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Ok, my playstyle has always been just going through WP doing normal runs. Always have just done one group of mobs at a time. Always have gone smooth for the most part. Also as a 50 paliden.
I have a full set of dark armor now, and only need to do that dungeon 10 times a week now, for the 300 cap. I've literally only done a Speed run on two separate ocasions, once during CM, and once during Preat. That was because I was forced into it during the story progression. I didn't lead either of those times.
Pretty much all of my end game experience is with WP, I've even only done AK 1 time. I'm so glad they added Mythos to WP, I literally didn't start getting those points until the update.
This past week however, 2 separate DF party's they asked me to Speed run um through it. First group someone asked at the beginning how many mobs you want. At first I thought meant the final boss, but they meant trash mobs. 2nd group someone said this group could handle more that one group at a time. Kinda strange I've done WP all this time, and this is literally the first week anyone has basically asked me to speed rush um through it. Guss i'ts because I have much higher hp now
So how should I be aproching my 10 runs a week, should I be speed rushing groups through there, or do it normally? I know the 2.1 update is gona have it were I can choose my playstyle for it, but that's like 1 month away still. So how should I be running my DF groups?
Also whats the correct way for a paladin to run a SR group through WP. I've tried it those 2 times, but something just went wrong, and it went much smoother when I did it the normal way.
There is a very specific set of actions designed to abuse mob AI for speed runs. We are talking like 10-15 minute speed runs. I'm not going to share that method here because it's very similar to previous exploits used in AK that were later removed by the dev team (however, I don't believe there was any punishment).
Simply put, the DF should be used for normal runs. Sometimes you can't find a 4th, so you PUG DF one person. At least ask that PUG if they know how and check their gear.
If you want a speed run, I strongly suggest that you recruit outside of the DF and gear check every person. The requirements for a good speed run are more like the min requirements for Coil.
TBO, i'd very much prefer normal runs, but I felt obligated those 2 times. I just hope that doesn't come up a lot in the future, but if I have to well....
Plus even though SE doesn't like it, I still see shouts everyday people looking for those types of groups, even with AK, after they fixed it...
You know its kinda funny to me, all this time doing normal runs still got a full-set now, so i'm like why do people rush through content when they are gona have like 3 months in between updates. They just end up drying up the content before SE is ready to put out new stuff, next thing you know those people are just staring at there screen, twitiling there thumbs, trying to figure out what to do now.
This is a key problem with the game right now, especially if you are running one of the primary farm instances.
The AK speed runs are more akin to what I've always run (and now, somewhat popularized). You can finish AK in 20-25 minutes with major overgear. The WP speedrun is actually skipping significant quantities of mobs and is the more popular of the two for farming.
Until they split apart the playstyles in the DF, you are going to have a lot of issues with people looking for speedruns. If you want to minimize conflict, I'd suggest you learn how to do it.
I, personally, don't really mind anymore since I get 150 ToMs in a couple of hours from my Coil runs. However, that majority of level 50 farmers aren't capable of that.
The reason why people like speeedrunning is because ToMs is just a gear throttle. I've run dozens of AKs and WPs. It's bloody boring and I'm so overgeared that I can solo 2-3 mobs as a HEALER. I just shield my tank, shield myself, run off and kill mobs myself. It's just way too easy to do now, and frankly - easy is boring.
in WP basically you pull multiple trash till you get enough oil to open door .
Then you rush to the purple line where boss is ( With the trash ) and pull boss , after 15 seconds the trash gets locked out and goes away . Kill boss , rinse and repeat .
Pretty simple tactics.
you will want a bard with you and probably a BLM