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Had a few days left before my account expired so I figured what the heck. Started a totally new character to try and experience this game from a new perspective. Put about 6 hours into it doing various quests and the like, and generally being held by the hand and lead around. By the time I hit level 11 and began the tattoine quests I was bored to tears. There was no independant development at all. Just go from point A to point B kill something or deliver something. Nothing but an endless circle of this. Although it does seem less buggy than it was a month ago(I gave up in disgust after only 2 hours and retired my hard earned and now utterly useless Jedi for good). I just felt like it was very gated and restrictive. I like more of the sand box approach give me my toys and let me go.
In the end I felt like they game was designed for a simplistic mindset that did not like to have any independant intiative, but instead liked to be lead around like a dog on a leash. Six hours later I was in serious need of a nap to recover from my boredom. End result defintly not re-upping this subscription I must say they did an outstanding job of dumbing it down.
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I did exactly the same thing this weekend. I actually hate the game more now then I did before. I can't even stand to login, even to play my main. All the second slot did for me was completely ruin what little fun I still did find in the game because I literally can't stand what they did too it.
Apparently what LEC and SOE think is fun is you being forcefed down a storyline in an MMO instead of going out and finding your own advernture. And I have no idea who the quest writer was but they should be shot and then kicked in the nuts, or maybe the other way around. The quests while on the station were absolutely aweful, I started counting how many times I went up and down that dam elevator. And that redneck version of Han Solo, he should be drop kicked in the nuts, maybe it would fix his impersonation.
All in all, I see no future for the game. There is noway the average newcomer is going to try it and find it fulfilling in the long run, I don't even know how they would be able to tolerate the station. This game went from a lot of longevity to about 10 minutes.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I come from Pre-CU (I'm a 16 year old idiot who just likes star wars)
SWG was a very special game back then where you had 100% freedom to do anything you awnted when you wanted and get somewhere... now... It's like your basic MMOrpg games
train a little
chat it up
Fun+ (For me)
It's basically another MMO game so that the people who come into the MMOrpg world with no clue will love this game.
It's ok for a game thats another mmo, but it's just another mmo in the pile of mmo games.
MMO Addict
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No it isn't. I have no idea why he is saying it because it makes no sense. WoW is a good game and I have alot of fun with it and there is no resemblence to it and the NGE. As a matter of fact EQ II is just as easy as WoW now.
The whole NGE = WoW in space is a hater thing I guess.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
People compare it to WoW because of the quests.
But NONE of the quests in WoW are required to level. Sure, these aren't in SWG... but if you don't do them, there's like barely any way to level. The mobs are not hunt-friendly... with the CL's being all messed up.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Non-quest hunting is a mess, and the NPC's of lower levels are too powerful. You can't effectively hunt for xp at all, unless you are either really low, or on Mustifar.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Non-quest hunting is a mess, and the NPC's of lower levels are too powerful. You can't effectively hunt for xp at all, unless you are either really low, or on Mustifar.
Can't say I've had this problem. During my gring from 80-90 I was able to kill NPCs and creatures of my own level and a few above with not too much problem as long as I rested between each fight. Once I figured out I had an effective area attack as a medic (cloud of death), I could take on 5 things at once as long as they weren't Elites.
Now with my new Jedi alt, the story isn't all that different. Often I'll attack one and a few others will start attacking me, but I manage to pull through and not get a incap while my attackers (which are usually my level or 1 or 2 above) are all dead . I'm using only Melee weapons too, determined not to use any ranged since I have my main for that and I've never done Melee while playing the game.
For the 80-90 grind they've done a few things for those that don't have the expansions. Firstly they opened the range that gives you XP (think it's now 20 below, where it used to be 5). Killing a lvl 70 isn't too rewarding XP wise tho. They also added level 90 spawns on the high end core planets, although you could already take lvl 90 missions from terminals in Player Cities. Spawns on Mustafar are typcally around lvl 80-81 max, only a few bosses are higher.
The quests in WoW are written one hell of alot better then the NGE. And the quests in WoW are also no different then the ones in EQ II.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
While for the most part I agree, I do find some of the EQ2 quests are a bit more developed. Little things like the one where you have to interview everyone and figure out what really happened, or the one where you have to search for clues to find a sage. Admittedly I've done more quests in EQ2 than WoW, so maybe they're there and I just haven't found them yet.
As aside note, the NGE is a lot less like WoW and a lot more like DDO (although if you're not in beta you might not realize this).
The real comparison comes in though, is that WoW, and EQ2 (and most of the other MMO's out there) are all pretty hedged in. Sure you can choose this quest or that quest, but they are far from the Sandbox that SWG used to be. It also show by the way the sandbox games struggle (SWG, Saga of Ryzom, and SIMS Online) that people don't want a sandbox. They want a pre-generated world filled with ready made quests.
I personally don't think it's this aspect of WoW that makes it so popular, it's the fact that the game is so polished and well made. It doesn't have the multitude of bugs that still are in SWG to this day. I'd prefer a sandbox game, but am playing WoW right now simply because it's arguably the best made mmo out there. It actually feels like the game was completed before it was released rather than rushed out.
That's actually pretty interesting. Do majority of people want a sandbox game or a more structured game? I'll be honest my expereince with SWG has mostly been limited to post-CU but I"ve had not experience with NGE. I'm playing WoW at the moment, though won't be continuing after this month is up but really it's no different from any other game that follows the example EQ showed. That's not really a bad thing and the game is polished but I still feel the reason it has done so well is simply at first due to two names. Blizzard and Warcraft. The questing is great no doubt but I have to be honest I like EQ2's better but that could mainly be because they weren't all combat related while most of WoW seem to be and that gets boring after a while.
This change to the game is big and I still don't like how they tried to get it out as fast as they did. If there wasn't all this bad press and blood with SOE this change could have worked. It was most certainly stupid of them to change everything to this. What they should have done was made half of the servers like this, allowed players on them to move to servers that would keep the combat upgrade. Advertise the NGE in the comericals though and funnel new players into the NGE servers and then give them the option to make a character on the old server but keep pushing the NGE. THey should have never made such a big change on all servers all at once, knowing full well it was a dramatic departure from the original game and even from the CU.
The changes they plan to do with EQ2 they could get away with since I think it will make that game better. The 4 starting classes in that are a pain anyway and most people most likely want to go directly into the class they really want. I want to be a Paladin I don't want to have to play a fighter then crusader to get to it. So much time is wasted with that.
I don't see why they simply just didn't keep all the classes, put in the new quest system they have with the legacy quest I hear and just focus on certain classes since that's what they've done anyway.
I'm not sure what to think about WoW anymore. I guess from the start the design was a little flawed. The freedom was great and for any other setting it would have worked but I don't think it was really right for Star Wars.
I still would like to know if they thought they could get away with this and keep the game growing. Didn't they realize this would cause bad press and negative reactions? Especially with the way they did it?
That's what I don't really get. Did they even think about this and how it could hurt their sales. From a financial point of view I don't think they wouldn't have not cared but who controlling things thought this wouldn't happen or was a good idea?
Okay I started playing SWG just after publish 9 (I think). It wasa my first MMO game and I fell in love with it. Around the time of the CU my guild which i loved had a rather violent falling out and that in combination with the half-assed push of the CU made the game lose its fascination for me. Since then all 3 account have been cancelled and expired. I still get nostalgic about the good old pre CU days. I currently play World of Warcraft which is fun and a good game but I follow whats happening with SWG with half an ear so to speak because there is something about the whole SWG experience that i still miss. Mainly I loved the idea of the player driven economy and player owned towns and the concept that, yes you could make a real mark on the world. When I read about NGE recently I just had to hang my head. The open endedness sandbox feel of the game seems to be dead. I had to laugh when i read the NGE faq when SOE cited their focus groups and giving players what they all wanted. i guess the point is that Im curious if there is another game out there with the the versatility and complexity that SWG used to enjoy or is this really the death of a one of a kind game? Also would it be worth my time and money to get one last glimpse of the game or no? Sorry if this seems to ramble and such I guess im just mourning the passage of my first love
what a wreck
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