I keep reading that Frostfell is the most populated "white" server. I don't know what "white" means. I'm guessing it means original servers? How does that differ from "non-white" servers? Are there other "non-white" servers with higher population that Frostfell? Thanks.
Frostfell sounds right the last I heard, but I can't actually say for sure these days.
The white servers are consensual PvP only. There is only one "red" server - Darktide. It is unrestricted PvP, but I'm pretty sure the looting on Darktide is semi-restricted. That is, you will lose items on death. But if you study how AC1's "death item" rules work, you can minimize the chance of losing valuable armor or weapons. But there's always a chance of that happening...
Have fun. AC1 is a great game. If Turbine had ever figured out how to do server merges I'd be tempted to go back again myself (for the third time).
Frostfell isn't the highest white server anymore, not that it really matters. You'll have fun on pretty much any of them.
Although it is easy to reroll when low to test things out remember that you can respec your character through two methods, the skill temples and Asheron's Island. So even if you roll a character up for a while and later decide you want something else, you can change skills around.