WoW and DAOC are not capped. Easiest way to tell is run FRAPS, and then, run Antialiasing off / 2X / 4X / 8X. Your performance should drop 25-50% from previous setting each time you go higher.
Originally posted by motiv 25 fps for me all the time (away from newbie area). No idea why it's capped, sure that will (should) be taken out. Not that it really matters. 25fps is fine for a MMORPG.
Alot of games cap the Frame rate to save your CPU and video card from having to do unnessary cycles.
Its only realy inportiant in First persion shooters.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Games do not cap frame rates, the video libraries do when you set the sync frame rate to verticle refresh rate. Unsync it and you get higher frame rates. The game is slow, period. The world everyone loves so much is full of artifacts. Notice all the nice squares. Either the game is too big for technology currently available, or the game is too big for the resources available to Farlan/NPCube.
Originally posted by iamct2327 Umm nope everyone on here is wrong, no capped framerates in SWG or WOW. If you go to google and download a little app called FRAPS load that sucker up and it tells you the FPS of whatever game you are playing. WOW: I get 75 to 85 Frames per second with everything turned up (yep 75 to 85 FPS), SWG I get 65 to 75 sometimes FPS with all graphics turned up (yep thats right), oh and FEAR gets 90 FPS stable, EQ2 gets 80 FPS stable with medium settings, and lets see Black and White 2 gets 85 FPS. This is with all vertical sync disabled of course since if vertical sync it ticked on the frame will follow the HTZ of you monitor settings. Forgive my Northeaster American attitude, maybe some of those Europeans can play a game on 25 FPS but I sure as hell refuse to. Sticking to my American developers only, oh except for the Koreans and Japanese because they are great programmers too, the French need some help with the IT stuff.... Dont bother to respond you will only kid yourself....
OMG, dude, please stop, you are horribly entertaining. You even tried to backup your error with FRAPs, lmao.
And another thing I'm from originally from Illinois....don't bring nationalities and culture into the discussion, you'll look even more like an idiot.
Originally posted by iamct2327 Forgive my Northeaster American attitude, maybe some of those Europeans can play a game on 25 FPS but I sure as hell refuse to. Sticking to my American developers only, oh except for the Koreans and Japanese because they are great programmers too, the French need some help with the IT stuff....Dont bother to respond you will only kid yourself....
Yeah yeah keep sticking to your 'American developers' , all they come from Europe and Asia dumba$$.
One more issue that people may be forgetting is that server bandwidth and server client update bandwidth capping is a major contributor to supposid FPS capping
Originally posted by Tigercha One more issue that people may be forgetting is that server bandwidth and server client update bandwidth capping is a major contributor to supposid FPS capping
Doubtful. Most games, mmorpg / fps / etc., updates character base on movement and action.
Lets say client / server updates direction everytime your character takes 3 steps. Going by your logic, person getting 60 fps would move / update 2X fast as someone moving 30 fps and 30 fps would be 2X faster than 15 fps. Clearly, it's incorrect. However, having faster fps just means that your character's 3 steps at 60 fps would be 2X more smooth than someone with only 30 fps, but that's only client side. The data update (bandwidth usage) would still be calculated at same 3 steps for 60 / 30 / 15 / 10 / 5 / etc.
You can test this out by increasing graphics level (lowering performance). The time it takes you to run from point A to B should still be same for you and people watching. Just less smooth / more jerky movements on your screen.
Originally posted by Tigercha One more issue that people may be forgetting is that server bandwidth and server client update bandwidth capping is a major contributor to supposid FPS capping
Nonsense. But I wouldn't wonder if the guys at farlan used such a funny aproach in their engine.
Alot of you are the reason the bar for games is getting lower in quality, not higher. SOG was a horrible mistake, and most of you defend it like it was your first born.
A) It's Beta. Please stop using this as a krutch to try to explain this piss poor prelude. It's not a beta. It's a new game. Please stop using this as an excuse. New game or not. A certain level of quality needs to be met. SOG doesn't even come close. C) It's new technology. Please stop using this as an excuse. New technology or not. It should have been more properly tested. "BEFORE" doing an event like the SOG. D) It's a small Dev team. Please stop using this as an excuse. There are plenty of small developers out there. That put in the work and effort to make a game. That is of much higher quality then SOG currently is, and they do it with far less funding. E) It's going to be great with further patching. Please stop with this non-sense. Anything can be better with enough patching. Just look at AO. If it needed this much patching. Then the SOG event should have been delayed till a later date. "It's better to keep quiet, and let people think you a fool. Then to open your mouth and remove all doubt." In the case of SOG it would have been better to delay it and look bad. Then to put it out as it is now, and remove all doubt about how bad it is. F) You shouldn't complain about it because it's free. Please stop with this non-sense as well. Free or not, that is irrevelant. As is how the person chooses to get their point across, on calling SOG what it truly is currently. Which is a poorly coded piece of software that should not have been released to the public.
If they had called it a beta. I would have cut them much more slack. They choice not to call it a beta. So therefore they will be called on every mistake. If they were smart. They would have said first 2 months will be for the purpose of beta testing SOG. Then next couple of months will be the actually live version of SOG. Instead they opted to call SOG 'A Prelude and full game'. So the mistake is on their part. Not the Pioneers and Settlers that have lost patience with the games current state. Settlers may have gotten in free, but Pioneers paid to be here. Even if their Pre-orders were for Dark and Light. Most of them currently would not be in SOG event if not for paying that 60 bucks. So they have as much right if not alot more then any settler to complain over this games current state.
In War - Victory. In Peace - Vigilance. In Death - Sacrifice.
Poor Roin, can't get enough support for her whines anymore, so she attempts to bash the most legitimate reasons SOG isn't perfect.
First of all, ma'am, it really is a free game that no one was forced to play or buy. I am one of the lucky pioneers and I have no complaints about the launch of SOG. Yeah it's not a complete version of DnL. It was known it wouldn't be complete since they announced it back in October/November.
Second, I know you had faith in the game. You have stated many times that you have been following DnL for years and that you JUST realized it wasn't a good game once SOG went live. Actually, what you realized is that it isn't for you. That's fine. Just leave then.
Lastly, once the servers get stable (typical problems that plague any new release of an MMO) and some new patches come over the next couple weeks, you will hear very little complaints except from a content point of view (all of which will be implemented in time). Heck, we're just stress-testing the thing this week. Who cares if they don't use the terminology "it's a beta version of DnL"? The game is great and will only get better regardless of what they call it.
No one is forcing you to play any game. If you still prefer to bash the game even though you aren't playing anymore, you are going to have a very hard time drawing up support. SOG is a beautiful and very enjoyable game even in its current state. Good luck with life and your ego on these forums, but your complaints are becoming monotonous and annoying.
Actually Roin is very right. There are no excuses for realeasing a extremely faulty product. We know it's in beta, we know that it's not the biggest company in the world, we know they are stuck on a Island east of Madagascar. We know all this. BUT we still can point out that this "Beta" has faults. Even if you take all those facts into account it still has faults. Serious ones. Problems like this occured when the mmo genre still was young, people didn't expect so much. But now with almost 100% bugfree games like EQ2, Wow, CoV and GW released only the last year, people start to wonder how a game 5 years in development can be so bad. There is no content, there isn't really much work gone into textures (There aren't many unique textures), gameplay is bad, and the only real feature is the terrain engine. A terrain engine doesn't take 5 years to develop.
Originally posted by Wolfwynd Poor Roin, can't get enough support for her whines anymore, so she attempts to bash the most legitimate reasons SOG isn't perfect. First of all, ma'am, it really is a free game that no one was forced to play or buy. I am one of the lucky pioneers and I have no complaints about the launch of SOG. Yeah it's not a complete version of DnL. It was known it wouldn't be complete since they announced it back in October/November.Second, I know you had faith in the game. You have stated many times that you have been following DnL for years and that you JUST realized it wasn't a good game once SOG went live. Actually, what you realized is that it isn't for you. That's fine. Just leave then.Lastly, once the servers get stable (typical problems that plague any new release of an MMO) and some new patches come over the next couple weeks, you will hear very little complaints except from a content point of view (all of which will be implemented in time). Heck, we're just stress-testing the thing this week. Who cares if they don't use the terminology "it's a beta version of DnL"? The game is great and will only get better regardless of what they call it.No one is forcing you to play any game. If you still prefer to bash the game even though you aren't playing anymore, you are going to have a very hard time drawing up support. SOG is a beautiful and very enjoyable game even in its current state. Good luck with life and your ego on these forums, but your complaints are becoming monotonous and annoying.
First of all. It's "He" not "She", "Sir" not "Ma'am". As I am not, nor have I ever been a female. You know I had faith in game? Pardon me, but do you know me in real life? When did I ever say I followed DnL for years? I use to follow it off and on yeah, but for the last 4 to 6 months I haven't. (Probably even more)
Second of all. I'm not saying SOG is a good or bad game. I'm saying the quality it is at right now. It should have never been released to the public. SOG as it is now is an embarassment. Releasing such a poor quality product. On to people you hope to make future subscribers is just insulting. I wouldn't hand a you a car that worked at 1/10th the full version. Unless I was absolutely sure that you would get the most out of that 1/10th I promised. Currently SOG doesn't even do that.
Lastly like I said in my above post. Anything can get better with enough patching. If it was that bad on the 12th and 13th. They should have immeadiately pulled SOG. Worked on it for at least another month. Then put it back out to the public. At the very least like I said tell the people that SOG would be an experiment or a test product. They did neither, they claimed SOG is a full game. So thus I will treat it accordingly.
It's time we start raising the bar for games. Not lowering it because of a bunch of excuses we hear 100 times anytime something new comes out. Hell i'm a die hard Final Fantasy fan. Played the demo of Final Fantasy XII when I bought DragonQuest VIII. Absolutely hated it. So you know what? I'm not going to be buying it. This will be the first Final Fantasy I have not purchased. It will be one of the only Final Fantasys I don't own outside of the Cellphone one released only in japan.
That my friend is raising the bar. That is asking for better quality from a product. If something doesn't vibe. You just don't buy it anyway and turn the other cheek. Saying oh they'll fix it with a patch, or oh they'll fix it with the next installment.
If it was a stress test they should have said so. If it was a beta test they should have said so. That excuse of no one is forcing you to play it is getting really old. It's a tired lame excuse that makes no sense. I haven't touched SOG since other day when I got tired of trying. That doesn't mean I won't comment on it. No one is forcing you to play it eh? You're right no one is. That still doesn't change the fact that it's a poor quality game right now. That will remain the same whether i'm playing it or not.
In War - Victory. In Peace - Vigilance. In Death - Sacrifice.
Roin concise and to the point I have said exactly the same before and got shot down, this You pay your money you takes your chance attitude is bull, I played the beta of Guild Wars and what a polished product, I learned my lesson from SWG, people take what they are given and make excuses, in England we dont expect good service we actually expect crap service and when we get good service we are surprised, if we order a product and it arrives the next day as we are promised we are jumping for joy, and this is why we put up with and accept this crap, I am an IT executive and have 18 years experience in Project management twelve of those 18 years where in another country and their they expected me to finish a project on time and within budget, they expected me to produce a Plan with Gant Chart proposed man hours needed and also show the associated risks for a project and how this would impact said project and god help anyone who managed a project and did not actually envisage something as a risk, but here in the UK we dont quite work like that, we work on the seat of ones pants approach and caution to the wind and dont expect repeat custom so dont try.
I say all people who bought one of the 8881 keys should demand a refund as there is no chance that this product can or will be completed in the first quarter of next year.
Yes and whilst I am ranting and I am usually very polite but I feel the need to express my mind this time GAMER 13, Phoenixs and gibka_suka I am sure you are very special people who wonder why people talk very very slowly to you, its because your not very bright, you will find that there are generally settings in the configuration files on most servers that can we set with a update speed setting that inhibits clients updating faster than a certain rate, and this inhibits and limits the client frame rate, there are also prdiction routines but thats too complex for this forum obviously, now before you get the urge to flame me with your ignorance go away and investigate this and speak to a few games developers first and I dont mean the games developers who are nothing more than secretaries, I mean real coders.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I do not know if anyone already posted this, but... a movie.. any movie.. runs at 30 fps. Anything faster and the movie is in fast forward.
The max of any game, any movie, is 30 fps. Whether or not the number you see in your game might say 75 or not, even if i do not belive you, is simply an error. 25 fps is quite good and for a mmorpg 15 fps while in the vicinity of many other gamers, isnt all that bad.
And no, i do not have a degree in movie making, however i did stay at a holiday inn last night. :P
Originally posted by Drokar I do not know if anyone already posted this, but... a movie.. any movie.. runs at 30 fps. Anything faster and the movie is in fast forward. The max of any game, any movie, is 30 fps. Whether or not the number you see in your game might say 75 or not, even if i do not belive you, is simply an error. 25 fps is quite good and for a mmorpg 15 fps while in the vicinity of many other gamers, isnt all that bad. And no, i do not have a degree in movie making, however i did stay at a holiday inn last night. :P
First, movies run at 24 fps, even though, interlace TV can do max 30 fps. A) Saves Hollywood $$$. Less frames = movie costing less. It works most of the time because the camera movements are slow so things happening on screen does not seem jerky. But, you can clearly see it's jerkiness during fast action chase seems, ie cars, people running, and etc.
As for computers, depending on your monitor, you could hit 100 fps. To test it out, turn on FRAPS, increase resolution, and Antialiasing 2X / 4X / 8X. Next, have your character run, and then, do quick 360 turns. You will see that slower your fps the more jerky the camera / character / environment will be. That's why pro gamers will turn down graphic settings to get better framerates in tournaments. It's much better to aim when you can turn faster and smoother.
Don't click here...no2
Alot of games cap the Frame rate to save your CPU and video card from having to do unnessary cycles.
Its only realy inportiant in First persion shooters.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Games do not cap frame rates, the video libraries do when you set the sync frame rate to verticle refresh rate. Unsync it and you get higher frame rates. The game is slow, period. The world everyone loves so much is full of artifacts. Notice all the nice squares. Either the game is too big for technology currently available, or the game is too big for the resources available to Farlan/NPCube.
OMG, dude, please stop, you are horribly entertaining. You even tried to backup your error with FRAPs, lmao.
And another thing I'm from originally from Illinois....don't bring nationalities and culture into the discussion, you'll look even more like an idiot.
Yeah yeah keep sticking to your 'American developers' , all they come from Europe and Asia dumba$$.
Doubtful. Most games, mmorpg / fps / etc., updates character base on movement and action.
Lets say client / server updates direction everytime your character takes 3 steps. Going by your logic, person getting 60 fps would move / update 2X fast as someone moving 30 fps and 30 fps would be 2X faster than 15 fps. Clearly, it's incorrect. However, having faster fps just means that your character's 3 steps at 60 fps would be 2X more smooth than someone with only 30 fps, but that's only client side. The data update (bandwidth usage) would still be calculated at same 3 steps for 60 / 30 / 15 / 10 / 5 / etc.
You can test this out by increasing graphics level (lowering performance). The time it takes you to run from point A to B should still be same for you and people watching. Just less smooth / more jerky movements on your screen.
Fps has nothing to do with the servers. Better Fps = Game moves smoother for your eyes.
Nonsense. But I wouldn't wonder if the guys at farlan used such a funny aproach in their engine.
Alot of you are the reason the bar for games is getting lower in quality, not higher. SOG was a horrible mistake, and most of you defend it like it was your first born.
A) It's Beta. Please stop using this as a krutch to try to explain this piss poor prelude. It's not a beta.
It's a new game. Please stop using this as an excuse. New game or not. A certain level of quality needs to be met. SOG doesn't even come close.
C) It's new technology. Please stop using this as an excuse. New technology or not. It should have been more properly tested. "BEFORE" doing an event like the SOG.
D) It's a small Dev team. Please stop using this as an excuse. There are plenty of small developers out there. That put in the work and effort to make a game. That is of much higher quality then SOG currently is, and they do it with far less funding.
E) It's going to be great with further patching. Please stop with this non-sense. Anything can be better with enough patching. Just look at AO. If it needed this much patching. Then the SOG event should have been delayed till a later date. "It's better to keep quiet, and let people think you a fool. Then to open your mouth and remove all doubt." In the case of SOG it would have been better to delay it and look bad. Then to put it out as it is now, and remove all doubt about how bad it is.
F) You shouldn't complain about it because it's free. Please stop with this non-sense as well. Free or not, that is irrevelant. As is how the person chooses to get their point across, on calling SOG what it truly is currently. Which is a poorly coded piece of software that should not have been released to the public.
If they had called it a beta. I would have cut them much more slack. They choice not to call it a beta. So therefore they will be called on every mistake. If they were smart. They would have said first 2 months will be for the purpose of beta testing SOG. Then next couple of months will be the actually live version of SOG. Instead they opted to call SOG 'A Prelude and full game'. So the mistake is on their part. Not the Pioneers and Settlers that have lost patience with the games current state. Settlers may have gotten in free, but Pioneers paid to be here. Even if their Pre-orders were for Dark and Light. Most of them currently would not be in SOG event if not for paying that 60 bucks. So they have as much right if not alot more then any settler to complain over this games current state.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Poor Roin, can't get enough support for her whines anymore, so she attempts to bash the most legitimate reasons SOG isn't perfect.
First of all, ma'am, it really is a free game that no one was forced to play or buy. I am one of the lucky pioneers and I have no complaints about the launch of SOG. Yeah it's not a complete version of DnL. It was known it wouldn't be complete since they announced it back in October/November.
Second, I know you had faith in the game. You have stated many times that you have been following DnL for years and that you JUST realized it wasn't a good game once SOG went live. Actually, what you realized is that it isn't for you. That's fine. Just leave then.
Lastly, once the servers get stable (typical problems that plague any new release of an MMO) and some new patches come over the next couple weeks, you will hear very little complaints except from a content point of view (all of which will be implemented in time). Heck, we're just stress-testing the thing this week. Who cares if they don't use the terminology "it's a beta version of DnL"? The game is great and will only get better regardless of what they call it.
No one is forcing you to play any game. If you still prefer to bash the game even though you aren't playing anymore, you are going to have a very hard time drawing up support. SOG is a beautiful and very enjoyable game even in its current state. Good luck with life and your ego on these forums, but your complaints are becoming monotonous and annoying.
Actually Roin is very right. There are no excuses for realeasing a extremely faulty product. We know it's in beta, we know that it's not the biggest company in the world, we know they are stuck on a Island east of Madagascar. We know all this. BUT we still can point out that this "Beta" has faults. Even if you take all those facts into account it still has faults. Serious ones. Problems like this occured when the mmo genre still was young, people didn't expect so much. But now with almost 100% bugfree games like EQ2, Wow, CoV and GW released only the last year, people start to wonder how a game 5 years in development can be so bad. There is no content, there isn't really much work gone into textures (There aren't many unique textures), gameplay is bad, and the only real feature is the terrain engine. A terrain engine doesn't take 5 years to develop.
First of all. It's "He" not "She", "Sir" not "Ma'am". As I am not, nor have I ever been a female. You know I had faith in game? Pardon me, but do you know me in real life? When did I ever say I followed DnL for years? I use to follow it off and on yeah, but for the last 4 to 6 months I haven't. (Probably even more)
Second of all. I'm not saying SOG is a good or bad game. I'm saying the quality it is at right now. It should have never been released to the public. SOG as it is now is an embarassment. Releasing such a poor quality product. On to people you hope to make future subscribers is just insulting. I wouldn't hand a you a car that worked at 1/10th the full version. Unless I was absolutely sure that you would get the most out of that 1/10th I promised. Currently SOG doesn't even do that.
Lastly like I said in my above post. Anything can get better with enough patching. If it was that bad on the 12th and 13th. They should have immeadiately pulled SOG. Worked on it for at least another month. Then put it back out to the public. At the very least like I said tell the people that SOG would be an experiment or a test product. They did neither, they claimed SOG is a full game. So thus I will treat it accordingly.
It's time we start raising the bar for games. Not lowering it because of a bunch of excuses we hear 100 times anytime something new comes out. Hell i'm a die hard Final Fantasy fan. Played the demo of Final Fantasy XII when I bought DragonQuest VIII. Absolutely hated it. So you know what? I'm not going to be buying it. This will be the first Final Fantasy I have not purchased. It will be one of the only Final Fantasys I don't own outside of the Cellphone one released only in japan.
That my friend is raising the bar. That is asking for better quality from a product. If something doesn't vibe. You just don't buy it anyway and turn the other cheek. Saying oh they'll fix it with a patch, or oh they'll fix it with the next installment.
If it was a stress test they should have said so. If it was a beta test they should have said so. That excuse of no one is forcing you to play it is getting really old. It's a tired lame excuse that makes no sense. I haven't touched SOG since other day when I got tired of trying. That doesn't mean I won't comment on it. No one is forcing you to play it eh? You're right no one is. That still doesn't change the fact that it's a poor quality game right now. That will remain the same whether i'm playing it or not.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Roin concise and to the point I have said exactly the same before and got shot down, this You pay your money you takes your chance attitude is bull, I played the beta of Guild Wars and what a polished product, I learned my lesson from SWG, people take what they are given and make excuses, in England we dont expect good service we actually expect crap service and when we get good service we are surprised, if we order a product and it arrives the next day as we are promised we are jumping for joy, and this is why we put up with and accept this crap, I am an IT executive and have 18 years experience in Project management twelve of those 18 years where in another country and their they expected me to finish a project on time and within budget, they expected me to produce a Plan with Gant Chart proposed man hours needed and also show the associated risks for a project and how this would impact said project and god help anyone who managed a project and did not actually envisage something as a risk, but here in the UK we dont quite work like that, we work on the seat of ones pants approach and caution to the wind and dont expect repeat custom so dont try.
I say all people who bought one of the 8881 keys should demand a refund as there is no chance that this product can or will be completed in the first quarter of next year.
Yes and whilst I am ranting and I am usually very polite but I feel the need to express my mind this time GAMER 13, Phoenixs and gibka_suka I am sure you are very special people who wonder why people talk very very slowly to you, its because your not very bright, you will find that there are generally settings in the configuration files on most servers that can we set with a update speed setting that inhibits clients updating faster than a certain rate, and this inhibits and limits the client frame rate, there are also prdiction routines but thats too complex for this forum obviously, now before you get the urge to flame me with your ignorance go away and investigate this and speak to a few games developers first and I dont mean the games developers who are nothing more than secretaries, I mean real coders.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I do not know if anyone already posted this, but... a movie.. any movie.. runs at 30 fps. Anything faster and the movie is in fast forward.
The max of any game, any movie, is 30 fps. Whether or not the number you see in your game might say 75 or not, even if i do not belive you, is simply an error. 25 fps is quite good and for a mmorpg 15 fps while in the vicinity of many other gamers, isnt all that bad.
And no, i do not have a degree in movie making, however i did stay at a holiday inn last night. :P
First, movies run at 24 fps, even though, interlace TV can do max 30 fps. A) Saves Hollywood $$$. Less frames = movie costing less. It works most of the time because the camera movements are slow so things happening on screen does not seem jerky. But, you can clearly see it's jerkiness during fast action chase seems, ie cars, people running, and etc.
As for computers, depending on your monitor, you could hit 100 fps. To test it out, turn on FRAPS, increase resolution, and Antialiasing 2X / 4X / 8X. Next, have your character run, and then, do quick 360 turns. You will see that slower your fps the more jerky the camera / character / environment will be. That's why pro gamers will turn down graphic settings to get better framerates in tournaments. It's much better to aim when you can turn faster and smoother.
From 1999, but it still applies. Good read.