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What can you do after level 60?

BlittzzBlittzz Member Posts: 261

Just this...This was made by the members of the Pretty Pink Ponies guild, of which I am not a member.

Also, I'm sorry.
This was made by the members of the Pretty Pink Ponies guild, of which I am not a member.

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.


  • comounacomouna Member Posts: 1
    At lvl 60 u can wait other games, and read about them. Like all of us.
  • WOWLagsWOWLags Member Posts: 115
    lol. Yep. Once you have run every instance 30 or more times you'll be in the same boat as most of us. "WOW lacks content".
  • necrotanknecrotank Member Posts: 57

    I don't know, I think that there is still much to do for a casual player. You have BG's which is fun when you can get in, you can help others out leveling, there are endless quests to do, you can work on rep, you can wait for the next patch which always seems to have a new area in it, or you can shelf your character for a while and make a new player to learn about another class. I have played since beta and have not finished every quest yet, although I don't have a ton of time to play, usually only an hour a day, but there are things to do.


  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    I swear I need to make a boiler plate response for these ...

    Blizzard does a great job of providing content levels 1 - 59. At level 60, as with most other games, the content becomes largely player created. There are quests, battlegrounds, and instances that you can run at 60, however those aren't all you can do. For example, my preferences are dragon hunting and world PvP at the moment.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • LighterningLighterning Member Posts: 2

    The problem at level 60 is, for hardcore gamers there is only battlegrounds, so they play it over and over until they are sick to death of it, and just keep going until more content comes out or they quit. The casual gamer gets to battlegrounds, and already there are a load of hardcore gamers running it, so they just get beat time and time again, making battlegrounds equally dull for the casual gamer. Since new content is mainly aimed at a "non-casual" gamer, and since it is released so slowly, everyone is so bored of all the content and have gone back to battlegrounds long before the next patch is released. Sadly, there isn't really anything to do after level 60.

  • surjstrifesurjstrife Member Posts: 154


    Good,Bad, I'm the guy with the gun!-Ash

  • ps_manps_man Member Posts: 107

    This game has endless posabilaties! if your the type of gamer that likes to clear  places on the map  before moveing on to the next county then its endless!  it took me 2 months to fully clear 2 countys and their are 46 in total :D so no one can say it lacks content because it doesnt! the expansion pack is due to come out in febuery and their are anouther 3 islands being added plus 4 more races! this game will take you over a year to fully complete it!

    The only down fall (well to me) I find that its a game were you need to have friends you know on it to fully enjoy it! also i think they should add a pay by phone/txt option!

  • KashiusKashius Member CommonPosts: 88

    It does not take a year to do ANYTHING in WoW. Let's not exaggerate. If you do nothing but play the game you can be Lv60 within a few weeks. The more casual gamer could take a couple months... maybe 3. After that it's organizing 20 - 40 people for raids on the same 3 instances, honor farming and faction grinding. If you want to do well in PvP ranks, you can't afford to have a life outside the game and running end game instances gets tired after the 5th or 6th time. As for gaining faction...boring. In short WoW = MMORPG Lite.


  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Originally posted by ps_man

    This game has endless posabilaties! if your the type of gamer that likes to clear  places on the map  before moveing on to the next county then its endless!  it took me 2 months to fully clear 2 countys and their are 46 in total :D so no one can say it lacks content because it doesnt! the expansion pack is due to come out in febuery and their are anouther 3 islands being added plus 4 more races! this game will take you over a year to fully complete it!
    The only down fall (well to me) I find that its a game were you need to have friends you know on it to fully enjoy it! also i think they should add a pay by phone/txt option!

    First ,there is no certain date for the expansion.

    Secondly,yes there content at 60 is quite low even if you are not a casual gamer and can afford to raid regularly in bwl and mc.

    But blizzard finally recognizes this and are trying to pump level 60 content now(it just slow coming is all).

    On a side note the video was very funnyimage

  • TechpriestTechpriest Member Posts: 104

    Originally posted by Kashius

    It does not take a year to do ANYTHING in WoW. Let's not exaggerate. If you do nothing but play the game you can be Lv60 within a few weeks. The more casual gamer could take a couple months... maybe 3.

    3 months?  I think the problem is so many hardcore gamers play 40 hours a week and consider anything under 30 "casual".  I play 10 hours a week.  To get to 60 in 3 months I would need to average a level every 2 hours.  Been playing for 6 months and my main is at level 38.  Right now I am gaining about a level a week.  If I can keep up that rate of progress it will take me about a year to go 1-60.

    Many of us casual gamers play 8-12 hours a week.  Some friends only play after their kids go to bed for an hour at a time, or when their spouses are at work.  When I play it's not a constant grind to level, I explore and roleplay some.  If you got to level 60 in 3 months and are complaing there is nothing else to do here is a hint, WOW was NOT designed for you.  There are literally dozens of other MMORPGs that you can play, don't wait for them to change this one. 

    I have been playing MMORPGs for years and with WOW I have finally found a game that makes me feel like I am getting somewhere and might some day see the end game.  I played EQ for a year (more time per week then I am playing now) and kept restarting with new chars once my current char got past 20 since the progress just got to slow for me at the mid levels.  I was going a month between levels.  I can see me playing WOW for a long time, by the time I get to 60, the expansion will be out and 60 won't be end game anymore.

  • KashiusKashius Member CommonPosts: 88

    Point taken.

    However, just to clear a couple things up for you. You level quite slowly, that much is obvious. Enjoy your casual play sessions and such. When you get to level 60, that will be gone. If you only play 8-12 hours a week, then there is no end game for you. If that's over a 5 day span you play a little over 2hrs at a time. If that includes weekends, even less.

    Considering the amount of gear grinding/organizing and time it takes to successfully run end game (MC, BWL, etc...) instances, you'll likely never see/run them. If you like PvP, good luck getting into a BG and completing it all in a 2hr span. You like to RP, that's good for you, that may hold your interest for a while when you hit 60. Frankly, that whole casual bit is a thing of the past at end game.

    I honestly don't know what you intend to do with yourself once you hit level 60...really. Molten Core, you won't have the gear/time. Black Wing Lair, you won't have the gear/time. Onyxia, you won't have see where this is going. You could always start another character and do the slow 9+ (at your pace) month grind to 60 all over again...only to be rewarded by an end game you simply won't have time for.

    I don't think I was complaining so much as explaining...guess I came off wrong. I stopped playing WoW several months ago. I don't MEAN to sound like I'm bashing it, I just state the facts as I see them. 1 - 59, yea...I guess it's casual friendly given the MMO lite theme they went for. But level 60, the game changes for the worse.

    On a side note...ever tried Guild Wars? Don't play it much anymore but that one is a blast. You can do damn near anything on your own time and it's surprisingly deep for a non P2P game.


  • BlittzzBlittzz Member Posts: 261
    Gah, I try and post a funny clip and flamewars break out.

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • TechpriestTechpriest Member Posts: 104

    Yes, I level "casually".  Casual players often do :)

    Actually I only play 1 or 2 weekdays a week, an hour at a time.  Most play is on weekends.

    Chalk up my first month to testing various race-class combos.  Subtract some time for Guild Events that net no XP, and I like to buy and resell in the AH for a profit so knock off an hour a week for that.  Occasional Battlegrounds interfere with my questing.  Lose a week here and there for being out of town on weekends or having to work.  Thus is the life of a casual player.

    Once I hit level 60, the expansion will put the max to what 80?  So give me 6 more months to get there.  If there is nothing to do I may start over with a Horde character.  So without spending a minute actually playing at 60 I can play this game for 1.5 to 3 years!  I would not consider it a flaw in WOW for me to leave after that amount of time, no game can be expected to give unlimited, unique, well designed experiences.

    My fear with GuildWars is the lack of montly fee.  I will gladly pay a monthly fee if for no other reason then to keep kids away from me.  FWIW at 32 I consider anyone under 20 a kid.  I have tried free games, some pretty good, but have never found a free game with a mature community. 

    To all reading this, If your about to post about the community in WOW please allow me to reply in advance.  Have you played on a RP server past level 10?  Do not play on a PVP server and then complain about the community, that's like buying ice cream and complainging it's cold.

  • AvituAvitu Member Posts: 140

    That's were WoW really shines, as a game for the casual player.

    Now, as for the new content that will be added:

    - There will be 2 new player races, not 4 as somebody said (Blood Elves, and Pandaren)

    - New level cap is 70, not 80

    Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.

  • GeekyGeeky Member UncommonPosts: 451
    I heard the level cap was going to 70.  Where did you hear 80?  Up to 80 would be amazing, but Bliz is just as bad as other companies now...they know players are dumb and will fork over the $$ for shit that looks cool, but still stinks.
  • TechpriestTechpriest Member Posts: 104

    I could not recall the level cap, that is why I phrased it as a question.  It was just my best guess, I don't want to start any rumors :)

    Being a long way from 60 I did not pay much attention to the end-game content announced.

  • AseenusAseenus Member UncommonPosts: 1,844

    wow isnt the best game but wat i do is.. pk! pking owns lol

  • TechpriestTechpriest Member Posts: 104

    Originally posted by Aseenus

    wow isnt the best game but wat i do is.. pk! pking owns lol

    I would like have this entered into evidence as Exhibit A.  Not only does it prove my point about the PVP servers in WOW, but I would like the jury to note that the above mentioned party is also a fan of Guild Wars.  Your honor, I have no further questions.

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Well this thread was about a nice and funny videoimage but sadly i think the mention of "endless possibilities" started the flame war.

    Basically every mmorpg has that but i can say a hundred nice things about WoW but the end game content is certainly not one of it .

  • TechpriestTechpriest Member Posts: 104

    Flames?  What flames?  I see a discussion but no personal attacks.  I see points and counter-points but no name calling.  Maybe it is so rare to see a disagreement in a forum that does not turn into a flame war that people fail to notice it when it occurs.

    I know that as a casual gamer I am in the minority in these forums.  I have little enough time to play, so why spend time here?  I have 2 PCs on my desk.  While waiting or riding on a boat, grinding weak monsters for a quest or doing something else that does require much attention I turn to my second PC and check out my guild forums, these forums and other websites.

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