I'm hesitant to buy it. What's the state of this game? Does it have a lot of players or is it dying? How frequent are the updates? Does it have good support from the developers?
I'm hesitant to buy it. What's the state of this game? Does it have a lot of players or is it dying? How frequent are the updates? Does it have good support from the developers?
Well it still has a lot of players to be sure. Of course the game is only a few months old.
The first big patch is scheduled sometime in december. (Patch 2.1)
Support for the little bugfixes seems decent so far.
As for whether it is a great long term game, too early to say really. It's a bit cheaper than the usual new release, think it's $30 or something, so it's not a big committment if you want to play.
I've been playing since release and it has been decent so far. I came in wanting something to play to tide me over until EQ landmark/next gets rolling and it seems to be good enough for that at least.
I'm hesitant to buy it. What's the state of this game? Does it have a lot of players or is it dying? How frequent are the updates? Does it have good support from the developers?
Still a lot of players. Most of the population are farming on their high level alts, so queue times for some low level dungeons can be long (unless you are playing a tank class or have a good FC/LS (guild) or friends), and on most servers the leveling has mostly shifted to FATEs (open world dynamic quests similar to Rift/GW2/WAR), although you will need dungeons to progress your story line and unlock stuff. It's definitely not dying though, and i'd expect once the update hits the servers will probably get slammed again.
Good developer support - small patches/fixes occur pretty regularly, there have been a few serious problems pop up and they have been handled quickly. There have been some seasonal/promotional events already (nothing huge, but little things). As mentioned the first big update is slated to come in December. I will say, that as good as YoshiP and the developer support is, their customer service is very slow (they are a JP-based company, their english support is pretty slow), so if you lose your password or authenticator or have some other account problem, it can take a while.
It is a standard trinity-style game. The big differentiation between it and other trinity-style games is the ability to play every class on a single character. It also has a very good story line as you level up, in typical Final Fantasy fashion. The game play is a bit different than most "western" style games in that it uses animation locks and a longer-than-typical global cooldown, and the game starts assuming everyone is new to the genre; it can feel very slow at early levels, there aren't a lot of skill options to choose from until you unlock a lot of various side-classes and the long GCD tends to exaggerate that, and the first 20 or so levels of your first class are pretty well treated as an extended tutorial.
It's worth the initial buy-in, even if you don't subscribe past that. If you are a fan of any of the past Final Fantasy games you will at least want to play through the story line.
FFXI never saw a free trial to my knowledge, I wouldn't expect one from FFXIV either. The open beta period, for what it was worth, was likely as good as it got.
ok thanks
I'm hesitant to buy it. What's the state of this game? Does it have a lot of players or is it dying? How frequent are the updates? Does it have good support from the developers?
Well it still has a lot of players to be sure. Of course the game is only a few months old.
The first big patch is scheduled sometime in december. (Patch 2.1)
Support for the little bugfixes seems decent so far.
As for whether it is a great long term game, too early to say really. It's a bit cheaper than the usual new release, think it's $30 or something, so it's not a big committment if you want to play.
I've been playing since release and it has been decent so far. I came in wanting something to play to tide me over until EQ landmark/next gets rolling and it seems to be good enough for that at least.
Still a lot of players. Most of the population are farming on their high level alts, so queue times for some low level dungeons can be long (unless you are playing a tank class or have a good FC/LS (guild) or friends), and on most servers the leveling has mostly shifted to FATEs (open world dynamic quests similar to Rift/GW2/WAR), although you will need dungeons to progress your story line and unlock stuff. It's definitely not dying though, and i'd expect once the update hits the servers will probably get slammed again.
Good developer support - small patches/fixes occur pretty regularly, there have been a few serious problems pop up and they have been handled quickly. There have been some seasonal/promotional events already (nothing huge, but little things). As mentioned the first big update is slated to come in December. I will say, that as good as YoshiP and the developer support is, their customer service is very slow (they are a JP-based company, their english support is pretty slow), so if you lose your password or authenticator or have some other account problem, it can take a while.
It is a standard trinity-style game. The big differentiation between it and other trinity-style games is the ability to play every class on a single character. It also has a very good story line as you level up, in typical Final Fantasy fashion. The game play is a bit different than most "western" style games in that it uses animation locks and a longer-than-typical global cooldown, and the game starts assuming everyone is new to the genre; it can feel very slow at early levels, there aren't a lot of skill options to choose from until you unlock a lot of various side-classes and the long GCD tends to exaggerate that, and the first 20 or so levels of your first class are pretty well treated as an extended tutorial.
It's worth the initial buy-in, even if you don't subscribe past that. If you are a fan of any of the past Final Fantasy games you will at least want to play through the story line.
FFXI never saw a free trial to my knowledge, I wouldn't expect one from FFXIV either. The open beta period, for what it was worth, was likely as good as it got.
Thanks I bought the game.
What's the most populated server to play on? Also the game doesn't have a general chat and it feels like a single player game?
Use /sh (shout) to talk to the entire zone you're in. There's also /y (yell), but it has smaller range.