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But, the Gamestop employee that I just spoke to, maybe 10 minutes ago, batted her eyes and said..."It that even out yet?"..."Well doesn't look like we have a copy, but here, I have these $50 Steam cards, you can just download it."...I just rubbed my temples, shook my head and walked away.
I wont EVER be going back to Gamestop. I went there for 2 reasons. 1. The corp web site said they had stock. 2. I don't like to go to lets say Wal*Mart and have to ask an employee who doesn't want to be there or even know what they sell for assistance. The last time I bought a game at Gamestop, the employee knew that it was a game at least, weather or not they gamed on console or PC.
Guess I will wait for Digital Down Load.
Is it any wonder Brick and Mortar are failing against internet retail? I think not.
My tarnished coppers.
(facepalm) And they wonder why women gamers get bad names...
Seriously, they didn't even look it up for you in the comp? I basically raided the entirity of the DC/Baltimore Corridor for a PS3 CE... and then gave up and just bought a regular edition (I owned 1.0 CE but I wanted the book/cd/dvd that came with this one).
Every store manager got the CE copy of the game and 1+ year for free...
There was a giant cardboard cutout, like 5 feet tall. In the store.
Dumb, being an ass, whatever it was, they lost a sale. I wont go back.
But...2 days ago said my local was sold out. Today it switched, so I went in. BestBuy says not a single copy within 200 miles, 10 stores.
I do understand GameStop's stocking policy, that is why I check the site.
Beyond that though, we are talking about a Game store with employees that don't even know abut a launch a week and a half ago, that has gotten TONS of press for having a shaky launch....Now follow with the offer to sell me a Steam card so I can DL it there, yes you read right a "Steam" card.
Meh, maybe it was a sign from the "Ancient Aliens" that I need to stop my back and forth over which hobby to indulge.
Nah I see right through this.
She is selling all the copies on ebay and is playing dumb out of guilt.
I have actually thought this interaction through and here is my actual belief.
She wasn't actually an employee. She was a friend of the 1 employee working ATM, 30 min till close. The "real" employee was helping a customer at the register. "She" was hanging out, dusting, attempting to get her friend off work early, "I'll dust and what not, you close then we can go out.", something like that.
Just one possible picture.
In the end I left pissed at Gamestop, but now that I have let it stew, I am placing much of the blame on SEs doorstep.