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there is a voting thread going on at the swtor forum but can't post or vote as preferred (ex subscribed) player so it came up what people would vote outside the official forums?
which feature you want for swtor most?
it would take a new game to get me back...a total revamp, like FF did
the very core(hero engine) is borked
most of the basic design choices were simply bad
the few good Things drowned in a myriad of small frustrations
the lightsabre is truly a magnificent weapon, its the only thing that shields this mammoth from eternal darkness
Get rid of the F2P crap, and go back to sub only. I'd resub at that point, provided they release new content at a pace somewhat similar to Blizzard (new raid tier and stuff every 3 to 4 months). Just keep pushing the story along.
The core gameplay of SWtOR is actually a lot of fun. It's just unfortunate that the F2P and sub playerbases are so segregated due to the F2P restrictions. We end up with a game that seems to be targeting the F2P Whales for the sake of shareholders, but without actually adding much in the way of real story progression.
You make me like charity
More class stories AND more sandbox endgame. Yes, both can exists at the same time.
But thats same thing i wanted 2+ years ago so ;P
I tested Hero Engine for a bit and I can tell you if they use the latest build it would be totally possible for players to place stuff in designated areas, it is a multi user engine, you could more or less easily create a couple of "sandbox" planets where players can create and have housing similiar to SWG.
and to the sandbox/SWG haters I can tell, if you don´t like player created worlds, don´t go there. Simple.
So, for once, the Engine could actually be a big advantage for SWTOR.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
I read somewhere that their codebase branched off the Hero codebase very early on, so they couldn´t accept updates from the original devs anymore. Maybe they should hire them to get the improvements into the SWTOR engine. It is actually no longer an original Hero Engine.
For all intents and purposes they arent using Hero engine, they are using custom engine that had its roots in Hero alpha.
Judging by the capabilities of THAT engine....very unlikely.
But hey, i hope they release enough gamble packs and fanboi buy tons of those so it becomes likely? meh ;P
BTW heres link to original poll:
Class stories lead by overwhelming majority, followed by planets and mini games.
Its no wonder, those were best parts of the game (sans mini games, or lack of ;P or is space combat counted as mini game? should be i guess)
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
I would go back if the game felt like it had more living environments. As it is the game just feels even more theme-park than WoW ever did. I also miss having real exploration, and I don't mean the Mario jump puzzles that required you to exploit terrain and mechanics to finish (haven't played since the first 6 months, so don't know if that still exists). The game just felt like a 'canned' experience with a meh story line attached. Grouping actually felt awkward due to the enormous amount of solo based content. All in all I was just massively disappointed as a star wars fan, Bioware fan, and Knights of the old republic fan. It is a game that I have 'buried' in my mind, and honestly don't plan to dig back up.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Ideally sandbox features and something like JTL, but realistically more class stories.
More class stories will keep me playing until completed them, so they would need to keep coming to keep me long term, but sandbox features could keep me playing the game for a long time.
Star Trek Online - Best Free MMORPG of 2012
Or the other way, just make it kotor3 and a one off buy.
This trying to merge mmo and pretty linear style single player rpg doesn't work, it isn't the best of both worlds, it ends up being ineffective at either.
DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer
Remove the license from EA
Use a game engine that will handle more than 5 people on the screen
Remove loading screens
Guess my requests are more addition by subtraction. Fix the fundamental flaws in design, concept and artwork.
I'd like to see some of the mini games from KOTOR added.
Duelling arenas like the one you experienced on Taris, swoop racing with leaderboards, pazzak with other players and NPCs (Make those casinos on Nar Shaddaa useful).
Stuff to do in-between the big content releases is vital in my opinion.
NOTHING could make me play this game
Not when you have been lied to and deceived...
This!! I completely agree. I always stated and stand behind that if had released as a single player rpg with online options,it would been solid gold!
As an lacks so much!! I laugh at the people who state that they don't play the game because it's Star Wars, when in fact if had not had the name attached to it, it is very likely that this "mmo" would have long ago been shut down.
What would get me to play again?? Welp the continuation on class story, and not the generic mmo standard they have taken with Makeb. Make crafting a viable form or barring that...just roll all the mod crafting into one skill and get rid of everything else. The cartel market pretty much destroyed crafting as it stands. Which leads to ..lighten up on the reliance on cartel market sales, but we all know greed trumps here. And yes a lot more sand box features....don't like houses cluttering up your corridor planets? Fine then give us instance housing..or at least let us mod our ships.
And yeah....take this game away from EA....
As for the engine ..yeah that's not the fault of the makers of the Hero engine, a little searching will show that Bioware took an alpha build and basically butchered it into their own inflexible engine (one while year to reskin a human model?? Cathar anyone) and will be the primary reason this game will slow down with "content". Most of the stuff they have released so far has been on development before it went f2p (remember the fuzz over selling Makeb when it was to be free in the first place?)..all you have to do is search this stuff up.
Simply put, they'd have to redo the whole game with a different development team and on a different engine.
Currently, the game plays like a single player game mixed with MMO functions. it doesn't do either well.
It isn't as good of a single player game as KOTOR 1 or 2, or ME, or DA, and it isn't as good of an MMO as most of the other ones on the market.
It tried to do everything, and in the end it just disappointed mostly everyone.
They would have to do new voice acting for EVERY quest in the entire game on top of the huge amount of voice acting needed for the class's story.
So, basically dont expect a new class in SW:TOR. Ever.
"add a real space sim like JTL"
if there is one disappointing thing about SWTOR it's that BioWare couldn't even manage to copy and paste JTL into SWTOR. I don't believe it could possibly be a copyright issue, or an IP issue, get some good attorneys and anything is possible in our Courts now. Can't be a Tech issue as both Server Tech and PC Tech is superior to what it was when JTL was released. You can't tell me King George said no.... that don't make no sense at all compared to what he has said yes to in other SW areas.
So I personally view the statement by the BioWare Devs that "it was not possible" as a complete and total pile of Bantha Manure. Simple as that.
And I see this X-wing Fighter space combat Xpac being released soon as an INSULT to the Players and Fans compared to what they could have released.... JTL with ships that fit the Old Republic era.... and developing THOSE SHIP SKINS would have been cheaper and easier than creating this X-Wing Fighter thing. I will never believe this was about Cost.
To be fair I also don't think the fault for this lies with the Devs themselves,.... No, I am certain the fault lies squarely on the shoulders of the Corporate Suits of BioWare, EA, and LA. My guess is that the Devs may have actually wished to give us JTL but weren't allowed to.
The only thing I would believe is that JTL Code wasn't compatible with SWTOR's Game Engine.... but that too was a decision made by Suits that are NOT Developers or Coders. No surprise that was a mistake as well.
The game is "working", profits are being made, and that is all EA cares about.
some develeoper said (not sure if legit)programming a 3d AI for the ships would be "hard", so I would not count on big PvAll battles with players and NPCs anytime soon.
on the other hand screw AI, how about mining? Trading? open space? doesn't need AI just systems.
add that and a lot of eve players would come for Starwars battles with joysticks and cockpits
Space combat was the one hope for me too and since it was on rails it didn't do it for me. Other than that it is a poor WoW clone in space with voice overs and clunkier combat. Not much there worth playing.
There have been 3 games I beta tested and said would be F2P in under 2 years. WAR, Rift and SWTOR. You could just feel it by how bad the basic gameplay was that there was no way they would last as popular titles.
SWTOR got the mechanics right, I always feel the foundation would be ok but there is so much to add, then it could become a great game, but they should just stop copying WoW and rather copy some SWG
What really appeals to me about the game is the class storylines. I mean, the end-game is a gear grind and when you do it twice for several toons, you've had enough. What keeps me coming back is the experience of the story from a unique and different viewpoint. Then there are synergies between class storylines that only become apparent once you've played the other classes. It made levelling alts fun and non-repetitive because while planetary quests and side-quests were shared, there was this special line of quests that was different for each class I played. Better yet, each class story gave me a better understanding of why the war was shaping the way it did and why my character was central to the plot. In essence, the story did a lot more to make me feel epic than the combat.
The biggest disappointment about the expansion for me was that there was no class specific content ... you only got a different video to start the new content and a few lines of different dialogue from the main quest giver. The only sane reason I can think of for going after the content on more than one republic and one sith toon is to harvest the new tier of crafting materials.
If I do quit the game, it won't be because of end-game - I have enough classes to enjoy all flavours of that. It will be because I can't distinguish between characters any more and just need one of each faction to continue following the storyline. What would bring me back? The knowledge that the next story arc has my Sith Inquisitor engaging in intrigue and power plays that work against the interest of my Sith Warrior, who is battling for the cause of the Sith and waging a personal war against my Jedi Knight, who is rallying the Jedi order while my Jedi Consular continues to strengthen ties with the republic while trying to unearth what the empires next move is going to be.
Some people think trading in the shotgun for the BFG2000 makes the game easier. It just allows you to enter a higher difficulty level.