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If AV changed the initial price to $19.99 for the game and lowered the monthly price to the following would you try the game out or resub?
$9.99 per month if paid monthly
$8.99 per month if paid in a 3 month chunk ($26.97 total)
$7.99 per month if paid in a 6 month chunk ($47.94 total)
Select the option you would choose, or please select currently subscribed if you are fine with the current model.
If you want to add anything to the DFUW forum thread ^
Are you surprised to see me in both threads lol?
You make me like charity
Buggy, when did you play it, alpha?
It hasn't been "buggy" in a long long time. What do you think they've been doing for half a year? Fixing stuff.
They haven't been doing squat for half a year, or ever for that matter.
They added the Asia server and did a big combat balance patch in October...
I think Tasos kicked his dog or peed in his cat.
Either way, that is demonstrably untrue. Granted, they haven't done as much as I would have liked, but to say they haven't done anything is just bitter raging at imaginary hurts.
You are 100% correct. I know they've done some things, balanced the combat, etc. But I am definitely a bit angry that they haven't done MORE. For me they haven't done enough to satisfy. In my opinion, they've done too little with the amount of time they've had. I'm just disappointed with the game as a whole, I love it don't get me wrong, but they're just not doing ENOUGH FOR ME. They're not using the game to it's full potential.
I would be more likely to subscribe if it had some kind of trial period so that I could try the game out before spending money on a random chance of actually liking the game or not.
Price isn't an issue as long as it is the typical 10-15$ most MMO's; I figure the more money i can contribute the higher the chances of the game actually being updated and made to be funner.
I feel P2P games with a free trial period are more likely to gain subscribers as long as that first week or whatever period of time it is given to try the game out, are addictive and exciting; but i would be very disappointed if after that first area or whatever, the game lost it's flair. One game that was like that was Shadowbane.
Then you should have said that. All the people mindlessly raging against AV just makes everyone not take you seriously.
Your second post is a far cry from the lunacy of your first. It actually gets your point across. If more people posted like that, in a constructive way, people would have a better understanding of whats happening and be able to pull the trolls from the rest. AV might not have needed to make an MVP forum to filter out the garbage.
Very good reply, thank you. I apologize for the snarkyness of my response, and am with you 100%. This game has a lot of potential, but the way quote unquote "development" goes you'd think they have one guy working on it very part time. I don't know what work ethics are like in Greece, but it seems to take 10 Greek developers to do the same work as one German or American developer. Maybe that's unfair, though, it could be mostly a reflection of the work ethic that AV has, not the culture as a whole.
Seriously, how long would it take to fix loot tables and increase the prowess gained from killing mobs? Just those two tiny changes would go a long way toward making this a better game.
That statement alone is incredibly true. That alone would probably make me resub, TBH.
And I apologize for my unjustifiable post that I started this with, it was out of anger. I'm glad we can both agree on this. Heck, I'm sure most current and past players can agree on this. AV just needs to step it up. I couldn't have stated it better myself, it really does seem like they have one person working on this, on their off-time. Hopefully this changes soon. The game has great potential, just needs to be utilized!
As long it is in beta i wouldn't pay for it.
It must fix classes by removing them and implement the DF2010 armor specialization system.
It should revert to DF classic ideas to become a sandbox game and leave this themepark rail.
DF2010 on top of DF classic is a good way to start.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Good thing its not in beta then?
Also, the core of DF1 was broken and awful design, there's a reason it was left behind.
" forum admins are all TROLLS and losers in real life"
My opinion
Most Darkfall players have entirely abandoned the forums. They were overrun by trolling a long time ago. The moderation there is so lax that discussion is nearly impossible. (and yet trolls come here claiming that AV is trying to delete all negative threads, lol).
The way news trickles in the DF community is one or two players in a 50+ clan pays attention to the forums and relays the news to their clan. The only actually active part of the forum is the server discussion/politics section.
You must be new, it was called Forumfall for a reason! People abandoned the forums as they did the game, trolling had nothing to do with it.
Where have all the "good" shills gone?
YOU must be new. The serious trolling didn't kick in until about 2010.
The forums haven't been a place worth spending time in since then. Except for NA discussion.
Ohohoho, such a good one yoke, Yurgi.
But seriously, I think the votes are that low because you can't vote in a poll unless you are a subscriber- even in the Public forum! I don't know if it's always been that way, or if it's something that recently broke, but it's stupid either way.
I wont pay for a payed beta that i supported long ago only to start an other payed beta
But if they bring back DFO in beta state, id still be willing to pay tho.
C:\Users\FF\Desktop\spin move.gif
LOL nice try...
Is that why the forums were much busier prior to DFUW beta and just after DFUW's release.
Where have all the "good" shills gone?