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Been playing wow for a year now. played DAOC for 2years, I tried FFXI a long time ago for 20 days.
How many hours a day am I gonna need to play this game (and level at a decent rate).
I am thinking of being the thief class since I hear they can do neat things with money and loot (not really sure what they do, mayb someone can give me some info on that)
Is there a good way to leveling a Thief?
Any advice at all on starting out?
FFXI = group game.
Lvlup party exping 3-4hours a day to level up 1 level.
Took me 1 year more less to get lvl 75 (no schoolm no work, all day gaming).
For some of my friends took 2-3 years to do so.
I was playing whm so class most usefull in groups and easiest groups geting one.
FFXI is not only about exping but there is lots of things to do to be good (like gold farming which is hard comparing to wow for example).
Thief raises chance for drops for group as well as amount of cash dropped + he can steal things from mobs ocasionaly.
It takes some time to find a group since putting together a group requires some strategy in a way. If u just put together a party with just a healer in mind and all other classes random then it will take alot of time to lvl. I've managed to make 3.5k xp in 1 hour a few days ago which is pretty good. It all depends where u go and what jobs u have with u. There are guides on the net that explain these things.
The more gil you have the better. When you look better equiped then people will want you on there team. I knoe because I got to lvl 15 in a really short time with my second character. How I got the gil is a secret.
You've Been Hacked?
wtf grab ur torches and protect the kids?
stop smoking that crack pipe
the plan is to light the kids on fire and hurl them at the guy
well if your still wet behind the ears it may take some time, dont sacrifice your personal life too much for ffxi. I came back to ffxi and gotta say its eaiser than before, ie EXP rings that increase exp by 50% for a short period of time. it took me a month to get back to SMN and get him to 20, so thats whm from 1-30 then the smn quest, the airship quest, the chocobo quest, the sub job quest, rank 1-4 and a few random quests plus a few avatars.
FFXI is not for the faint of heart i have been playing for 2 years, it took me 8 months to get my blm to 75. Leveling to max lvl all depends on your job also. I have heard fo bards leveling 1-75 ina month.
The endgame is fun, but leads to greed since the best items only drop from one mob in the game which only spawns once a day or once a week. Also you can have 3-4 different linkshells competing for that mob at that time, and have to wait up to 3 hours for this nm to pop. If you played 7 days a week you couldnt fit all the endamge activites in 1 week.
I do like the game im just warning you ahead of time you cant just pick it up a few times a week and get anythign out of it.
just an update, iv not reached the full month of play yet and my stats are Whm 30 - War - 30 - Smn 25 - Sam 20 - Thief 10 - Blm 10
and i only play around 2-3 hours a night when im free, so it does not take much anymore.
Ok alot, took me forever just to get to 30 so, I say if you have the time its fun, if not, then it will drag on, boring grinding. I moved over to WoW for a tad, and the paces of the game are like night and day compared to other mmorpg's.