I'm currently playing a glad, i noticed that during long fight especially bosses, i will often ran out of TP before the boss dies. Even using my least TP hungry abilities, i often myself out of TP with the boss being 1/4 or even 1/3 full. I'm stuck at using auto-attack until i get some of my TP back. Are you guys having problems with the TP pool ? Unless i miss something there is no potion to restore some of it. I'm aware marauder? have an ability to restore some of it, but at 24 Gladiator (tanks) have none.
well you are talking about sub classes.
when you choose warrior or paladin that probably will change, and you might be able to cross class with those marauder abilities.
Level 40.
Hmm well; that is a long time to wait if having issues already at 24.
Its not a major issue, you just gotta pick and choose when to use your tp consuming abilities. 6 seconds of auto attack restores about 1/3 of your tp bar which is basically about as harmless as skipping one global cooldown.
Killing dragons is my shit