem.
Well if you cant see it then there isnt an ophthalmologist on the planet that can help you see it.
Wow. Blue Elves with horns who have Dragon blood within them!
*throws money at the screen*
(Note: I created a blue skinned half dragon / half elf long ago, as a sort of my trademark character, being a drawer and all.)
SIDENOTE: I designed my character YEARS before "Avatar", and I dearsay blue skinned Elves existed in games also quite some time ago. So I fail to see why all are yelling "oh Avatar copy". And besides: there is only ONE Avatar, and he is the Avatar of the Eight Sacred Virtues of Britannia. PERIOD. PARAGRAPH. So stop you stealing the Avatar title, dagnabit! ^^
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Look the game is going to be free to play and they are also working on a demo to play too . So I would say stop worrying about the way the characters look that they are presenting. Once the demo is released then download it and try out the character creation and see how it looks to you then.
If you still can't stand playing the game because you can't fathom looking at all the other characters then after the demo just go away and stop complaining. This game is obviously not working for you so just move on. Try TESO or Wildstar depending on which direction you want to go. More realism with TESO and more cartoony with Wildstar.
Wow. Blue Elves with horns who have Dragon blood within them!
*throws money at the screen*
(Note: I created a blue skinned half dragon / half elf long ago, as a sort of my trademark character, being a drawer and all.)
SIDENOTE: I designed my character YEARS before "Avatar", and I dearsay blue skinned Elves existed in games also quite some time ago. So I fail to see why all are yelling "oh Avatar copy". And besides: there is only ONE Avatar, and he is the Avatar of the Eight Sacred Virtues of Britannia. PERIOD. PARAGRAPH. So stop you stealing the Avatar title, dagnabit! ^^
You don't see the connection? Really? Why are you so focused on the blue aspect? It's not the color, it's the eye shape, nose bridge, ears, hair braid.
The Dwarves concept art is good considering the art style.
Everything else kill it with fire [mod edit]
They better don't show any nudity on female dwarves cause i'll sue them for underaged nudity. Didn't know EQN is targeting the pedophiles audience as well ! :O
Originally posted by Havok2all Yikes, I just had flashbacks of the old Dungeons and Dragons Saturday morning cartoon series. That's what most of the art style reminds me of, Saturday morning cartoons.
I call dibs on Hank's energy bow if I play EQN.. :P
..because we're gamers, damn it!! - William Massachusetts (Log Horizon)
The Dark Elf can be fixed with a few minor tweaks. Narrow the bridge of his nose. Bring the massive jaw forward a bit (it will still be plenty square.) And add some wrinkles around the mouth and eyes that suggest a more sinister nature. A more detailed texture would go a long way.
I like the direction of the female Dwarves a lot, especially the hairstyles. Someone pointed out on reddit, and I agree, that the pose they're in is contributing to them looking young, nice, etc. Also, they all appear to have the same youngish face. Obviously there will be more options. Hopefully some will look older.
I absolutely love the male Dwarves, especially the middle one with the black beard!
I'm skeptical of the models remaining faithful to the concept art, based on what we've seen so far. While I love the Dwarf concept art, I'm not getting excited until I see the models.
A lot of people flat out hate the art. I'm fine with the direction, but I feel they are missing the mark slightly on execution. In particular the skins on the characters all seem too smooth and lifeless. They need a bit more detail.
This is starting to look crazy.
How many kids there is who dont want to see their favorite idols getting hurt?
Do they really want to see Avatars / lion kings getting mutilated in battlegrounds in EQN ,really ?
And i bet it wont stop here,no way hoce.
+And what this does to community ,sure SOE wants and aims for active community but rhesus: My avatar is stronger than lion king who is stronger than Shrek(formerly known as Froglok),buff please,nerf please why this and that and they suck and jeejee! its going to be freaking crazy.
So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014.
**On the radar: **
I actually hope they move the Dark Elves away from the old 80‘s Dungeons & Dragons lore material they were ripped off from where they were a race of sexist BDSM fetishist designed to simulate challenging players with another group of players and into something with more universal appeal. As to the look of them I am mixed. It does look awfully Disney. Some stylized facial hair options could really help with that letting them look pretty and sinister too. I was oddly reminded or the old Dragon's Lair game with Dirk the Daring.
That's awesome, this was my first thought exactly.... funny
I loled at this..... because its true.
Not when your art director is responsible for Free Realms....
Everquest lore isn't EQN lore. Everquest Next lore take place on planet Disney in the land of Pixar.
Its called Selling Out.
I grew up watching that, I don't see the problem.
I like the dark elf, I imagine there will be some other options in character customization to make them look more rough,
I really like the dwarf concept art but will hold on till we see some actual renders.
If the actual in-game dwarves look EXACTLY like that concept would be amazing!! I would like this game then...a living cartoon...not cartoony graphics...but actual, beautifully hand-drawn looking art.
.....of course it won't.....the in-game dwarf will look like it was done by someone tho glanced at those concept art pix a few years ago and half-remembered it.
Understand, I LOVE cartoon work. Okami looked beautiful! But the cartoony graphics...i realize its a subtle difference. One looks amazing....the other just looks cheap.
First picture looks cheap. Jake Sully would not approve.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Make nose more narrow with a slight point, slant eyebrows more, slant eyes and make them a bit smaller, white hair = evil...
From my experience, any evil look is usually from having a permanent scowl on a character. Even the male dwarves have a slight scowl going on which makes them even better looking.
I have no doubt that between character customization, emotes, soemote, gear, etc it won't be difficult to have a sinister looking character of any race. Aion and GW2 both made it easy to do this, assuming EQN will follow.
Dont get so hung up on one pic.
I'm glad another thread was made for people to, again, voice their opinions on the graphics. I think its important to get it out there as many times as you can, especially when you pair it with predictive values about how the EQN storyline and gameplay will pan out.
/sarcasm off
Even post-reveal, we know very little about EQN. Unfortunately, added to this, we are still faced with the Dev team who is maintaining an atmosphere of silence about the bulk of the game. So, we have enough information to tease us, but this also fosters yet another state of wild speculation that the community saw pre-reveal. It is important to note here that of all the ideas thrown around for months pre-SOE Live, the majority truly ending up being ridiculous and irrelevant.
"The Sky is Falling" mentality is non-productive, especially given that we haven't seen any gameplay reviews or read previews from beta testers. No, the rudimentary demo from SOE Live does not count as an indicator of anything. It's early alpha, and the team has clammed up leaving us with the barest skin of a glimpse of what EQN is. Speculative predictions at this stage are, of course, baseless.
Personally, I was hoping for some real information at Gamescon and PAX- something along the lines of a major presentation to unveil another large chunk of missing information. It seems they are just using these venues as introductions to EQN to the mainstream gaming world, rather than just the niche SOE Live attendees. Now, that is all well and good, but there are still a lot of people with their eyes and ears on these events who are wanting more. PAX isn't over yet, so hopefully they'll flesh out some more of the skeleton. Maybe some Twitter nudges will stir things up.
The D&D Saturday morning cartoon was great back when i was 7, but about 2 years ago I looked up that old cartoon to find some online streams and man was it cringe worthy. It was pretty bad. Pretty obvious what age group they are gunning for here. It is hard for me to take any of the races serious.
Ok, taking odds on what old cartoon characters the other races will mimic. 10 to 1 odds barbarians give He-man a run for his money :P
Look, the bottom line is this. Whether the art concept is good or bad is irrelevant. It is pretty evident that a good majority of the player base do not find it appealing. Sony needs to decide if they are ok with ostracizing a large majority of the possible customer base (older mature crowd). If they are, then more power to them. I wish them luck.
To be honest, I don't think I am all that bothered anymore. I am a long time EQ player and I really was hoping for something closer to the old EQ, with a lot of the new concepts they are adding. But, the more I learn about Project Spark the less I care about how anyone makes the next gen MMOs. I'll just make the ones I want to play using that software.
78.42% of all publicized statistics are made up on the spot. See what i did there?
Except I didn't make any numerical statements as if I formulated some form of grand survey to represent public opinion. I made a legitimate observation based on the negative feedback based on every post regarding the art style. In every thread, you could estimate at least 30-40% do not like the new art style. How many of those will still actually play? I don't know or care to guess.
I will concede I used improper terminology. I probable should have said a good percentage instead of a good majority. Sheesh, I just got up with only 5 hours of sleep :P
Well if you cant see it then there isnt an ophthalmologist on the planet that can help you see it.
Wow. Blue Elves with horns who have Dragon blood within them!
*throws money at the screen*
(Note: I created a blue skinned half dragon / half elf long ago, as a sort of my trademark character, being a drawer and all.)
SIDENOTE: I designed my character YEARS before "Avatar", and I dearsay blue skinned Elves existed in games also quite some time ago. So I fail to see why all are yelling "oh Avatar copy". And besides: there is only ONE Avatar, and he is the Avatar of the Eight Sacred Virtues of Britannia. PERIOD. PARAGRAPH. So stop you stealing the Avatar title, dagnabit! ^^
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Look the game is going to be free to play and they are also working on a demo to play too . So I would say stop worrying about the way the characters look that they are presenting. Once the demo is released then download it and try out the character creation and see how it looks to you then.
If you still can't stand playing the game because you can't fathom looking at all the other characters then after the demo just go away and stop complaining. This game is obviously not working for you so just move on. Try TESO or Wildstar depending on which direction you want to go. More realism with TESO and more cartoony with Wildstar.
You don't see the connection? Really? Why are you so focused on the blue aspect? It's not the color, it's the eye shape, nose bridge, ears, hair braid.
The Dwarves concept art is good considering the art style.
Everything else kill it with fire [mod edit]
They better don't show any nudity on female dwarves cause i'll sue them for underaged nudity. Didn't know EQN is targeting the pedophiles audience as well ! :O
My reaction about the art style so far.
I call dibs on Hank's energy bow if I play EQN.. :P
..because we're gamers, damn it!! - William Massachusetts (Log Horizon)
It seems like someone at avatar admired the dark elves from EQ.
Life IS Feudal