And the patcher window too? Because that's part of it. I'm by no means a programmer but the grayed start button seemed to appear around the same time as issues seeing JP/NA servers. If that isn't it... I can't help much more than that. I'm sorry. Do you have another PC you could try loading from to narrow that down as a possibility? I don't think it likely that it's you. It's PROBABLY the server.
It's an embarrassment of riches. The game is too popular. They increase the concurrent server cap with the latest patch from 5000 to 7500.
I think there are 10000 people trying to log in at the same time. If they get their shit together... this game is going places. I already know that 80% of my Free Company (50+ people) are paying the 6 month sub option.
Originally posted by bomj I still have my start button faded out so i cant start? Do others have this?
Every now and then, yeah. So what i do is at a command prompt type ipconfig /flushdns and it seems to work most of the time. The Start button then becomes available.
yeah, Start button is faded from time to time. Sometimes it brightens immediately, sometimes I just restart the game. It's never been a big problem for me, my wife or anyone else we play with.
Things seemed better this morning when I logged in, but we'll see how much new characters affect things. Going from 5,000 to 7,500 doesnt' seem like a big jump - but they also changed the way duty finder works, which I believe was a bigger problem.
well i hope they get it together. However if true raising server pop to 8500 still doesnt say why they have not cranked up digital dls. My guess it will be another week or so at least before they get it running so all who want to play actually can.
Originally posted by jonas555 well i hope they get it together. However if true raising server pop to 8500 still doesnt say why they have not cranked up digital dls. My guess it will be another week or so at least before they get it running so all who want to play actually can.
It's an embarrassment of riches. The game is too popular. They increase the concurrent server cap with the latest patch from 5000 to 7500.
I think there are 10000 people trying to log in at the same time. If they get their shit together... this game is going places. I already know that 80% of my Free Company (50+ people) are paying the 6 month sub option.
Every now and then, yeah. So what i do is at a command prompt type ipconfig /flushdns and it seems to work most of the time. The Start button then becomes available.
The start button has never been accessible after I log in I have made 5 attempts /day for a week and no change.
I tried the ipconfig thing and no luck.
yeah, Start button is faded from time to time. Sometimes it brightens immediately, sometimes I just restart the game. It's never been a big problem for me, my wife or anyone else we play with.
Things seemed better this morning when I logged in, but we'll see how much new characters affect things. Going from 5,000 to 7,500 doesnt' seem like a big jump - but they also changed the way duty finder works, which I believe was a bigger problem.
5 attempts is not very many, when compared to everyone else. Persistence pays off!
what do you mean cranked up the digital dls?
I don't know how they did phase one and two, but three was strictly a weekend affair, there was never what you could call stress tests done.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
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