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At least, that is what I get from reading what was announced.
In any event, it appears that they are getting much needed lessons from the free passes into SOGland so be happy - by the time the actual game releases they will not have to experience these problems.
... there are 8881 Pioneers and 10,000 "free" SoG keys. That's 18,881 players. Plus like 400 Chinese keys Snailgames were given extra.
I only know that their own site says 'the first 10,000 Settlers are ready....' - that may be your interpretation - I think only 10k got in.
10,000 settlers + 9000 Pioneers. the web site is just saying that the first 10k are already taken, expect more in the future.
lol, why cant some people comprehend something thats so clear and easy
Nemo sine vitio est
I do think they have the number of people aloud in the game at one time capped though, a few people have tried to log in when all the servers were up and it said that the maximum number has been reached. IF there were really 1900 keys given out then they need to set the server to allow the full amount of people in.
Please provide an official statement by link please. Because as far as I can find, about the only "official" statement they have ever released was a grand total of 10,000 settlers... PERIOD. Which can be seen directly on their front page.
To my knowledge, but again Unless you can provide a link that states otherwise, they have never suggested it was 8881 Beta entries + 10,000 free entries, I could not find any proof of official statement that this was fact. But, keep in mind, I couldn't find any official statement that it was only 10k either, of course other then what is on their own front page.
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Please provide an official statement by link please. Because as far as I can find, about the only "official" statement they have ever released was a grand total of 10,000 settlers... PERIOD. Which can be seen directly on their front page.
To my knowledge, but again Unless you can provide a link that states otherwise, they have never suggested it was 8881 Beta entries + 10,000 free entries, I could not find any proof of official statement that this was fact. But, keep in mind, I couldn't find any official statement that it was only 10k either, of course other then what is on their own front page.
I can't provide a link. The official forums are down. I know for a fact I read an official forum post that explained that there would be 8,881 pioneers AND 10,000 settlers.
I'm not trying to change your mind as it makes no difference to me what your beliefs are. However, I do want to put the correct information out there in case other, more open-minded, people have the same question.
... There are 8881 PIONEERS, people that paid for access to SoG and to pre-order DnL with their payment of $59.99 on Nov 24th/25th. THEY ARE NOT FROM BETA. Since you seem to not believe there are pioneers at all, here's the link:
... There are also 10,000 SETTLERS, people who signed up for free access to SoB on Dec 8th for 80 seconds. THEY ARE NOT FROM BETA EITHER.
When AD says "Settlers" they mean the free key people. The main page, which hasn't been updated in 4 days essentially talks about the "first 10,000 settlers" because they will be opening up new keys later for SoG.
The 400 Chinese keys statement came from a Chinese player that got one from Snailgames. There's no official statement I can link to you though, so don't believe it I guess.
None of those 18,881 players have anything to do with beta.
Settlers = the free SoG accounts.
Pioneers = the pre-order accounts.
It was listed clearly and documented in their dev chat that there were 10.000 free accounts for the release of SoG. Pioneers already had their account by the time the settlers signed up. So there was supposed to be 10k settlers + the 8k pioneers.
Thats what they tell us. I don't believe it for a second. Its all just smoke and mirrors if you ask me. If you believe their websight handled 10k accounts being created in 1.2 min, some might call you niave. I was lucky enough to get an account durring that window, and there was no lag durring that time. I go to there forums with 600ish people on them and it takes forever for the pages to load and you get a lot of data base errors etc. Believe what you want because we will never know for sure, all we can go by is that they spoon feed us.
I could see them just giving out 1.2k more accounts instead of a full 10k, seems like the sort of "misrepresentation" that AD/NP3 seems to excel at. It would be interesting to see the member lists on the forums.
Please provide an official statement by link please. Because as far as I can find, about the only "official" statement they have ever released was a grand total of 10,000 settlers... PERIOD. Which can be seen directly on their front page.
To my knowledge, but again Unless you can provide a link that states otherwise, they have never suggested it was 8881 Beta entries + 10,000 free entries, I could not find any proof of official statement that this was fact. But, keep in mind, I couldn't find any official statement that it was only 10k either, of course other then what is on their own front page.
I can't provide a link. The official forums are down. I know for a fact I read an official forum post that explained that there would be 8,881 pioneers AND 10,000 settlers.
I'm not trying to change your mind as it makes no difference to me what your beliefs are. However, I do want to put the correct information out there in case other, more open-minded, people have the same question.
Oh I certainly hope you don't think I was being hostile with my post, I realize it may have come off that way and for that I appologize, which I say because that little "more open-minded" remark seemed aimed squarly towards me.
I absolutely could be wrong, all I was pointing out was my own confusion over simply not being able to find any concrete official information on the forums (prior to closures of course) or otherwise by AD, Farlan or NP. As I said the only information I could find was on the front page, where it states 10,000 settlers, period. Please understand that I'm not close minded about it at all, I could care less either way as I'm not interested in playing DnL or SoG for that matter, I'm just more curious about the over all situation then anything.
Anyways, hope that clears that up and like you said, if you can find a link I would certainly be interested and it would probably help those that are curious just like I am.
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