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I bought the PC version of the game. I'm struggling to find a clear answer to my question. (I'm mostly using Google to search for already answered questions on this website. I may not have the good keywords this time) If I want to play on my PS3:
1) Do I need to buy the PS3 version?
2) If I buy the PS3 version in addition, can I stack it on my PC account? I've the non-collector edition, I if take the collector edition on PS3, will I be able to enjoy the bonus both on my PC and my console?
Thanks for your time,
You can play the same account on both PS3 and PC; you'll simply use the same log in information.
You will, however, have to buy both versions.
I know that you have to buy the game separately for each, but I don't know about the CE info.
That's kind of an odd set-up. I didn't realize you would be able to play the same toon on both the pc and ps3.
Many thanks!
Last question, I'm currently browing the App Store (iOS) looking for a security token. Whenever I type "Square Enix security token", I encounter an error message (cannot connect to the AppStore). My connection is working fine. Is there a security token available on the app store? Do you have its complete name?
Of course you have to buy the PS3 version. They are two different hardware configs. Can you play PS3 games on your PC? Do you play PC games on your PS3. I know they feel the same, but common sense should tell you otherwise. Wow.
No one forces you to answer questions you don't like.
from what I can understand is that if you buy it for pc and ps3 you get the thirty free days from each purchase and then its one sub since you are using one account.
So its $60 to do both platforms then $15 a month after your 60 free days.
Couldn't you just install the game from a friend? or "other means" of installation of the data on the PS3, since the installation itself requires no CD-key, then use you PC account for that?
Yeah, there is a security token, i found with the search word "square enix security", it's the first one that comes up on my lolphone
When you install the PS3 version of the game, it ties your PSN account to a Square-Enix account, and you have to play using that PSN account. If you already have the PC version (and thus already have a Square-Enix account), you can choose to tie your PSN to that account (and thus play the same characters on either platform, for $15/month) or you can create a NEW Square-Enix account (and thus be able to use both simultaneously, but have to pay for both accounts).
I don't know if you could install the game under one PSN identity on a PS3 and then switch to a different PSN login to play under a different user (which you might do if you were visiting a friend). I would guess that depends on how the PS3 and PSN security system works (IE: I log in as Foo and buy some game, then log out and log in as Bar... can Bar play the game that's on the PS3 hard drive, or does it keep them sandboxed?)
Well, thanks for your answers!
I'll update this thread on tuesday. I've ordered the CE on PS3, I should receive it by noon GMT+1. I'll tell you then if I can login straight away with my PC account (meaning that borrowing the game from a frien would do the job)
I was having doubts after SE announced that PS3 owners will get a PS4 version free of charge.
If you got a HDMI cable that can run from your PC and PS3, save yourself some money man. I thought about the exact same thing as you, but i ended up saving the cash and still play on my 50" Sony screen with PS3 controller and everything on maxed graphics.
Even the graphics will be alot better that way.
The thing with the "borrowing" part is the ties between the PSN and Square-Enix account.
When you install, it will make you tie your PSN to a Square-Enix account, and that has to be done before you can continue. After that, the login works almost like the PC login, except the "username" box is not editable (it will be your PSN id).
So, if you install it on your friend's machine, you HAVE to be logged into your OWN PSN account or it will tie your friend's PSN id to your Square-Enix account. This isn't something you can change.
The only question is... if you install it under one ID and then log out and make a new local PS3 account, can you then log in using a different PSN id and will the game use that? Or does the game get "branded" with the original installation ID?
Be careful, or you'll be on the phone to tech support to straighten it out.
I will!
Last but not least. I know that TESO tries to make a deal with Sony to make the PSN free for their mmo's subscribers. Will it be the same between SE and Sony? There will be little point to switch to the PS4 version if it adds 15$ of monthly subscription..