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Now only competetive PvPplayers know whats alredy wrong with the game.
I mean the buff to the alredy beyond OP assasin/shadow is so braindead it's scary.
Scoundrel/operative healer is thw only way with the two other healers are still garbage.
Scrapper is still not viable,gunnery/telekenetics still underpowered compare to gunnslinger/sniper
and way to easy to shut down. And alot more issues but you know what gonna do like everyone else-
unsub and wait for wildstar.From this day forword i'm among the many SWTOR haters.
My sub and advanced classes not good enough for you bioware then i'm gone
(like the rest of my pvp guild soon)
Everyone i talk to is by default a moron so the only valid opinion is mine.joking
I thought the PVP'ers wanted changes to balance ? Maybe I was mistaken. Most of the next few months of updates are to PVP , you are even getting a dedicated expansion and new map on Makeb. Anyway hope they don't mess up the PVP balance too much.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
Nerd rage!. The 2.5 is not even on the pts yet. I mean, you know about the PTS right?, the 2.5 will come on december 3rd, a lot of things will change in the update and class balance till that, but you just quit now. Good luck with wildstar
The pvp in swtor has always been lackluster.. since beta. It was so bad they shut down Ilum. Why you put any faith in the Pvp of Swtor is beyond me...
However quitting the game based on a patch that doesnt come out for 3months is a little extreme don't you think? If you knew tomorrow that your leg was gonna be chopped off would you sit on the couch and complain about it or would you go do some badass ninja kicks? Exactly.
PS: I'm also waiting for Wildstar.. playing Gw2 pvp and Wow pve to supplement.
When I left over a year ago (in August 2012), sins were overpowered because they could effectively combine tanking with huge damage output.
But hey, I think the nerf / buff cycle rolls on. It's just that some classes in TOR seem to be neglected for a long time.
Biggest question from me for the game is: did they do anything about the ridiculous stunlocking rotations in PvP? One stunbreak and a faulty resolve system didn't help one bit.
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
Nope, they buffed smash monkeys even more and nerfed operatives even more.
When you dont know what to do buff monkey and nerf operative
*just for clarity the nerfed DPS operatives to point of non existance even if operative/scoundrel was absolutely least played class in the game. They did buff heal, so if you rolled operative as a stelath class that does it from behind you can now heal instead! rofl
yes i do have max scoundrel and i refuse to heal
Not really. It still takes 2 stuns to active resolve so if you are alone vs. say 2 assassins you are dead no matter what you do even if your stunbreak (long cooldown) is ready to be used.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
They removed the healing from assassins... and gave them more mitigation to get them in line with other tanks.
It`s a great game the problem is people expect to play it 24/7 and still have content left...
tor pvp was just so boring anyway. every class that wasn't a jedi or sith is under powered and really everyone just took the same skills anyway.
thats a general PVP issue in any mmo
Theres ONE optimal way to do Things for each class
and with challenging PVE, its the same class, one optimal build, one playstyle
deviate from that, and you will suffer
so, why put so many builds in the game..if were only supposed to play the optimal ones?
That is my point too. it was same with WoW. there was exactly one optimal build for each class for the role it could use. for example i used tank with paladin and i built self heal instead of more optional defense chance. and i was obsolete in raids. people asked to to armory before joining raids, see my build and say "you don't know how to build tank, use to find build". what is the point of having all the options if i am to use that mini-max optimal build? that is why i like the new talent tree of WOW, instead of cookie-cutter we get some helpful skills. Rift has lots of customization but even there people will only take some specific build to Raid. Like aoe warden +sentinel is the most wanted healer, any other build are shunned with passion. when it is about building character for specific role, choice is an illusion.
And on topic, i think smuggler/agent healer build needs some tweaking, 2.5 is not going to help them at all. and BH/Trooper needs some tweaking considering "overheating", we overheat way too much while we are healing, even the most calculative resource management don't help in critical situations.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
You pvp in swtor? There's the problem right there.
Swtor was never a good pvp game.
I've pvped for the first 3 mths from launch, got all the top tier pvp gears at the time, realise it is quite boring and unbalanced (plus they messed up Ilum and only got WZs), and quit.
Play swtor for pvp will never be fun for long.
I was suckered into pvp in swtor because of sci-fi and lightsabers, but realise later the mistake of my choice. Swtor is not a pvp game.
I guess when you quit Wildstar because they don't exactly balance the game according to your whims, we all get to hear you whines and ragequit post again.
Welcome to online games, balance is an ongoing process. Until you accept that fact, you will always be that bitter rage-quiiter.
SWTOR is imbalanced as imbalanced goes. They admitted themselves they balance around lowest common denominator, not actual power of class/build. So if enough bads play certain class it will get buffed regardless if its op already in skilled players hand.
Ironically best balance was at launch and it only went downhill from there. PvP in SWTOR is sideattraction for PvEers, another gearset to grind out, nothing more.
In other games at least there were more viable classes, in SWTOR there are alpha classes (warriors/operative heal) and everyone else. Im defeated 90% times in PvP by - smash/sweep.
I expect that you will have difficulty producing a source for that claim (highlighted). I'm sure that it does not exist.
I certanly dont keep that crap anymore, and certanly aint wasting more time on it, but you are welcome to revisit january of 2012 and later patch 1.2
But you dont really need to go further than class "balance"
Thats the reality of SWTOR, anyone that plays it for PvP....i can only say im sorry for em.
So in other words you got nothing to back up your claim that Bioware 'admitted' to balance around common denominator. Good one.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
I've actually stopped gearing my shadow tank and stopped work on my assassin tank after seeing those patch notes. 15% extra armour for a cancellation of all my self heals? In PvE that means Shadow tanks will have a harder time getting into NiMs than they do now ... the mitigation will hardly help against big hits and we'll still suffer huge damage spikes, only now we're completely dependant on the healers and will need twice as much attention from them to stay alive in prolonged fights. Right now, Shadow/Assassin tanks offer the most challenging gameplay ... if this change goes live I doubt I'll be tanking anymore since it changes the class into a pure DPS class (we're the one tank class that never has to worry about losing agro because our threat generation is brilliant ... we don't need more damage).
It's not that jedi and sith are overpowered or that there is only one optimal tree. It's that two classes in particular have such low skill barriers and so many options for effective play while the other classes struggle to put one tree forward for PvP. Pre-2.0 it was Sentinels/Marauders and Gunslingers/Snipers, now it's Guardians/Juggernauts and Gunslingers/Snipers.
Most people look at the Commandos/Mercs and Vanguards/Powertechs and say non-jedi are penalised. If you play PvE or open world PvP, you'll realise that these classes are so much better overall than the jedi classes. If I want to play a mage I'd roll a commando/merc ahead of a sage/sorcerer any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Vanguards and powertechs have suffered as much attempted rebalancing as they have only because of how powerful they can be when played optimally. Truth be told, it's the jedi classes (except Guardians/Juggernauts) that have only one optimal tree/play-style and are underpowered. Everything else is WZ/Arena skill restrictions.
Some people think trading in the shotgun for the BFG2000 makes the game easier. It just allows you to enter a higher difficulty level.
If your mainly a pvper play a pvp mmo or at least one that attempts a 50/50 pve/pvp balance like gw2.
You aren't going to get great pvp from games like swtor, wow, rift, tsw, eq2 etc.. they are designed as primarily pve games. The pvp in them is supposed to be a side experience for when you're not running dungeons or raids.
I'm not saying these are bad games, we need variety, we need games that cater mainly to pveers and likewise we need games that mainly cater to pvpers and we also need games for people who like a 50/50 split.
But if you're all about the pvp, better to play a mmo that's designed around pvp like eve, wushu, planetside, darkfall etc..
The way it seems they are "normalizing" the classes, 1 viable tree(or more accurate role)/class for PvE. I guess that is their way of dealing with severe lack of tanks/healers, make their DPS trees suck (or in case of shadow make its tank tree suck)
They dont balance for PvP like, at all, its been a steady dowhill from launch.
With the changes to Assassin tanking they will be by far the best tanks and completely overpowered in PvP.
Also, its probably because they are gaining more than 15% extra armor. A lot more.
Im guessing you're not much of a theory crafter.
Overpowered in PvP? I've heard people say that about Shadow / Assassin DPS (pre-2.0) and Guardian / Juggernaut tanks (and DPS post 2.0), but tanks?!? Easier to detect from stealth. Inability to cope with focused DPS (when compared to other tanks). No gap closer. Easily shut down. None of the proposed changes benefit the shadow or assassin tank for PvP. What's more, these changes make it even more important for Shadow / Assassin tanks to operate with a group ... the solo survivability of the class has been sacrificed for mitigation.
To a large extent, I think you are underestimating just what self-healing was doing for Shadow and Assassin tanks. They made us the only tank class capable of surviving moderate punishment without a healer or with less attention from a healer. Only champions and bosses were able to hit us beyond our ability to survive ... which is why anyone not playing a shadow or assassin tank should be dancing for joy ... we've just become a whole lot easier for you to kill.
The rebalancing of the class has been done primarily around PvE group content. You should check out the devs' top 3 answers thread:
With the design changes they have in mind, those changes are going to be modified either pre or during PTS. My concern playing a shadow or assassin tank is that now my ability to solo content will go, my survivability outside of PvP and raids is worse, and most importantly: I can expect massive nerfs to my active mitigation skills such as resilience. Resilience was an unbelievably great skill that only made sense given the spikiness of the class. If my active mitigation is as high as the devs are proposing, they're going to have to further reduce resilience from 95% to anywhere between 60-80%, not to mention nerf all other defensives to bring them more in line with the other two tanks. Bottom line? Shadow and Assassin tanks are going to have to relearn their class.
Some people think trading in the shotgun for the BFG2000 makes the game easier. It just allows you to enter a higher difficulty level.
They offer pvp and should make a effort on keeping it balanced.
If you only have pve mmo's or pvp mmo's you even worse mmo's.
Its all about making an effort to keep both balanced.
WoW has always tried to balance all classes but it always used a 1 OP class so people keep rerolling to the fotm class.
And WoW arenas are clearly one of the best in the biz.
At high level ratings you all got the same classes and gear and skill of teamplay determines the outcome.
SWTOR on the other hand has failed from the start with any pve or pvp balance.
For a mmo with the biggest budget ever used in a mmo they are realy the laughing stock in mmo landscape.
This is the retard award they will never lose.
Not to mention their version of free to play is prolly also the most restricted one i have ever seen.
If you as a developer create a pvp enviroment you need competend devs that understand pvp or work closely with the top pvp players in the game to get feedback.
Bioware just suck at anything they touch in SWTOR.
This could have been one hell of a mmo but instead its not even worth my time.
And i am a big SW IP fan just like i am a big Warcraft fan.
And lets be honest they coulnt have done a worse job at is.
be it PvE or PvP
Swtor is a 95% pve game
The pvp is never going to be the best.
Correction: that award is still firmly in the hands of SOE and Lucasarts with their award winning mmo Star Wars Galaxies.
"If we lose our hardcore playerbase in order to gain the masses from WOW with this convertion from a sandbox to a WoW-ish game, so be it...but I don't believe they will actually leave, they will just keep paying and playing" was LA's response.
ZING! 90% playerbase gone over night.
That line still is mentioned in the guide "how NOT to run a mmo and treat your customers" for future MMO developers.
Swtor is a close second though.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"