Tyvm Nadia! Most if not all of those games were sold from the UK, will they work on NA computers?
Also, has Heroes 6 Complete Edition been released in NA yet? I've only seen digital downloads for sale and I've read too many horror stories about purchased games disappearing from people's accounts.
the game is fun enough
DRM was removed a year ago
internet is only needed to activate the game when you install it
earlier this year, the 2.1 patch had issues for players on steam
i had to re-activate the game via steam but otherwise no problems
EQ2 fan sites
Thanks, I was thinking of getting the Complete Edition set. Including the xpak, there's only 6 factions?
I wanted 5 until I saw the cartoony graphics was worse than 4. And peasants? They were a waste of gold and space in 2 so why include them in 5?
i like 6 better than 5 but that doesn't say much
amazon has the whole series discounted 1-5
EQ2 fan sites
Tyvm Nadia! Most if not all of those games were sold from the UK, will they work on NA computers?
Also, has Heroes 6 Complete Edition been released in NA yet? I've only seen digital downloads for sale and I've read too many horror stories about purchased games disappearing from people's accounts.
i live in usa and bought both collections from amazon this year
the Heroes 5 collection worked for me on system 7 (w some tweaking)
I didn't have any issues w Heroes 6 collection beyond having to activate it twice on Steam
Amazon has the download version of 6 but Steam will accept the keys if bought off amazon
EQ2 fan sites
Heroes 5 should work w win8
I'm not sure about HOMM 1-4
EQ2 fan sites