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I am interesting in playing this game and have a few questions. how do you lvl in this game? questing or grinding xp? is it fairly simple to lvl up? is it time consuming? i like rpg games, but have spent the last two years wasting my time grinding characters then the company shutting down the game or nerfing it to oblivian. is the pvp good? how about the pve? how is the economy? or is there an economy? is there other worlds to explore or is it just the city? i guess that is all for now..i am debating on joining the game i have played earth and beyond that shutdown and star wars galaxies maxing out both my characters on those games all pretty much for nothing..but want to get into a game that is fun but doesn't waste your time lvling your character..a game that rather lets you experience the lvling, but also gets you to the end game content and pvp a little bit faster. until i find an mmo that satisfy's me in terms of integrity and longevity i won't be investing a bunch of time into an mmo. i guess i have had two bad experiences with games and am reluctant to waste anymore of my time. any info would be great. thanks!!
Ceasar/Jedi Knight/Sunrunner Server
Sheol/ProConsul lvl 150 Progen Warrior/Earth and Beyond/Pegasus Galaxy
Dashtear Sunrunner/Tranquility/EVE
Considering they never close 1 server, I think you can safely assume that the game SHOULD be running for a few years at the very least.
The game has already more than it share of nerfs, I have no idea concerning future and further nerfs, but well, hopefully the devs will stop, 5 nerfs in a row is enough.
Grinding? Well, it is all about running mishions and combat...LOT of combats. Killing 1 mob is fast, so you will maybe kill 1000 mobs to level once at level 40 if you are efficient, but 1 hit may be all that is needed to kill 8 mobs (Nova).
There is nothing else but the nice combat system, so if your idea of a game involves more, you won't like CoH...on the bright side, you will never be expected to do anything but combat. Personnally I rather have all MMOs like CoH on this topic, I don't want to tradeskill and I just want to focus on what I enjoy!
In other games...For some reasons, tradeskillers want advantages that reflect over non-tradeskillers in combats, which is lame IMO. If someone want to tradeskill he should tradeskill for non-combat oriented reason (not gear). IMO Everquest was just fine (althought borderline, it was at the limit, that or less impacts on combat) for the tradeskill rewards on the combat mechanic, however it would have needed a system of it own, a reason to tradeskill that is not combat oriented.
If you do any activity for a bonus on PvE grouping and that this activity is not PvE grouping, than the game has a critical design flaw. CoH doesn't have such a flaw and this is why I like it despite all it flaws (until IoP, but that is something you earn in PvP and the players having them are scarse, as they became more numerous peoples will be more and more shafted and leave...but IoP are not something I would expect to remain in it current form, so wait till I7 or I8 to judge the IoP to harshly).
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
If you want to run Missions day after day hour after hour minute after minute with hardly anything else to do then this is the game for you.. Im on the highest populated server and all I can say is that im sick of missions all the freaking time, but thats basicly all there is to do. The pvp zones are set up great and could be lots of fun, but people just do not want to go there (my experience is with the lowest pvp zone BB). Every freaking team I try to get go there just does not want to go. All they want to do is go to the next contact and run some more MISSIONS!!!!
If you ask me its not worth it, sure its fun in the begging but after you 200th missions, whats next? More Mission. People will try to tell you sure there so much more like collecting badges, patrolling... yeah ok thats depth.. You get badges by doing guess what? Missions.. And people... Do not patrol in this game anymore and besides that can get very boring as well.
I was in your boat a few months ago going from Planetside to WOW and back and forth.. But seriously I would skip this game if I was you since your comming from SWG.. Comming from a game with as much depth as SWG I would not suggest you come to one with so much little. The games I would suggest to you are
1. WOW---I know I know its WOW but I'm telling you its really a decent game and will keep you occupied untill something else comes out.
2. L2- had a ruff start but from what im hearing it has really came into its own.. Plus it has that magicword. -DEPTH-
3. Anarchy Online- Outdated? Yes.. But still I just dont know to many games that have the amount of depth as this one.. With the implant system shopping and tweaking your character can take hours...And it is free.. Graphics are old but I have seen far worse in alot of these NEW GAMES.
4. DAOC(classic servers)- This is probably going to be my next choice while I wait for something else to come by and catch my eye. THe classic servers are suppose to have the most new peopel starting..
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
CoH and CoV appeals to care bears like me, when I want to PvP, I just go inside a PvP zone and I usually get a group there without much troubles.
I will admit however that not all the 3 PvP zones are appealing to many players, in fact, only the second zone (middle) is popular, the lowest level and the highest level PvP zones are deserts.
Try the middle zone and don't try to recruit peoples outside PvP zones, it wont work, only recruit folks INSIDE PvP zones...if you see someone in Warbug, throw them a tell, odds are they want to PvP and will be quite happy to be PvPing as a level 30 rather than trying to find action in an empty level 38 zones (no matter your level, you are level 30 or 38 to fit the zone, higher levels have more enhancements slots which is a clear advantage, however it is not unbalancing...while lower levels still lack key powers)
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Leveling your character is what this game is all about.
Once you have made him, there is very little content left.
Once you have capped in at 50, you get the option of some new playertypes to level.
Long time players are rarely seen playing the same character past lvl 50 (takes about 300 hours to finish the level race).
There are elements of grind, especially if you wish to collect badges, but mainly there are long strings of small instanced missions. E.g. kill all bad guys in the ship. Disable the bomb in the bad guy warehouse. It can often be normal play to do the same mission 8 times in a row because all your team have it.
Although this game does grind in places, like many others, it's not often you grind alone.
In terms of longevity this game had enough content to keep me excited for 300 hours, and occupied for a further 100. (There is an expansion pack now so maybe even longer!). For myself I was in disection mode after 6 weeks, I had been there seen that and done the lions share of what the game had coded..
After that it's best to move on. I find if i stay too long, I become jaded.
There is no economy to speak of, no trading and limited persistent items. You get money for every kill and completed mission and that money can be spent on costume changes, health packs and powerboosters.
This game is much more light hearted than many others. No one ever steals your loot, or robs you or ganks you in the street. Those kinds of frictions aren't included.
PvP, I tried it when they first added it. It didn't look like it was going to be the kind of game where pvp is a wild ride at the time.
I tried it and it was VERY dull. That said, I don't pvp in mmo's much anyway, I play shooter games for that. they have added 3 or 4 pvp arenas in the last expansion apparently. 1 or then sounds like a good type (base raid) the others sound highly uninspired.
Short term game this one. Max out your level play with it for a week. Level up your next one to about halfway. Find yourself addicted to a totally different game that you happened to install.
Thats what im mainly talking about, the devs did a great job (so far that I can tell) with the PVP zones. Some of the quest to do there are a great change from the CONTACT missions that everyone wants to run nonstop.. But only a few people actually take advantage of it, the rest are to worried about getting into pvp.... Which is crazy since there in a group... But what ever its not a PVP haven I see that now.. But without PVP or hell anything else like gear, equipment, uber wpn drops, tradeskills, crafting, Dancing, helll you name it this game has nothing to offer but running missions and starting another character over... People say that WOW gets boring when you hit lvl cap, but WOW had about 200 more things to do when you hit that cap and COH/COV only has one right now.. But I dont blame that on the Devs, the put some pretty good PVP aspects in the game. I rest that blame straight on the shoulders of the Carebear x20 people that play this game.
One last thing things I hate about PVP in this game is that "everyone is not equal level" sure everyone is put at say lvl 25 when you enter Bloody Bay.. But a lvl 50 with SO's and even HO's slotted alot different then a lvl 15 with DO's and training enhanements and I mean way different... I also dont like inspirations in PVP..
Anyways to the OP the chooice is yours, but comming from SWG I just dont think COV/COH has much to offer you.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Well, the PvP is well built, you need to find players who enjoy PvP.
After you reach the level cap, stuff they add is a double edge bladed. The reason I doesn't play WoW is because of raiding giving better rewards, which is unacceptable. A lack of options is better than wrong options been enforced.
I hope they add end game content, but GROUPING and SOLOING content, not raiding, not tradeskills, not silly stuff I doesn't do...if I level up to 50, you can be sure I like giving me a harder form of what I like is a logical step. Again, no raiding, raiding would start at level 1 if it was well design, the fact it need to start after you finish another game just show how unfun the design is.
IoP is going to cost a lot to CoH in term of fans, many will leave of this PvP enforcing, the game is very nice for PvPer...the fact there is very little PvPers inside CoH doesn't mean it is not a heaven for is an empty heaven, but it is an heaven...the players can always choose to play there (2 groups could join a server and compete with each other, many other players would add to their games).
You don't teach pigs to fly they say...don't try to make carebears like me enjoy PvP or raiding or tradeskilling...I just don't enjoy it and nobody will appreciate this enforcement.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I read a very interesting article a few weeks ago about CoH.
While many other mmorpgs focus on high end content where you need to grind fast if you want to enjoy it and start the "real" game, CoH on the contrary is all about the way to the final ding. The journey is more important than the destination.
And yes, what's left when you reach lvl 50? Maybe some missions you still have, just for the pleasure of defeating all the Archvillains (like the Praetorian series). Then what? Well, like many others, including myself, reroll and start/test another archtype or another powers combination.
You might consider it as a very fast paced action game, a kind of massive multiplayer beat'em all. This is also what I enjoy with CoH: you can connect to the game after a hard day of work and have fun almost instantly for just an hour or two if you want. Easy to get a team, no farming cause no items, nor loot. Just pure action and fun.
Of course, you can fine tune your Hero as you begin to know the game better. With some practice and some reading on the forums you'll find many ways to choose your powers and template. No 2 heroes can be the same even within a same archtype. Not to say the "look" cause CoH has maybe the best character customization ever, with a <insert astronomical number here>-illion combinations possible!
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Is the pvp unbalanced or something? (Penalty for dying in pvp? No rewards for killing in pvp?)
Kinda curious to know why people do not pvp (apart from rather doing missions).
Its not that there isn't plenty of PvP activity, because there is. It just that its a lower percentage of the player base that get involved. Mostly because the game origins are PvE, hence that is the background of most of the long term players. While some enjoy the PvP alongside the newer crowd, most are still happy with the PvE game.
The balance is also relatively fine. There are some issues, but overall a good job.
Rewards wise, only base raids really have any value (i.e. the items of power). The PvP zones offer stores to be unlocked (although nothing special) and the arena is 100% just for fun.
The IoP are not doing the job they need to do.
It need to mean MORE inside the PvP zones, while meaning NOTHING in the PvE zones. Now the IoP are not enought to motivate folks to PvP while they are enough to kill the PvE players interest and made them feel shafted.
Differents servers could work, but just reworking the IoP so they give nothing in PvE zones and a LOT inside PvP zone would also work. It depend if they want or not to get on the multi servers things, the devs doesn't have a choice, to make a good game with PvP and PvE they either need to make a server for each gameplay OR independant gameplays from each others (PvP not rewarding in PvE, PvE not rewarding in PvP).
1 major flaw of the current PvP is the debt. Let's say I fight with Grapevine! He is currently owning me and I choose to withdraw to reorganised and figure something, I manage to escape him but not the boss NPC who was helping him and the NPC kill me...I am debts ridden. This debt is a sure way to make sure I will not PvP more, I don't want to hinder my PvE progression. PvP zones needs another system that involves no debt, maybe a combat penalty for 2 hours in the PvP zone or something like that.
PvP also grants SOs and other rewards, although not bad and a good starts, they are not enough on their own.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Like every other game Coh/cov has its good and bad.
Fast action gameplay
Simple to play
Very fun
BEST I mean BEST character creator on the market.
Mission based leveling.
Missions are repetitive
The high level game (over 30) is borked to the max, and the devs like it that way. You have to fight insanly stupid amounts of mobs to level and the devs keep mudwimping the players to keep them from herding enemies. which Ironicly you need to do to level with so many enemies to kill.
PVP is unbalanced.. There are threads over at the COV/COV forums talking about it.. Heros have a clear advantage right now due to the ehancement system that is in the game.. Enhancements are how you adjust your powers to be more powerfull/effective.. There are 4 types of Enhancements in order Training, Dual Origin, Single Origin, and Hamidon (whatever there called)
While everyone is the same lvl upon entering pvp zones there not equal in any way.. Heros have a clear advantage due to the fact that most of them are lvl 50ish an have all there powers slotted out to the max with SO and in alot of cases HO (end game special) enhancements.. So you could have a lvl 15 villian with training enhancments(which are crap) trying to fight agianst a lvl 50 hero decked out in all the best crap... While there levels will be the same depending on the PVP zone.. There powers are not even close...In others words it would be like having two characters fight, one you equip with the best Epic gear in the game, the other you equip with stuff he finds off of mobs while he is trying to lvl up... Who will win... And dont give me the, skill crap when one is hitting for 300 and the other is hitting for 25.
Also to make matters worse, in PVP your usually going to be ganked.. Which is ok since it happens in almost ever PVP MMORPG out there..You get gang banged by 12 heros who lay off of you and lets that Creep come in and land the finally blow.. Or they teleport you into a bunch of mobs and hold you there.. WEEEEEE.. I see why people dont PVP in this game now, while the 50 heros could give a damn less about XP dept since they have no level to look forward too, that level 23 Villian dreaming about using his next skill at lvl 24 runs from it.
I played WOW and have been ganked and have ganked people none stop.. While being ganked pissed me off, I never had to worry about loosing xp over it. The same cannot be said in COH/COV.
Agian im left dissapointed after spending cash on another half thought out concept put into a MMORPG.. When will it end.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
PVP is unbalanced.. There are threads over at the COV/COV forums talking about it.. Heros have a clear advantage right now due to the ehancement system that is in the game.. Enhancements are how you adjust your powers to be more powerfull/effective.. There are 4 types of Enhancements in order Training, Dual Origin, Single Origin, and Hamidon (whatever there called)
While everyone is the same lvl upon entering pvp zones there not equal in any way.. Heros have a clear advantage due to the fact that most of them are lvl 50ish an have all there powers slotted out to the max with SO and in alot of cases HO (end game special) enhancements.. So you could have a lvl 15 villian with training enhancments(which are crap) trying to fight agianst a lvl 50 hero decked out in all the best crap... While there levels will be the same depending on the PVP zone.. There powers are not even close...In others words it would be like having two characters fight, one you equip with the best Epic gear in the game, the other you equip with stuff he finds off of mobs while he is trying to lvl up... Who will win... And dont give me the, skill crap when one is hitting for 300 and the other is hitting for 25.
Also to make matters worse, in PVP your usually going to be ganked.. Which is ok since it happens in almost ever PVP MMORPG out there..You get gang banged by 12 heros who lay off of you and lets that Creep come in and land the finally blow.. Or they teleport you into a bunch of mobs and hold you there.. WEEEEEE.. I see why people dont PVP in this game now, while the 50 heros could give a damn less about XP dept since they have no level to look forward too, that level 23 Villian dreaming about using his next skill at lvl 24 runs from it.
I played WOW and have been ganked and have ganked people none stop.. While being ganked pissed me off, I never had to worry about loosing xp over it. The same cannot be said in COH/COV.
Agian im left dissapointed after spending cash on another half thought out concept put into a MMORPG.. When will it end.
I have to disagree here as the logic behind the reason for it being unbalanced isn't solid. There are also plenty of people who PvP, just not the majority and I've yet to be in a zone where you couldn't get into a fight farily quickly.
By claiming its unbalanced because of enhancements and slotting still leaves CoH/CoH less unbalanced than many other games. It is not that different from saying any game is unbalanced because a higher level character has the advantage, which is always the case no matter what you are playing. Also the only real zone affacted by this unbalance is Bloody Bay, as level 15s can enter. Which as stated will mainly have training enhancements. So limiting access here would be a good idea. Template/AT wise the game is fairly well balanced.
In the other zones the differeneces aren't that vast and can be compensated for, with wise slotting. For the lower levels you need to be more selective in your powers, if you are going to PvP. Six slot your most used powers (first). For attacks, 2 slot with accuracy DOs and 4 damage DOs. That is very little different from 1 accuracy, 3 damage SOs, which is the norm for level 50 slotting. You can migrate into this by either respecing once you can use SOs or simply use the two additional slots to buff secondary effects or recharge rate.
I'm actually taking a break from CoH/CoV at this time, as burned out. Back to playing WoW more and having a good time doing so. I agree that Cryptic should really do something about being able to get debt from mobs in the PvP zones, as they are used for griefing. Although you do not loose XP, you gain debt.