Hi All!
How many of you play America's Army?
I think it is so addictive I started playing it on Friday and it so amazing!
For those who don't know what it is:
1ST Person shoot em up MMO
My cousin ashley got me into it me and him play online togetehr on it alot!
And the best thing is it is FREEEE!
Download n start playing
(now and again you can't download the game from there website so goto download.com)
It's not an mmo... Just because you play online dosn't mean it's an mmo...
And, it's not a BLT or an FBI, or a PhD, either. But, it is free, so WTF!
That game worries more than BHD
Its pure propaganda...
Wanna really get worried? Download the AA add-on Operation Kill the Camelll. I think you might have to give them your John Birch Society membership number for access, but anyway, OKC is a military prison simulation where your objective is to get information from prisoners. New skills like Humiliate, Torture and Burn Koran are included.
AA is boring.
hmm...anyone else notice that desk mod posted then kaptainzerg posted and his sig has a thing that says desk_mod on it....whats that about?
AA is creepy as hell. I cant play a game where it's known they use that to recruit people into the army.
... I hear they contact the high scorers and try to get them to join the army -_- I will not play any creepy recruiting game.
I play AA and I like AA. I'm over the age of 30 and a vetran so it's not like they're going to sign me up. Yes it's a big comercial for the US Army. But I don't really think it'll be a deciding factor for most people that sign up. Because.....
1) Most of us that did sign on the dotted line, did so for the college assistance. I signed on during a time of peace (1992) so there wasn't alot of risk for me. During a time of war, only the most desperate are going to sign up. Remember, 4 years in the service, at a time of war, equals a HUGE headstart financially. If you live long enough to enjoy it
2) The public generally hates tactical shooters. Even though we've seen thousands of them crop up, most people just prefer the more arcade-like experiences of UT 2004 and Quake 4. Battlefield 2 doesn't qualify as a "tac shooter" because it's entirely too forgiving and doesn't simulate things like bullet drop or fatigue. We like the theme, we hate the reality.
3) Speaking of reality..... if you've played AA (or Rainbow6, or Swat 4, or even Counter-Strike), you'll notice that it's real easy to die by sheer dumb luck. No matter how well hidden you are, or how familiar you are witht the map, someone, somewhere, can and will get to you. This is a rather unpleasant reality about war that AA demonstrates quite often. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine that you won't respawn and get another chance when doing this kind of thing for real.
4) AA is team oriented in the extreme. If there is one thing all recruitable high schoolers hate, it's following orders or playing as a team. Yes, they can pull it together in organized sports, but to have their lives depend on their ability to play well with others is a big turn off. Don't get me wrong, Teenagers were exactly the same when I was in high school. Teenagers are and always have been loud mothed little punks that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Teenieboppers are actually worse because they won't absorb even the simplist tokens of common sense when spoken in plain english with a casual tone. This more than anything is why this game actually deters kids from joining up rather than encourages them.
In the end, AA is just a game. I find it kinda interesting how everone talks about how "creepy" AA is but no one bats an eye about Battlefield 2, Joint Operations, Rainbow6, Socom 3, Ghost Recon, the Delta Force series, Counter-Strike, or a host of other commercial products that deal with the exact same thing. Is it somehow more noble for Corporate America to sell war to the public than the people that actual fight wars?
I also think alot of you misunderstand alot about recruitment. The military doesn't want conscripts anymore. They want people that understand what's being asked of them and are willing to do it. What motivates thos people to fight wars is usually money, but what seperates our time from the past is the fact that those who do fight, do so with nearly full knowledge of what they're getting into. THAT is what AA is about. Letting potential recruits know what's in store for them if they sign up and making them ask themselves if they are really willing to take on that burden.
double post
BATTLEFIELD 2 BABY! okay, nuff said.
But yes, AA is a good game.. heck, its free! But, I dont play it.
If you happen to own the original Half-Life download Natural Selection mod, it's awsome, it's free and they won't try to recruit you to battle against aliens .
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
Not true. Border patrol called me right after...oh. Wait...nevermind.
Yeah AA is fun. I don't have it on my laptop right now. I need to reinstall it. I play BF2, Eve, CoX, and a few other games right now actively. I just need to make a little AA time again.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
And now funny enough he stopped posting...
I generally dislike Arcade shooters like UT2004 and Quake. I prefer Tactical shooters. I play R6: Raven shield, Swat 4, did play AA need to play again and a mod called Hostile Intent for Half-life.
I totally agree with the guy who says that knoweldge won't always save you in AA. You flank the enemy, moving silent as an element, hugging the wall, and yet there's a 12-yeared old kid who sees you, takes his nad out, and blow your whole squad to pieces. Most times you blast the crap out of that kid, but sometimes you're just unlucky.
There's nothing creepy about AA. Yes, It's propanga, but it's a really, REALLY good game, very professionally made. And it's free. Why is it free? So more can try it. The more the better, because more might join the army. That's what pays the game. The proganda. It's not filled in with subliminal messages, it's pretty obvious, so if you just want to play the game, it's pretty easy.
There is just nothing more exiciting (except pwning someone in Wc3x) that's moving together in an element, covering each other, going tactical and all(using ingame voice) and just pwning the enemy. Damn....
I'm to play...
lol thats not true
I had a VERY high Honor rating in that game (almost as high as one could go) . NO one called me.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I havn't tried AA, but I've considered it. Not a big Army person, myself. I'm actually going up for the Marines.
I love BF2, though. First FPS I've ever played, and I still play it now. About to get the expansion. Good game, imo.
But one thing I've learned, although they do try to rush you and they try to convince you to join, they did say one thing to me. "We don't want anyone who doesn't want us."
There's nothing that bugs me more than clueless idiots spreading lies. Downloading and playing AA does not in any way put you on a contact list for the military. There is no obligation and no its not propaganda. I've been playing it for several months and it has not affected or altered my political views of the world.
Its simply a move by the military to improve its "PR" with the people. With so much Hollywood anti-military rhetoric out there I think think this is a great move on the part of the Army. So download the game and have a good time. It's free for crying out loud.
Public relations and propaganda are the same thing. The word propaganda is generally used by persons who don't like some public relations "move" that favors an idea. Propaganda is a negative word, the phrase public relations sounds better.
The game America's Army is pure, unadulterated propaganda aimed at children and young adults who play video games.
The US government wants to help shape our opinion of the military, lest Hollywood turn us into mindless zombies who will believe anything Susan Sarandon or Barbera Streisand says. And, it's having the desired affect of putting a shine on the image of the U.S. Army. How do we know this? Simple, just look at all the kids in the USA who play this free, high-quality game. Need more proof? Take a look at all the Iragi kids who play...oh, wait a minute, Iraqi kids don't have electricity. And, a lot of em are dead anyway. Hmm, ok, skip those Iraqi kids. Let's look at Canada or the United Kingdom...
I play AA sometimes its getting boring.
Cuz it takes long for respwaning.