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So I'm currently playing a Conjurer and am currently level 21. Issue is, I keep finding myself in quest hubs with quests meant for level 15 players, so wondering if I should just do the main story quests until they are more fitting for my level, only do them to fill in extra levels or if I should save them for other jobs?
Do every single quest you see and take the bag of gil reward. every single one. FATEs will level your alternate jobs far far faster than quests will, so just get them out of the way. The money will be nice come endgame.
I say take the gil reward because dungeons will gear you excellently, and Gran Companies seals will buy you damn nice gear that'll last you alot of levels.
Why take all the gear rewards when you will never use them. TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
You're going to want to save those quests until you level another class. I highly suggest doing what you mentioned and just story quest until it brings you a new hub that closer to your level. I suggest waiting until the hub quests = current level - 1.
The reason I say this is I've been finding few lower level Fates (on my server).
When levelling in this game you have 3 stages for conjurer
First your main class just use the storyline quests, and fill in any gaps between your level and the requirment for next storyline, (Most of the time this is about 1/2 a level) use your Hunting journal and fetes (when you pass them do a few) also do guild leves, but really want to save a lot of these if you can
Your secondary Class - Use the Quests to level from your starter area, and collect the token for reward just top up gear with dungeons, Use guild leves and such
Your Tertiary Class - Use your hunting journal and fetes to level this class up, also guild leves and such
So far im level 35 white mage and have done only 5 none storyline quests out of the starter city, and have levelled up right about bang on for my level, sometimes the journal mobs have been 2/3 levels above me.
In terms of order you want
Conjurer to level 25-30
Arcanist to Level 15
Thaurm to level 6
the reason you do this, once your arcanist is level 15 your white mage quest open up, but i would suggest at some point between 25-30 get thaum to level 6 this will allow your white mage to use the thunder skill (a wonderful awesome DOT) and getting the thm to level 6 took me a whopping 20mins.
Good luck Mr White Mage
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
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