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I recently subbed to SWTOR and went to Red Eclipse, which should be a fairly popolated EU server.
But it seems more or less empty, and its just about impossible to find groups for planetary destinations.
Im a level 30 healer, mostly grinding xp in flashpoints, its really no fun running around alone on Alderan.
Has everyone leveled to endgame, or where are you?
This game, just like many others, took a serious hit in population when FFXIV:ARR released back end of august.
It´s the New flavor of the month MMO at this moment.
I noticed the same thing on Ebon Hawke (which was supposed to be a decent pop server too) when I logged in two weeks ago to check Things out and all zones were dead during prime time. Maybe 1 - 3 players in a zone and a handful of players on Fleet.
The only Groups going atm are endgame Groups. Unless you still manage to have some friends in a guild at the same Level as you to Group With.
I play SWTOR like a lobby game. I just sit in Fleet and queue up for 4 man PvE FP and PvP. I leveled a Sorcerer that way. I prefer it like that as I'm always playing with people.
I'm not sitting waiting long as the population is fine for that. Not to sure what planet populations are like TBH.
I'm on server The Progenitor.
People are also claiming that for the server Ebon Hawke or any other server they are playing on.
You guys must be playing in a different reality, as I am not seeing those numbers you claim during primetime. Sorry.
I think you must be confused and Count the number of players as number of instances or something.
And my main is currently on planet Alderaan and that planet is as dead and void of players as can be.
Even if there are thousands of players on Alderaan your experience will be exactly the same as if there are like 45-50 (whatever the Alderaan planet player cap is)
Also, peobably most of players on Alderaan are not leveling but high levels doing /whatever (from camping world boss/doing bonus series/GSI/....) so chances of you actually seeing anyone while leveling are slim.
Prophecy of the Five server has PLENTY of people!
You can see in the top corner how many players there are on the planet you are on. Come on now! This feature has always been in the game since the beginning.
No, you can see how many people are in your instance of Alderaan. To know how many are actually on Alderaan you would have to do /who search.
Im definitely not suggesting there are thousands of people, just pointing out your experience wouldnt change even if there were as in your instance there will ever be as many players as cap alows, and caps are pretty low, iirc hoth was worst with 45 ish players as it would start to lag horrendously if there were any more.
That is the pitfall of instancing and one of my biggest gripes when over-used. It makes a game feel small and far less communal than if everyone were squeezed into a single instance. The maps are pretty darn large and 40 to 50 people per map doing things at different stages makes it even more of a single player experience.
That is no longer an issue, as almost all planets are no longer instancing anymore, since only a handfull of People are on them.
If there are only 3 People on a planet. Then there are only 3 People on the planet.
If you do a /who search, you still see there are only 3 People on the planet.
Has nothing to do with instancing, witch was only active when the game still had a huge population and hundreds of players needed to be spread out over different instance copies of a planet.
So you need to have at least 50 People on a planet before a second instance copy will be created by the zone server.
I haven´t seen that many People anymore since 4 months after launch. Except for a short period on the starter planets when F2P launched last year.
True, its much easier on the Rep side, im on the Imp side now.
As another poster pointed out to you , you must be playing a different game. I am solely on Ebon Hawk and it is very busy at prime time. Last night it had 170 people in instance 1 on the fleet and 40 in instance 2 rep side , the Imp side was busier 170 instance 1 and 80 instance 2. Even two weeks ago it was busy. Tatooine about 2 weeks ago had at least 40 people on it , maybe I should check out Alderaan on one of my alts , I'm at the end of the bonus series on Tatooine atm. Mind you people don't really like alderaan and there was a very nasty bug about 2 weeks ago that meant your taxi vanished from under you in mid air , I think they may have fixed this now though. The only slightly empty element of Ebon Hawk atm is HM FP's only on the IMP side , it takes a good while to get in one quite often , even as a Tank.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
yea alderaan was horrible,,even worse, than taris
fire at will, governor tarkin
Alderaan is the worst example to choose tbh, as it currently has a massive progression bug (at least on Imp side).
That said it was the first planet since I've come back that only had one instance running at a time, but this could be multiple factors from the pace of leveling slowing to the planet itself being ridiculously big with lots of time spent mounting around.
All other planets so far have had multiple instances up and regularly running into other players and finding it easy to get groups.
This is on both sides of Tomb of Freedon Nadd though so might be different on other servers.
I play on Red Eclipse. What I've noticed is that on off-peak EU/UK times, planetary populations can drop. However, I'm a bit surprised to hear that you're not seeing too many people on Alderaan, especially on imp-side. I've only ever had problems getting a party organised when playing republic and have always found very sociable players imp-side post Nsr Shaddaa.
I've never had much luck doing planetary destinations via GF though ... it's always more effective to use general chat to call out for potential parties. Also, most people who get to endgame roll alts, so there's never a shortage of toons being levelled.
Do you mind me asking what time you generally play?
Some people think trading in the shotgun for the BFG2000 makes the game easier. It just allows you to enter a higher difficulty level.
Playing on red eclipse. 4 am Paris time (Wednesday) i was getting fast PVP matches and even joined couple of operations and flashpoints. So yeah maybe we are in different realities because in mine server seems to be very active.
I was actually surprised at the activity in game so early in morning.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
I have been playing on Red Eclipse since day one and it is very active. It is also the most active EU server according to
The OP might as well be one of those SWG fans doing their usual stuff.
yeah I´m on an european server, Jar Kai Sword.. not much going on on planets.
The problem is the planets are dull and static, it is more fun to queue for PvP atm or do an occasional flashpoint.
When the Space Shooter comes people will do that.
I believe SWTOR is now at the population of SWG at its final days.
220 servers merged to 17, still not much going on
I play a lot more Secret World recently, also Age of Conan, and I see people everywhere. Not interested in Final fantasy at all
I hardly run into players in TSW other than the Agartha where everyone hangs out. Same for AOC. Only because you see a lot of players at one spot where you are doesn't mean game is very populated. It is matter of perception. TSW and AOC were never known to be highly populated.
Oh come on now! Are you implying that AoC and TSW have a higher population then SWTOR? I've played all three in my experience Swtor has more going on hands down not even close, but I'm on a us server shadowlands .
As for swg I've made a practice to not even try and reason with people who reference this on every Swtor post. One they (not you) are delusional and desperately failing at trying to take down swtor. You can call them out (not you) they report you and staff here is very pro swg and very sympathetic to this crowd and you will get a slap on the hand. But on swg vs Swtor Swtor still has a higher population then swg could ever dreamed of...there is a reason is closed.
okay, but did it take 6 years to make swg? did swg have one of the biggest budgets in gaming history?
swtor was designed, and sold as the new wow
and they did have the initial sales
but that only lasted, until people got wise
wows first box is still 5$ on the open market..8 years after
how much is a swtor box going for these days?
And all of this matters because...???