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Ok, so we are getting new servers today, and just wanted to get a general idea of where people are coming from. It is just a poll, so dont put too much stock into it, and sorry ahead of time if I missed your game, but please post your game and why you like or dont like FFXIV so we can all know why. Only had room for 10 games, so if you dont see your game, make sure you list it below, so we know where you came from.
the only reason i wont vote is because the poll is made for people who only play 1 game (indicated by the poll options).
I come from (mostly) GW2 and WoW, but also play other mmos. I bought FF14 1.0 so i already have 2.0
The reason ill play ARR is because it is a mix of three games that i like a lot. GW2, WoW, and Final Fantasy. I get all three in the same place and well done, so i play it. I like it.
EDIT: when i say i come from GW2 and WoW doesnt mean those were my first games, but the last good ones i spent most of my time playing.
I fail to see why you add 2 options per game (asking if ppl bought FFXIV or not) while you assume with your question that they already play FFXIV. Also kinda a fail to add UO I'd say...
Anyway, coming from Lineage II ;-)
Runescape was the first online game I played, started that back in 2002. Then a friend of mine showed me about World of Warcraft which blew my mind compared to runescape. World of Warcraft was the only game I played till I heard of SWTOR, but that game lasted me 2 months. Now I been game hopping like crazy and occasionally go back to WoW, and play GW2,TSW, and now FFXIV:ARR aswell.
You have my word, the next poll I ever do will have Lineage II in it, after all, thats how Ultima Online got added to this one <(oo)>
Never played a FF game, never did like the Japanese style. Played WOW for about 6 years, quit after the Panda/Pokemon expansion and got bored by the graphics. Played Rift from the start, stopped a while and started playing again just before they went f2p and subbed after a week. Still playing Rift, enjoy it very much. Also did some time on SWTOR, enjoyed it, but I'm not seeing myself invest anymore time in it in the near future. Also play GW2 every now and then.
Then I read some great things about FFXIV:ARR. read some more, interesting class/job mechanics, intricate crafting system, being able to play every class in 1 toon (used to be an altoholic, loving the diversity of all the different classes). So bought the digital CE edition. And now I'm sucked into it, love playing the game, did the first 3 dungeons, party formed by the duty-finder which went great and smooth all 3 times. i'm not much of an endgame person, but the whole crafting system and class/job system will keep me entertained for the coming months. Even the startup problems didn't make me regret buying this game.