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Wrold war 2, some people told me that world war 2 was better than battlefield 2.
I think that battlefield 2 is a better game than world war 2.What do you think.
I think WW2 Online is 10x beter than BF2 in its own way.. but bf2 is fun for a non mmo fps.. but ww2ol isnt compairable to bf2 because ww2 is a sim.. bf2 is arcade.. but ww2online is the best mmosim ever..
BF2 is the better shooter,
wwiiol is the better sim,
wwiiol tips the scale in long term playability and immersion (for me).
That's what I feel, it all depends on what you are after.
Axis have plenty of players and our equipment is fine...
Both sides suffer what many call the "Breakfast Club" syndrome. What this means is that 1 side outnumbers the other to such an extent that a proper defense can't be placed in all the towns under attack. It varies with what time you play and who's got the best equipment due to RDP.
Other factors include the people who get tired of being camped on the ground and take to the air, or just don't log in. Still others don't log in until their 'favorite' equipment is RDP'd. In some cases those folks never play during a campaign. And some other folk flat out refuse to defend. They prefer to just attack.
It's usually worse for the Allies in the early am hours. I've played at that time alot. There have been many days where the Allies have no HC on, so no AOs can be posted. US primetime the Allies usually outnumber the Axis, but not quite as badly as they're outnumbered in the morning. When I've played Axis during this time we can roll over 3+ towns in a couple of hours, seeing and killing the same 3-7 defenders in each town. Or just running over AI.
It might look something like this...
AM Server population is 300 logged in. 200 as Axis 100 as Allied. 50 players on each side decide they want to fly, making it 150 to 50 on the ground. The side with the most troops gets more AOs. We'll say 2 AOs for Axis, 1 AO for Allied. If the Axis have 100 who attack and 50 who Defend their 1 town under attack, the Allies don't have enough to Attack and Defend, so they may end up with 10 defenders in each of their town and 30 attacking the Axis town. The Axis players can easily Defend their town and roll over/camp out the Allied defenders.
Evening is much better, even though the Axis are sorta outnumbered then. I say sorta, because many of the Evening Allied players like to fly. So the numbers might be 700 players logged in. 400 Allied to 300 Axis. Same 100 player number difference, but the Axis usually have enough players to actually defend.
....And, axis equipment is totally gimped. What you said is a pretty good summaration of people imballance problems. CRS thought they'd solve the people imballance problems by imballancing equipment. Bad move.
CRS should have listened to me when I said that the outnumbered side should gain more experience, like Planetside, but using a more intense modifier. But noooo.
I like your sense of humor Nerf. You really cracks me up. "I knows what is best for your business. If you don't do as I tell you to do will you turn bankrupt." LMAO!
I like your sense of humor Nerf. You really cracks me up. "I knows what is best for your business. If you don't do as I tell you to do will you turn bankrupt." LMAO!
So, you think giving the allies mid to latewar equipment whjile giving the axis early war equipment is a good idea to even out the numbers? Really, well it hasnt worked since there is still a breakfast club and an allied advantage during primetime.
Tell me your, "THEORIES" on how to fix this obvious problem without destroying the game. OH I know, im going to get the average fanboy response, "Game is fine, nothing is wrong."
Oh yeah, I forgot another, "player ballancing" tool invented by CRS to try to fix, "player imballance" but actually destroy the game. AO's.
(sarcasm on) Yeah, AO's really helped. (sarcasm off)
You are really serious, aren't you. You really believe you know better how to run their business then CRS does. May I assume you are a CEO of a very successful company with at least some hundred employee since you can claim you have so deep insight in how to run a company successfully.
Especially when you talking about a company that had the worst introduction in history within the computer gaming industry, and still is around and growing. That is a kind of Cinderella-story for a movie maker if you asks me. CRS was down on 9.5 on the first year, but is now up and kickin some serious asses 4.5 years later. Not many computergame companys have accomplished what CRS has done.
Maybe you don't know that most MMOG have a good life the first year or two, and then will most of their customers lose interest in the game and move on to other newer games. This isn't the case with CRS and WWII Online. The veterans within the WWII Online is lego. The general rule seems to be that either do you like this game or you don't like it and don't stay for long. But those who stay stay forever it seems. With the first official release in Europe this autumn and the re-release in Norht America after New Year will is this game now finding lost of new customers. And sorry for you does it seems that the overall majority really likes what they experience ingame.
But then of course will there always be people like you Nerf that have this hate-love releationship to a game you don't play anymore. You don't want to play it for some personal reason, and you don't want other to play it either. So you must return to these WWII Online forums and voice your strong opinions against a game. Seriously, don't you have better things to do then trolling this forum?
But then again, what I don't understand is why you even care about WWII Online since you obviously don't like. Since you don't like it shall no other play this game either, is that your opinion? What shall they play instead do you think?
What I wounder is which WWII game you fancy instead of WWII Online? If you don't like WWII Online must I assume you prefer to play another WWII game. Which WWII game has a better gameplay then WWII Online in your opinion?
Or could it be that you infact play WWII Online under another name but hate every minute of it since CRS had the nerve to ignore your deeply insighted directives. Especially since you know that there is no other WWII Sim that can even be compared to WWII Online. Could this be the case why you are so obsessive with a game you obviously don't like?
You are really serious, aren't you. You really believe you know better how to run their business then CRS does. May I assume you are a CEO of a very successful company with at least some hundred employee since you can claim you have so deep insight in how to run a company successfully.
Your really stretching arent you. You really believe CRS's attempts to fix player imballance has actually worked. May I assume you know what your talking about, and those fixes actually didnt create new problems.
Especially when you talking about a company that had the worst introduction in history within the computer gaming industry, and still is around and growing. That is a kind of Cinderella-story for a movie maker if you asks me. CRS was down on 9.5 on the first year, but is now up and kickin some serious asses 4.5 years later. Not many computergame companys have accomplished what CRS has done.
Especially when you like to make up stories about you being, "A contender." which I never claimed or care for. Your kind of Cinderella-story about being, "A contender." with probably the worse fanboy responses is funny.
Maybe you don't know that most MMOG have a good life the first year or two, and then will most of their customers lose interest in the game and move on to other newer games. This isn't the case with CRS and WWII Online. The veterans within the WWII Online is lego. The general rule seems to be that either do you like this game or you don't like it and don't stay for long. But those who stay stay forever it seems. With the first official release in Europe this autumn and the re-release in Norht America after New Year will is this game now finding lost of new customers. And sorry for you does it seems that the overall majority really likes what they experience ingame.
Maybe you don't know anything about cause and effect. This is the case with most Fanbois. The veterans who've played too many games to be healthy know cause and effect. The general rule of cause and effect is, you nerf something, its the same as buffing its counterpart, simple example for you. But those who dont play much dont realize that. With the first official axis nerf, most of us with half a brain saw cause and effect coming from half a mile away. And sorry for you, about the half a brain remark.
But then of course will there always be people like you Nerf that have this hate-love releationship to a game you don't play anymore. You don't want to play it for some personal reason, and you don't want other to play it either. So you must return to these WWII Online forums and voice your strong opinions against a game. Seriously, don't you have better things to do then trolling this forum?
but then of course there will always be people like you fanbois who dont understand cause and effect. You dont want to face the reality that a great majority of the playerbase has already left. So you have to artificially prop up the game's image like a good fanboi that knows no better. Seriously, don't you have bettter things to do then trolling this forum?
But then again, what I don't understand is why you even care about WWII Online since you obviously don't like. Since you don't like it shall no other play this game either, is that your opinion? What shall they play instead do you think?
But then again, what I don't understand is why you cant have an ounce of criticism, were you born a "yes man"? Since you don't like being shown that your fantasy world is crashing all around you, "yes man", you have no opinion as "yes man" and "fanbois" by definition have no opinion. What shall I care what you think.
What I wounder is which WWII game you fancy instead of WWII Online? If you don't like WWII Online must I assume you prefer to play another WWII game. Which WWII game has a better gameplay then WWII Online in your opinion?
What I wonder is what have you ever been critical of? If you like everything out there without an ounce of distrust, constructive criticism, or tough love you must be one dull dude. Which brings me to the next paragraph (im slipping)
Or could it be that you infact play WWII Online under another name but hate every minute of it since CRS had the nerve to ignore your deeply insighted directives. Especially since you know that there is no other WWII Sim that can even be compared to WWII Online. Could this be the case why you are so obsessive with a game you obviously don't like?
Or could it be that you infact have posted constructive criticism of the game and been shot down easilly because your thougths were poorly organized and wouldnt work in the real world. Especially since you provide NO alternative thoughts on the subject yourself. Could this be the case why you have been a "Yes man" and "Fanboi"?
I dont hate the game, im just pointing out bad Developer decisions.
Oh! Your a fanboy, you're suppose to assume everyone that doesnt AGREE with you is evil. Ooo evil. Heres some evil emoticons for you to fill up your fantasies.
I see the towns have reached out to Mendig and Hahn, where the allied French airfields Clermont and Beauvis are still in the middle of nowhere and unreachable by ground. In otherwords, another axis nerf, allies get two untouchable airfields, axis formerly two untouchable airfields are now cap-able, unless im reading the map wrong on the mainpage.
I wonder what other "Minor" things have changed. What a load.
What about Mendig & Hahn for the Axis? Or are blind aswell as stupid. All 3 countries have airfields that are none capturable.
For what it's worth, both games have benefits and detractors and each game is enjoyable in differing environments. If I have 1/2 an hour to play I'll hit BF2, if I have a number of hours to kill I can get more enjoyment out of BE.
Simple really.
Life can be tapped
I dont hate the game, im just pointing out bad Developer decisions.
Oh! Your a fanboy, you're suppose to assume everyone that doesnt AGREE with you is evil. Ooo evil. Heres some evil emoticons for you to fill up your fantasies.
Actually, I barely play the game ...
What about Mendig & Hahn for the Axis? Or are blind aswell as stupid. All 3 countries have airfields that are none capturable.
For what it's worth, both games have benefits and detractors and each game is enjoyable in differing environments. If I have 1/2 an hour to play I'll hit BF2, if I have a number of hours to kill I can get more enjoyment out of BE.
Simple really.
Yeah what about Mendig and Hahn? Are they capturable? Cause it sure looks like there are towns REAAAL close by.
At 1.15 WWIIOL would have beaten BF2 with a lightyear. Eventhough it has crached major with the last patches i'll put my neck out and say it still whips BF2 ass pretty good.
WWIIOL is a first person game in much wider aspect then BF2.
If you haven't played WWIIOL you should try it out while it's still availeble. Cause if you have no knowledge of the superiour earlier versions you prob like it....