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The Tribe Gaming Community in this case Tribe's Free Company Chapter has a strong tradition of hosting server wide Tribe sponsored events as a way to engage the community, and kick back with our neighbours.
Following in this tradition we feel it is time for an event, Tribe Hide & Seek. Hide & Seek is but one of the many kinds of events we hope to host in the future, (Hence the Roman numeral I above).
Now I am sure you are all wondering why you want to spend an hour of your crafting, killing, or resource destroying time to come decipher clues & find hiding Tribers. Well that's because there are prizes! That's right, you heard me, you money grubbing gamers will see some real (metaphorically speaking of course) gil.
•First place will be awarded to the player(s) who find the most hiding Tribers & will split a pot of 25k gil. The game is ended once someone finds all the hidden Tribers.
•Second place will be awarded to, you guessed it, those who find the second most hiding Tribers once the game is ended & will split a pot of 20k gil.
Here is how it works:
•5 Tribe members will hide in specific locations around a designated area, this time we have chosen La Nocia.
•10 minutes prior to the start of the event this post will be updated with a clue to each location.
•At the start of the event the character names for the 5 hiding Tribers will be added to this post
•Once the event starts (names added to this post) you may begin finding those “hiding” Tribers
•To be give credit for finding one of the named Tribers you must /poke them & receive a confirmation tell. That Triber will then /tell the person running said event and they will keep a master list.
•The event will last until either someone finds all 5 of the named Tribers & pokes them or 60 min have passed; whichever comes first.
•At the completion of the event the winners will be added to the post.
So join us for Tribe Hide & Seek. Who knows you might walk away a little bit richer.
-This event will take start at 8 PM server time on Saturday September 7th.
That's 12 PM PST, 2PM CST, 3PM EST for regular folks
-Names of the Tribers to seek out will be posted at event start.
-Clues being posted 10 min prior to start.
-The event will end when either all Tribers are found by an individual or 60 minutes have passed, whichever comes first.
Sharess Dragonstar - Midgard
Grievance is recruiting.
If curious about what Tribe offers as far as a Free Company please check out our post on MMORPG here or better yet on the official forums here.
Regardless of FC involvement from new players we hope to provide a fun time for Tribe member and others alike! Come join us won't you?
Sharess Dragonstar - Midgard
Grievance is recruiting.
Sharess Dragonstar - Midgard
Grievance is recruiting.
Hey all. Here are your clues:
Location 1 Clue - “At the site of a 1941 swordfish attack.”
Location 2 Clue - “With the nurturing water that fears the repetition of the past.”
Location 3 Clue - “Where the waterfall whispers.”
Location 4 Clue - “Where Trolls hide in Lower La Noscea.”
Location 5 Clue - “Where ships lay down.”
Here are your names:
Niyogi Moonchild
Liono Dragonstar
Ventashar Ashvion
Makalay Mistborn
Halon ValyrianAdditional clues:
Location 1 Clue - “The last name of a guy named Otto”
Location 2 Clue - “Represented by a pink ribbon.”
Location 3 Clue - “The winds sound in a canyon.“
Location 4 Clue - “The goats gruff walk above me.”
Location 5 Clue - “Where ships are built.”