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It's pretty obvious by now what kind of game company we are dealing with, so I'm curious how many of you have charged back your credit cards or have gotten a refund..
Don't lie and say you did when you didn't. Everyone is angry and trying to prove a point, not that Farlan even gives a shit but I am truly curious how many of those who have been screaming from the hilltops that everything would be "just fine" have finally succumbed to the reality of this game...
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Hey if you wanna refund go ahead man. But leave other people be and quit provoking your not in a MMORPG here this is the real world. People can think and decide for themself if they wanna quit or have a refund. Personally i think there are some problems but hell EVE had loads of problems and look at it now the NR 1 game on this side.
You know that if you wanna be a early adopter of a game you can get some serious sh*t. If you dont like that, then dont be early adopt and wait half a year for the game to be stable.
But what ever you do pls quit whining.
LOL, sorry, but if I had deluded myself enough to actually pay $60 for DnL, then what's gone on the last few weeks wouldn't have persuaded me otherwise. This is not a new thing, the way they are handling this situation/treating us. It does not come as a shock (or should not, anyway.) Nothing that has happened with the release of SoG should have surprised people, because this is the way NPCube, Farlan, etc. are and the way they have been for a long time. So yeah, if I had wanted the game badly enough to pay $60 for it despite all that, then I would still be hanging onto the game and hoping, not freaking out.
Anyone who somehow "woke up to the truth" over the last few days, is stupid, IMO. This is an ongoing thing, I don't see how someone could have been so deluded by the game that they were oblivious to this before they paid the $60. Perhaps, though, they were not long time followers of DnL and were merely passing the website when they saw the pioneer keys available. They then bought one, without really knowing anything about the game. In that case I guess I can see why they'd be mad at Farlan/NPCube. However, that also raises the question of their intelligence for having purchased a product with no research/knowledge of its quality. I guess I think both of those groups deserve to loose their money - the first was so blinded by fanboi-ism that they didn't see the facts, that's their own fault. The second, like I said, didn't research a product they knew little about, again, their own fault. Then there's the third group, those that are still hoping. I have more respect for them than the others (not that it matters to any of them, I know.) At least they were (hopefully) informed before purchasing and therefore expected this. I would imagine they were so excited about the game that they decided to purchase regardless of the existing problems and now are still looking forward to the potential of DnL, even with the SoG launch issues. Even though we may not agree with their assessment of the game, I think they're the smarter group because they know there will be problems and are willing to overlook them because they believe in the game. People that are so easily swayed (like the first group) are not as smart, IMO.
Sorry, as you can tell I have little sympathy for anyone who paid $60 for something they knew little about (and therefore have no right to whine.) But at the same time, I have respect for those that did pay $60, knowing what they were getting into. I am a settler, not a pioneer, and while my judgement of the company's competence is 1 out of 10, I am waiting to judge the game until I play it. I have yet to even get onto the server or create my first character. Yeah, I think they're dumb for not being able to keep their server up, for not keeping their forums open during this time, for lying to us on multiple occasions and on and on, but I am not doing a "chargeback" just yet. I'll give the game a chance before I start crying and throwing a temper tantrum.
I totally agree with listof. What is wrong with you people? Mostly all the big MMOs suffered at the beginning and I've got to say Farlan has carried on as it started out.
I am a Pioneer and I believe that all this will be sorted, it just may take a little longer, but so what? I've bought totally shit games in the past that have ended up in the trash
I miss DAoC
I did buy a pioneer key.
I have been following this game for some time and believe it has a lot of potential. I am not angry or upset yet as I did expect this as nearly all MMORPG have teething problems, they are a small company trying out server technology not used (as far as I know) by other MMORPGs and its not much more than a Beta at the moment.
Yes I got a place in SoG with my pioneer key, but the main reason I bought it was for DnL in April, another reason why Im not clogging up every forum I can find with Whining posts.
And at the end of the day, if the game sucks its only $60 which I would spend on an average night in my local. So why does everyone that didn't get a pioneer key feel the need to assume that we have been soooo stupid to get one? I'm sick of saying this but I will again anyway, am I the only person that has ever bought a game off the shelf because it looked good only to find it blows and stop playting it after a few days?
It makes me laugh because there's more poeple without pioneer keys whinging about how we that have got keys wasted our money than actual pioneers themselves. Why don't you let us decide.
I for one am still pleased I got a key, and to be honest if it really does suck I'll just shrug my shoulders and try the next MMORPG to attract my interest.
"And at the end of the day, if the game sucks its only $60"
Do you know you could of actually saved a few human beings lives in some third world countries with $60.00
Am i missing something here? Could someone please point out where he whines in his original post? I wasn't aware that asking a simple show of hands question was classed as whining!
Please forgive me if i am indeed wrong.
Oh and by the way i am a pioneer who hasn't even been able to get in and create a character yet let alone play! Do you hear me whining? Oh, i forgot it's you so you probably did!
The game in itself is probably bugged and wotnot but so what? Show me a piece of software game or otherwise that isn't? What i and i would hope 99.9% recurring people object to is unprofessionalism and bad customer service! As a show of hands (ooo whiny question alert) how many people know another company who uses IRC as their Technical Support portal?
I'll stop whining now shall i?
"Please forgive me if i am indeed wrong."
No problem, you're welcome.
Haha I think you are missing the point mate!
Could you please point out where I stated that I was actuall talking about the OP? Did I quote him?
I was actually talking about the whining posts in general which have appeared all over the place. And before you say (or whine hehe) that I posted on his thread, I chose this thread as I was pointing out that I have a key and have no intention of getting a refund, or getting upset about it, which was the OP question.
I too payed 60$ on blind faith, the info i have read and the screenshots and movies i have seen made me think this game was really good. However a few days before the 12th december i saw some leaked beta movies and that was what changed my mind. So i quickly got rid of my key before everyone would know the truth about the game, and i actually have more money now than before i bought the pioneer offer .
LOL! Sorry, you are right i did miss the point. I'm the same. It's not the first time i have shelled out for something and been wrong, nor i expect will it be the last so yes i am keeping my key.
Sorry for ranting, though i do still think this whole affair is a good enough reason for war with the French!
Maybe we should start a poll?