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"You can expect one more meaningful patch [for the beta] with some cool features," says Chayes. "But we're getting pretty close now – we've said in the past it's our goal to get the game out this year, and we're feeling good about hitting that."
I am hoping one of these features is the long rumored weekly tournaments, sound files, strings and gfx files in the game hint at this as well as Blizzard talking about it when they first announced the game.
thanks for posting
EQ2 fan sites
The great thing about Hearthstone is even the best legendary is not a must have for any deck.
Almost all the top rated cards are rare or commons, a few are purp and very few are legendaries, almost none.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
While I mostly agree with you the masses disagree or at least the vocal minority from what you find on forums and I would rather not have more things people complain Arena is just more fun/skillful IMO.
Eh... tournament will be fun, but I don't really see it being that competitive. Fun game but its not exactly the most strategic of card games. There are plenty that do it better then hearthstone as the games more flashy and doesn't really have as much in depth strategy such as say Magic the Gathering.
It can be 'pay 2 win' in the fact that it does have cards that give a noticable, but that is ALL TCGS out there, and Hearthstone is one of the nicest as far as that goes. Its no where near as bad IMO, and if your willing to spend time your sure to get those cards you want. Some legendaries are very powerful, but so are some lesser cards.
Overall, its a pretty fun casual card game, and it should be treated as one, with the expectation those who pay will have that advantage in the short term, though the benefits for it are not as harsh as many other TCGs. It lacks the depth but has the flare to help make up for it and be a good time waster.
Agreed. I don't even want to really build optimum or min/max decks. I just want to build fun theme decks. Used to do this with MTG too...sort of try to tell a story with the cards you play. It was really fun.
Arena is the great equaliser, thats why I like the mode. I'm not sure its more skillful, but for me as well, it's more fun.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy