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The Collective (Accretian Guild)

AzerethAzereth Member Posts: 3

The Collective will consist of all the brave fighters of the Accretian empire.

We think as one, fight as one and destroy all those whole oppose our great empire.

There will be no leader in the guild as we will all be part of one Collective mind. Our souls united in the fight against the midgets of Bellato and the pointy ear Cora.

We have a voice chat server (Ventrilo) so we will be well organised for wars and raids into enemy territory. Most of our members are experienced PvPers from games such as Guildwars and WoW aswell as many other mmorpgs (too many to name)

If you are willing to fight for the glory of the empire and like nothing more then to HEADSHOT midgets and elves then the empire needs YOU!!

*guild background and information will be added later*


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