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I've been trying to participate all day to no avail. I understand there are peak hours, but it's about to be 3am here and I'm still getting 1017. After 12am things usually cool off. What gives?
How are the new servers supposed supposed to fix this when they aren't talking about free transfers to new servers, better queuing and AFK kick mechanics?
I'm trying to be patient but there is a level of absurdity to all this. I don't trust that Weds marks the end of the problems.
What time is a good time to play?
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
Right now, it's totally random.
From the twitter posts and producer letters, I am totally convinced they have a guy sitting there watching the server load. When it gets a bit of room, he opens the server & queue up. When the server hits "Full" again (which occurs almost immediately), he turns the queue off and everyone gets 1017'ed until he turns the queue back on again.
Yup, that could be automated, but I totally don't think it is, because I like to picture that poor bastard just sitting there watching server loads and pushing the On/Off button for individual servers, and pulling his hair out rebooting the lobby server every 15 minutes from it crashing from all us poor bastards spamming it as hard as we can trying to get in.
That, and if you happen to be in game, like a half dozen or more people in the FC will all get on at once, with random shouts of "Finally!" (indicating the poor guy flipped the On switch for a moment, and then turned the tap right back off as the server immediately bounces back up to Full). And if someone happens to get D/Ced , you hardly ever hear from them for the rest of the night.
So - it's totally random. Yesterday, I got on around 11am PST with no wait/1017 at all. Today, it took me 8.5 hours or resetting the client and G19 macro spam. Last week I was able to get right in at 7am on the weekdays, but if I tried to log in after work (around 4pm), it was at least 1 hour to get in.... but that was just last week.
Once the new server maintenance is done, and they retweak some stuff, it will hopefully be a lot better. Right now most everyone in game is afraid to log out, and with no auto-kick there's probably 10%+ of a server population AFK at any given time.
Killing dragons is my shit
Right now they have a soft cap of around 5,000 players per server. Y-P has stated this is lower than design, but only because it's initial release and nearly the entire population is concentrated into a few zones. Once the population spreads out a bit, they can raise the cap back up to whatever it was supposed to be (maybe 5,001 for all I know). That really has nothing to do with new servers.
The new hardware serves 3 purposes:
1) They can create new servers. This lets them resume digital sales, and reopen new worlds for new character creation. Remember, there are a lot of people who not only can't get into the game, but can't even create a character.
2) The Duty finder, being cross server, places those characters into an instance server. The instance server gets used for more than just the duty finder though, it also gets used any time your character is placed in an instance: many solo quests, the Inn, etc. With more hardware, they can alleviate a lot of stress on the instance server, and hopefully the duty finder queues will speed up some and we'll see fewer problems with the instances (error 90000...)
3) The lobby server is a master server for the datacenter. It basically acts as a gateway between the login server and your specific server. More resources for the lobby server allow them to handle these surges in login attempts
The new hardware won't do much for your particular server (aside from instances hopefully going smoother and the lobby getting a bit more robust). The benefit for the existing servers comes in from the population spreading out, so they can lift the population cap up a bit, and secondly from new worlds coming online, so when character transfers are allowed the server populations can even out a bit.
Existing server benefits are supposed to come with a software patch, that is supposed to hit around the same time. Better network caching, better server optimizations, potentially AFK Kicking, etc. Y-P touched on this a bit, but they focused on new hardware since that allows them to create the additional worlds and open sales and character creation back up - and that is really S/E's focus right now.
So, to end all that up - I totally agree with you, there is definitely a level of absurdity to this. I have absolutely 0 confidence that Wednesday will end all these shenanigans - I think existing servers will still have 1017 problems until a lot of these other fixes are finally done, and character transfers are finally implemented. After Wednesday, I think we'll just see a dozen or so new worlds open up, and everyone will probably go make alts over there so they can play when their main character is 1017'ed and nothing really gets fixed until they buckle down and write their network code like they should have in the first place....
there nto worried about it atm there worried about getting the new server hardware in. and afk kicker is so easy to get around go into a inn room autoo run into the wall