The Tribe Gaming Community in this case Tribe's Free Company Chapter is excited to be hosting another ARR Tribe Community Event. We have a strong tradition of hosting server wide Tribe sponsored events as a way to engage the community, and look forward to sharing this next event with you.
For this event we have decided to rent out some of our members. Are you a crafter and need some resources gathered but can't be bothered to do it yourself? Well rent a Triber to do it for you! Are you a DPS who is tired of sitting in those agonizing dungeon ques? Well rent a Triber to que with you! Do you just want someone to sit in a tavern and listen to your sad story? WELL RENT A TRIBER!!!
Here is how it works:
- The event will be from 8pm - 10pm server time
- PM Astrid Tyrllw for an invite to the Event LS during event time
- Additionally you can PM Eldin Thundar, Niyogi Moonshild, Liono Dragonstar, or Oronis Markgren for an invite to the Event LS any time prior to the event
- Once in the LS and the event has started request if anyone is available to fill your rental request
- Rentals are for 1h blocks (Though rented individuals are expected to finish any dungeons that are started within that time but extend beyond it)
- Rental price is 100gil per level of the content being completed (ex lvl 50 Tank rented to run lvl 30 content costs 3000 gil for the hour)
- Rentals after the 1st of the same Disciple type of equal or lesser level are half off
- The rental of Gatherer class' has a 1k gil minimum cost
So rent your Triber and get the help you have been wanting.
We stated that we have a strong tradition of hosting server wide Tribe sponsored events, below are our past events leading up until this one.
Tribe Community Event III - LottoTribe Community Event II - Chocobo RaceTribe Community Event I - Hide & Seek
Sharess Dragonstar - Midgard
Grievance is recruiting.