um i quit in 4wks b/c i was soooo bored. there is absolutely no where to go. all the class zones are practically the same except for color. the only thing i liked where the system requirements and how easy it was to get in the game. i wud like this game if only there were places to explore. the game was clostrofobic. i hope to try it again soon but it got old fast. especially b/c there was nothing else to keep me busy. the crafting sucked and was a waste of time. as of now in playing eq2 and i love it. i guess wow isnt my game and i dont know why its any1 elses either.
I play it because it's fun. Simple as that.
And if you think the classes are all identical and/or there's nowhere to explore........then tell me what drug youre on. I want some.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy
People play it because obviosuly they find something fun about it.
You don't like WoW? Dont play it...
Good to know we have intelligent posters on this forum. Somebody should call the waaaaaaambulance.
I'm sorry but WoW wasn't entertaining. Too cartoony, and very little endgame.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Good to know we have intelligent posters on this forum. Somebody should call the waaaaaaambulance.
I'm sorry but WoW wasn't entertaining. Too cartoony, and very little endgame.
No endgame!?, what are you smoking!?!, or is it maybe you suck too much to get into MC or BWL!
"You sir, are a moron"
I'm sorry, but I really hate this argument. If you don't like it, you don't like it... that's fine, to each his own. I have my gripes with the game too.
But to say it's not entertaining or fun becauseof the end game is... odd. It takes 10+ days of playtime to even hit 60 (I've heard average is 21)... I sure as hell don't get down on any game that has given me 240 hours of playtime or more, much less 500+.
If you got to the endgame and didn't like it, that's one thing; but to totally blow off the days and days of play that you did get out of the game before you even got there is misguided at best. Give credit where it's due, even if you do have some legitimate complaints.
i have ot agree, WOW Got boring fast, the lvling from1-60 was WAY more fun than the endgame, which is really boring, hate to say it, but spending 5-6 days in a freaking dungeon aint that entertaining
I think that is a VERY unfair asessment of WoW and those players who actively enjoy it over an extended period of time.
WoW EXCELLS at what it is meant to do. I mean it REALLY does some things better than anything out, not just now, but to date. You can't take that away from the game or its designers simply because it doesn't do nor was it meant to do some of the things that are integral to your playstyle.
I personally am burning out on the game VERY quickly. But to be brutally frank, I am anything but WoW's targetted demographic. WoW and I meshed on its PvP, but unfortunately for me, I can't maintain interest in a game for PvP alone. My main gaming needs are more in the realm of the virtual sandbox, complex virtual world line. Just because WoW is not designed to accommodate what I need most from a game does not diminish it in any way, and I will be the first to stand up and acknowledge what it has going for it -- which is quite a bit.
This is an awesome MMO that many game producers would do well to learn from in terms of design, creative vision, and quality control. This game deserves its position on the top of the MMO pack. If some of the companies producing the type of MMORPGs I find longterm enjoyment in took a few notes from Blizzard's page on production, concept stability and management, there wouldn't be as much nonsense going on in the dev world about the market viability of persistant deep virtual world games.
There is no need and no benefit in bashing WoW just because of what it isn't meant to be. You are far better served turning your frustration and dissatisfaction where it belongs -- on the companies that have done a half-assed job on the kind of games you DO enjoy.
Kote lo'shebs'ul narit
Well i havent been playing due to work recently but I dont understajnd what youve been doing lol.
Whats a class zone?
Theres more to explore and its a little easier to get to than EQ2. And its got some colour and not all brown/grey shit like EQ2.
Crafting is accessable to all and is well done with quests to advance you.Even the trainers tell you where to try next for the next level of training.
If yer playing WoW and cant find anything to do( below lvl 60) then theres soemthing wrong or the games not for you.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
This thread is locked. Theres a reason why we don't allow Game A vs Game B threads as is evident in this thread. The initial post seems to have been an attempted WoW vs EQ2 thread which always turn ugly. Please in future don't continue the pointless trolling these threads encourage or you will only see your posts deleted and possible bans.
*Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author... got sick of holding backspace.
ParaTrooper, That guy that used to mod the forums.