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This not to bad mouth SE cause even with the mistakes still love the game.
Post the rookie mistakes u think SE should had a handle on before they got game to you.
For Starters i think they shouldn't of had such small beta phases , then they would of had grasp on how many people would be playing and they could of adjusted server accordingly.
No Sorting items wtf?
Gold spammers way to hard add them to blacklist, shouldn't even have think twice about them just click and begone.
And Speed Hacking Bots, really no detection software for this?
The blatant one is not being able to fill demand.
The issue is, they basically should be able to pump as many DDLs into the market as the market needs. This is a rather unique system as far as markets go. Since a Publish doesn't have to actually have individual DDLs to sell, just the "parent code".
I was defending SEs actions until this failure to restart DDLs.
Now I am going to spend money elsewhere. I also am a fickle capitalist. So I remember when I have been slighted and I carry a grudge.
From the sounds of it though my lost sale means nothing except to me. Which is the only place it matters. Maybe making the "rookie mistake" mine.
Who knows? Who cares? I can argue the best beer in the world is made in my valley, and I intend to cook steak and drink beer this weekend, and that will be better than any time spent pressing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, no matter how fine the pixels are.
Thing is, they aren't rookies. FFXI has been out for eons -- on three platforms (PC, PS2, XBox360), no less. FFXIV has already had one launch. This was their third go.
Biggest mistake, IMHO, is a toss up.
First was having a very short open beta and deciding to launch despite said beta having had serious, serious connection issues that later proved to still be an issue post-launch.
Second, doing a horrible job of estimating how much server capacity they'd need. Albeit, I don't think they really did, to do so to that degree would require monumental incompetence on an epic level. Frankly I think they decided to weather the inevitable storm that would be caused by a lack of capacity in order to save themselves the major headache inevitably having too much capacity later would cause.
Open beta should have happened 2-3 weeks earlier and lasted longer, since that was the only way they were going to get a handle on the sever load issues.
Item sorting, pretty minor imo and can be added later. This is a non-issue.
Gold spammers will always exist, but not having the option to right click and blacklist seems like an oversight. Hopefully can be added soon. Although, /busy will prevent you from receiving any's not the perfect solution, but it's a solution.
There's always going to be a group of jackass botters/exploiters. Still existed in WoW when I quit this past January despite their Warden detection system. I have not seen this behavior personally, but if I do I'll be damned sure to report the name of the offender. A proactive community can help the developers in a big way by reporter potential botters and exploiters.
They should have used voxels.
I hear it's the future of gaming.
And flying people, I hear that's also way up there on the must have list.
Open beta too short. People were saying it when the initial open beta date got leaked, and many of us rejected it on the basis that SE won't be stupid or greedy enough to have such a short open beta.
We were wrong...
Favorite MMO: Vanilla WoW
Currently playing: GW2, EVE
Excited for: Wildstar, maybe?
Few things off the top of my head......
-No way to make /sh the default chat
-The mounts scaling to the size of the character(this results in lalafell riding mini-horses)
-No way to add pets to the party bar
-No chat bubbles(never thought I would miss these)
-Leaving a group requires too much clicking(should be right-click >> Leave group)
-No gear drops from random mobs
-Teleport/chocobo/aethernet menus should be better. The form of a map would be much better for these.
That's all I can think of. Let me know if anything of these are possible and I missed the setting.
Gear doesn't drop from MOBs because they wanted crafting to actually, you know, mean something in a game.
I miss the chat bubbles. I hate having to type /shout every time.
/pquit I believe is the command to leave a party. Took me a while the first time to figure that out since there wasn't really any info.
You know... we can all play armchair QB the next day but we weren't running the show...
You mean you're a fickle consumer, not a capitalist. Buying a game isn't the same as investing wealth in a company and seeing a return. Also, you're an idiot.
Dungeon drops are way better than crafting gear. There really is very little reason to craft in this game aside from melding materia. But it is quite fun though.
Good job, geoxer2222. You've made solid points in your OP, leaving people like Tissmogi with no valid rebuttals, so they instead attack your grammar.
I agree, Open Beta bit is where they really dropped the ball, in terms of the game itself. Up 'til then, they seemed to really have a grasp on things. But, in hindsight, it occurs to me that the mistakes go farther back than that. They should have had focused stress tests throughout, and they definitely should have had proper testing of the EU/NA servers since they were new upon the launch of Beta 4. The JP servers had been well tested and refined by that point, as evidenced by the comparatively minor problems Japanese players faced upon EA and Release.
Their website setup is also pretty absurd. Requiring people to log in from 3 different sites to manage aspects of the same account. Even going back to PlayOnline, they've never demonstrated much of a grasp on thing like "intuitive account management interfaces". And it's not like there aren't dozens of great examples to draw from. It seems that, while they looked outward for inspiration on the design of ARR itself, they remained quite shut-in when coming up with their customer account management setup.
The lack of effective anti-gold spam tools right out of the gate is indefensible to me. RMT are a fact of life. They are a plague on any game with an even moderate population, and they even played a large part in screwing up the economy of another of SE's MMOs: FFXI. So, they literally had in-house, first-hand experience of what RMT can do to your game if given the chance to "plant roots". They literally had first-hand, in-house experience of ways to effectively deal with them (XI's "Task Force" did an awesome job), and yet they still somehow failed to do anything to proactively deal with them... even down to a simple "right click the name and select 'report gold spammer'", which is pretty damn standard in MMOs these days. That blunder really has me scratching my head. What, did they think the poor launch of 1.0 would keep the RMT away as well?
I can get a bit more into "theory" and explain some very rookie mistakes they made in the design of the game itself, but that would result in a much, much longer post. So, suffice to say, that people are hitting level cap within 3 days of starting, were hitting and completing all the main story-arc content within the first week, are already obtaining high-end gear and otherwise blasting through the content.... all of that indicates to me that Yoshi-P, in his research of other modern, sub-based themepark MMOs to draw from, failed to recognize, or heed, critical design mistakes their developers made, resulting in poor retention and an inevitable move to F2P. You can not sustain a subscription model if people are able to burn through all the major content in your game within the first 2 weeks of its release. If he thinks releasing additional stuff "in phases" is going to make a difference, well... again... he failed to pay attention.
Oh, and we can't forget about their ridiculously bad customer service (which they're almost as well-known for as they are for their games).
Back during EA and such, when people were having trouble with receiving codes, or issues with the codes not being registered properly, etc, SE asked everyone to submit a support ticket, so they could deal with each on a case-by-case basis.
I submitted my support ticket at that time, on August 27th, and I received an email stating it was received and would be addressed in 48 hours.
Some time later, they updated saying that they were so inundated (between the codes, game errors, etc), that they decided to close all open support tickets, and that people with persisting issues open a new support ticket for the issue, and they would get to it.
I re-submitted my support ticket at that time. This was on September 1st, and I received an email confirming it was submitted and would be addressed in 48 hours.
It's now the 8th. 1 week later, to the day. As of my posting this, I've not received even so much as a follow-up, nevermind a resolution.