Hello, My name is brandon. I am on my way to creating the very first ever Paintball RPG called Paintball Insanity. I need a full crew. No pay just for the fun of it. Will charge money once game is out so will get pay then. U can either send me a message if interested or Contact me on AIM at Zero0rdiesk8ter. Thank you.
why'd you post this in 2 different sections????
Plus by the sound of it it won't work. I would love a paintball RPG but I don't think you have what it takes. If you think people will pay money to play a game made in someones basement(excluding CS) then you are terribly mistaken.
I wish you luck, like with someone paying for this. also..the door is over there when ever you plan to give up , or once you realize your downfall.
I do agree with bob on that. A lot of people do say they will make their own MMO and we don't hear from them, heck it's possibly just another way of advertizing....but mostly help (or is it?).
I'm going to school for this. Years ago I atemped to make my own 2D side scroller (C programming) like Mega Man X4 and in about 1 month, all I got down was moving left and right.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-