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Is it a seamless open world ?
In other words, is it like WoW with vast stretches of lands that can be traveled without seeing a loading screen or is it like GW2 where you have to go thru a loading screen every time you cross into another zone ?
It has a lot of loading screens. You can run away screaming now
Every zone in FFXIV is separated by a loading screen and is instanced. So, like GW2, but with mounts.
Take WoW and add flora and water, throw in a storyline thats consistantly thoughout the entire world, and add a ton more landmarks per zone, and aprox. 25+ differant type of mob camps per a zone and a mini story behind them being there, and wrap it all up into one main storyline, and a ton of rifts per each zone and you got the game world. Nothing looks the same, the towns are all unique looking and areas are all differant from each other.
Towns are about three zones each with some special zones inside them for cutscene storylines ect. Most of the quests are storylines that have cinematic cutscenes ect. Doors open for you when you walk up to them, inventory opens up for you when you have quest items to give someone. Its all very very fantasy like, they have alot of unique detail given to walls, items and objects in every area. Its almost like your in a dream, and you never want to wake up.
Well if open world defines what you want in a game, don't bother with this one.
I can say it doesn't detract from the game experience, but often a lot of people have their minds made up on such things before even playing.
WoW is a seamless world with the only loading being between continents. FFXIV every zone is instanced unlike WoW. So, not like WoW at all.
NONE OF THE zones or instanced just the duty finder stuff
not instanced and wow is old as crap thats why it sseamless doesnt take much to run it
So ? Wow was seamless when it was released back in 2004 (yes 9!!! frakkin years ago). The technological evolution has gone forward, so they should be able to handle better looking games 2013 without all these zones on today's hardware.
Quite annoyed last night, first time I traveled with the airship, when I... 1. enter airstrip (loading) 2. enter landing (loading) 3. enter airship and travel (loading) 4. ariving at landing 5. going from landing to city (loading) ......... Tiredsome.
edit : Vanguard was also good looking and seamless.
Each of the zones have loading screens but they aren't instanced zones.
You can. Open the map and clink on the 'portal' locations to the next map. That will open that map. In that map you should see portals to the next set of maps and most of them wil have a portal to another cities maps.
They usually do involve higher level mobs but you can make it.
Also, gil is easy to come by. I use return to cut my costs when I can but rarely 'leg it'. I just port to whereever.
Edit: Not sure why that double posted. I tried to leave a post and it booted me out. Apologies.
You can go from gridania to ul'dah but Limsa is on an island so you need to use the ferry (not in game yet afaik) or the airship.
not a fan of the zones at all, especially the first 10 levels - the quests have you running around the city and each of the starting areas and all them are separate zones. its a little confusing on the first few characters and the map doesn't help as much as you think it would. I've been playing MOG's since EQ beta and it certainly didn't feel like second nature getting around at first.
Even though GW2 was zoned, the map and travel felt much more intuitive, much easier to get a sense of where you were going and how to get there.
other than this, though, the game has exceeded my expectations for polish, game play, and graphics.
my 2c