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Short Summary
Assured Mutual Destruction - Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (AMD-ICBM)
We welcome anyone into our ranks who share the love of playing and talking about video games. We believe in fair play, equal opportunity and helping each other achieve our goals. A community of gamers, friends and family is what we continuously strive to be, maintained with care since 2007.
Guild Wars 2
We have been a guild within the game since the first beta weekend event, April 2012. Our community is strong and dedicated to the server world we play on. We have been on Isle of Janthir since April and have no plans to go anywhere; we are not a guild that server hops and leaves its members in the dust.Our humble community is simply looking for some new friends to play with. Keeping things fun and active is what we want to maintain within the game. Our guild members are helpful and teach each other about the game; by having conversations, we can learn from what others have experienced. We have members with a wide range of progression throughout the game, ranging from those just starting out to others with multiple level 80 characters and world completion.
Here's the bullet points of what we do, have to offer, requirements and contact information.
US Worlds – Isle of Janthir
1. Leadership with more than 7 years experience running a guild in Guild Wars and since beta within Guild Wars 2.
2. 80 plus active guild members with 140 total, average 20-30 online concurrently, with 90% choosing to represent at all times.
3. Guild website with a private forum & news section updated daily.
4. Community VoIP Servers (voice chat), Team Speak 3.
5. North American based community, who welcome people from all over the world, as play times may vary.
6. Daily guild events that cover all aspects of PvE during the week. A advanced calendar system on the website to easily keep track of these events. Able to comment, subscribe and has multiple different viewing options.
7. A Guild bank, with a system in place for convenient deposit and withdraws. With discount perks given to members, why pay the Black Lion tax, when you can earn interest back with ICBM.
8. Group of people who are willing to play, teach, learn and just have fun.
9. A community infrastructure that allows you to be a part of something more than just a game. We have a system in place that allows people to contribute to the community and be recognized for said contributions.
If one of the following apply to you, then you may just fit right in.
1. Want to be part of a community not just a guild drone. We will never force you to farm or join in on anything you don’t want to.
2. Are actively working towards achieving your in game-goals but would sometimes like support from a friend or party.
3. Are willing to not only learn, but teach and help others when you can.
4. Log in monthly, weekly or everyday, does not matter as long as you enjoy playing the game.
1. Guild Rules
Follow the guild rules & members conduct.
2. Website: Must Make an Account First.
To join a guild as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), you must first join the community of Assured Mutual Destruction (AMD) by having an account by means of the website “”.
3. Voice Chat
To participate in certain Guild Events and Elite Areas you will need to sometimes use Team Speak (voice chat). You do not need to talk but the willingness to listen to others will help the entire group complete the intended goal.
1. Log into the website (
2. Go to and fill out the "Join a Guild" form, choose any guilds from within the games we support.
3. Please allow 1-2 days for your game account to be processed by an administrator.
1. If you would like to give our community a try, you can make an account on our website at
2. If you wish to apply to become a rostered guild member, please use the contact form “Join a Guild”, you can do so by clicking here
3. If you have any questions feel free to Private Message me on this site/forum or through the Contact Us form on our site by clicking here
updated: March 20, 2014
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
Being apart of this community as brought me many friends, if it wasn’t for the people who I talk to, help me, and overall just find ways to have fun, in a game that can get very tedious and repetitive if you don’t switch up things you are doing.
I have been with this community for 5 years and this guild for 6 months (beta weekends) within Guild Wars 2 . Even though I am the guild leader, I choose to be so. For the very fact that this community as been a positive presence in my life.
We are always changing and evolving to improve things, but the core principles which as kept the community strong for so many years remains.
In the photo 14 of us are doing the Kill the Hyrda Queen achievement on the request of one guild member. This meta event as many bugs, had to do the pre-event 3 times in a row to have the meta even activate once. Then when it does you have to make sure the NPC Jenny is alive or you do not get the achievement credit. We got it done and everyone got the Kill the Hyrda Queen achievement.
The photo is taken while we were waiting for the meta event to activate which takes 15 minutes. So we broke out the party items and had a food fight, with some box’s o’ fun and brawls.
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
My guild and the people I support in game, try to help the best we can. We do not always succeed in taking a tower or castle, but we have fun doing it.
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
Join us we’re friendly!
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM] – Doing the meta event, Thaumanova Reactor Fallout and the secret boss found in behind us, in the glowing hole.
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
After 6 years of gaming and making friends from all over the world. One thing I regret is not playing Guild Wars sooner when it first came out in 2005 to have my gaming community experience be longer than it is now.
Here is some of the guild having some fun at the Moa races.
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
Come join Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]. We have a lot of fun and run daily events.
This is Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM] in Guild Wars 2 within the Tixx’s Infinirarium during a guild event.
Tonight Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM] will be running Fractals of the Mist.
This is Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM] in Guild Wars 2 doing, Fracs level 49 Uncategorized Fractal.
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
This is Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM] in the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle:
Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
I am thinking posting to yourself is probably even worse than talking to yourself.
Help support an artist and gamer who has lost his tools to create and play: