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  • SonOfAGhostSonOfAGhost Member Posts: 383

    Originally posted by Fadeus

    Alright, why is everyone trying to make me spew coffee on my laptop today?!?Nice one El.

    Just make sure it goes out your mouth not your nose, nasty place to get scalded.
  • pirrgpirrg Member Posts: 1,443

    Yet another one of AA's threads turn into a flamewar. I do wonder..

    I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.

  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    Originally posted by pirrg
    Yet another one of AA's threads turn into a flamewar. I do wonder..

    It may be diff if he didn't try and blow candy coated pink smoke up our a$$ and call it gold......

  • honzolohonzolo Member Posts: 321

     Keep telling yourself that everything is well. But don't expect me to buy it. I gave it a chance.. I do not like it. When and if they change it back to the pre-CU game, I will come back. Anything less, and I will just fondly reminisce of the times and friends I had on there. All of the friends that I was really close with have left the game (some even slogged through the post CU days) and a lot of the people who I knew but was not necessarily close with have left as well.


     I can understand why people who feel their game has been hijacked would come on here often and post about how upset they were and their desire for the game to return to what it once was... but I just don't get why someone would have such a desire to pass out the SOE kool-aid as much and as often as you seem to do. I am glad you enjoy the game. But it is clearly not for most of us. Time will tell whether the changes made were for the better, or were a mistake. I am betting on the latter, even though it brings me no joy to watch the game go down in flames.


     Honz olo

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Elnator

    Originally posted by haxxjoo
    so what range of numbers classifies each server load....
    1-100 very light? Can you provide some numbers for us who believe soe changes the server load variables or its based on something as arbitary as the servers system resource usage.
    either way... it was probably a bring back pre-cu protest going on Anarchy. That might have been a spike until they kick/banned them.

    Haxx... I really need a tinfoil hat... can you send me instructions on how to make one?


    Yeah you do have your moments Elnator, cheers.image

    In this thread I was merely pointing out my holiday cheer that my new chosen server, Chilastra, was wall to wall people in Mos Eisley last night. It was genuinely kewl to see so many new players putting around in their speeders, through town and off in the distance. And doing a /who truncated itself at 32 players and a huge ass life tree would pop up ever 5 seconds as people opened their christmas presents.

    It was fun and I was happy, sue me.

  • WakizashiWakizashi Member Posts: 893

    New Server?  Whatsamatta?  Old server too dead to play on?





  • MaapilMaapil Member Posts: 7 that you??

    If packed means 12 people in Theed at prime time, then yes, it was packed tonight.

  • azhrarnazhrarn Member Posts: 817

    Anarchy, I'm genuinely glad you were happy. Really. No sarcasm. I also sincerely hope that you do not end up the way most of us did -- nerfed of our happiness when SOE/LA decided that they were going to swap out one half-assed, half finished set of core programming to another half-assed, half finished set completely different from the one before it.

    I miss what SWG was last year. I have good memories of it that try as I might, I cannot stamp out and forget. But THAT game is gone now, since a week before my 40th birthday. Talk about your crappy presents. I'd like to say that I don't envy your enjoyment, but I do. I fight with the urge to despise you for enjoying the very things that ruined what I was once extremely happy with. I play WoW and feel bitter that what made ME happy was destroyed to please a younger, less literate, more Monty Haul audience and that even THAT was done in a slipshod, half baked fashion.

    Don't get too attatched to that feeling of happiness. Because if SOE/LA follows their pattern with SWG, you're going to be joining me in bitterness in about four more months, if not sooner.

    Enjoy it while you can.

    And Merry Christmas.

    Kote lo'shebs'ul narit

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by azhrarn

    Anarchy, I'm genuinely glad you were happy. Really. No sarcasm. I also sincerely hope that you do not end up the way most of us did -- nerfed of our happiness when SOE/LA decided that they were going to swap out one half-assed, half finished set of core programming to another half-assed, half finished set completely different from the one before it.
    I miss what SWG was last year. I have good memories of it that try as I might, I cannot stamp out and forget. But THAT game is gone now, since a week before my 40th birthday. Talk about your crappy presents. I'd like to say that I don't envy your enjoyment, but I do. I fight with the urge to despise you for enjoying the very things that ruined what I was once extremely happy with. I play WoW and feel bitter that what made ME happy was destroyed to please a younger, less literate, more Monty Haul audience and that even THAT was done in a slipshod, half baked fashion.
    Don't get too attatched to that feeling of happiness. Because if SOE/LA follows their pattern with SWG, you're going to be joining me in bitterness in about four more months, if not sooner.
    Enjoy it while you can.
    And Merry Christmas.

    Thanks az.image I really think the game is looking great. They just gave us alts, and pre NGE Jedi get 3 character slots, so far. All of the bugs on the legacy quest have been fixed, well just look at pub 26 update. It's not the same game as before, but for me it's more fun. I'm in a good PA again and puttering along having a blast. Lots of people zipping around in their n00by speeders, I kinda love it.

    Glad you're enjoying WoW: it was tremendous fun for me for about 5 months. I won't tell you what happened then, you'll find out yourself. But savor every minute of it, it's truly an excellent game while it lasts.

    Merry Christmas to you, too.image

  • haxxjoohaxxjoo Member Posts: 924

    Originally posted by Elnator

    Originally posted by haxxjoo
    so what range of numbers classifies each server load....
    1-100 very light? Can you provide some numbers for us who believe soe changes the server load variables or its based on something as arbitary as the servers system resource usage.
    either way... it was probably a bring back pre-cu protest going on Anarchy. That might have been a spike until they kick/banned them.

    Haxx... I really need a tinfoil hat... can you send me instructions on how to make one?

    Dood. My tinfoil hat keeps out the alien transmissions.  If I gave you the technical specifications the aliens might intercept it and figure out how to bet my jamming techniques.  We'd have to meet in person at a public place, but then you might work for the aliens... Come naked.. no wait... build your OWN THIS IS MY HAT! 

    MY POINT as always is the FACTS of what exactly a server load even means is irrelavent because SOE refuses to disclose what the defination of heavy is.  

    I personally believe it is based on total numbers of players logging in and has been adjusted since the nge due to lag issues with that version of the game.  They can tweak it anytime they wish.  Just like it was tweaked after the cu. 

    Very light could mean 1000 players.  I could give a ratz ass what the server load says it is because it is as meaningful as this post. 

    Go back to the CU posts.  Wow same crap was spewed.  Same people spewing it.  Only soe can determine whether the NGE is "Packing" the game.  However, I see more toons logged into any guild wars zone at any given hour of the day. 

    If you missed it the nge protest was a joke.  I dont care if sony gives away free subs.  I would rather devote my video game time to game built by professionals without fanboi's who just lick up anything star wars.

  • kjfettkjfett Member UncommonPosts: 234

    As some of you know, I have been watching the forum numbers for a while now and use it as a monitor for the health of the SWG forum community. 

    Pre NGE, the numbers on the forums were about 3000 logged in and 7500 guests.  The weeks after the NGE saw those numbers drop to 900 logged in and 2500 guests.  The number stayed in this range till this week.  Those number have now for the 4th day in a row been in the range of 700 logged in and under 2K guests.

    These reports are collected around 3pm CST during the week.  I find this time to be peak hours on the forums as it is before most have logged to play and has traditionally been the prime "trolling" season each day.

    Clearly, more and more accounts are coming to an end as the days go by. 

    We have now hit the one month mark and average forum use has dropped from 3000 logged to 700. 

    How does this relate to numbers on the severs?  Most reports say that the number of active accounts ranged from 200K-250K...lets say that it was 300K just for the sake of errors.  Now look at that first number of Forum acocunts logged in.  3000.  10% of the 300K users.  10% is about the number of players SOE has hinted at run the forums in the past.  Now if we use a scale and follow that rule to the current 700...that's 70000 users currently in the game.  Round it up for error to 100K and that's the 66% decline many have been saying exists. 

    Those that are seeing increases in numbers are simply seeing a migration of mostly existing accounts to more populated areas.  This is why dead areas become even more dead and servers like Bria and Ahazi are managing to keep up with medium/high levels...people are leaving the low servers and heading to the higher ground so to speak.  SOE wont have to do a server merge..the players will do it for them.

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