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Valiance, the most recent expansion to hit Lineage II, is set to launch on 12/11. And what better way to get psyched up for the content than with a developer livestream laying it all out for you? Read on for details!
Associate Produce Jason Lieberman will be on hand with our own Rob Lashley to detail Valiance's many updates including:
Revamped Hunting Zones: Hellboundo Beleth’s Magic Circle – Solo Hunting
o Desert Quarry – Small Party Hunting
o Phantasmal Ridge – Fully Party Hunting
o Beleth Raid – 98 to 300 Player Raid
Ability System
o 3 Skill Trees (Knight, Warrior, Wizard)
· New Raid Boss Point System and 76 New Raid Bosses
· Returning Raid Bosses
o Anakim
o Lilith
The Fishing System
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Not worth playing every since NCSoft has went F2P they have became extremely greedy. I looked at L2 just now because I was thinking about checking it see if they made it playable for me again and easy to obtain everything I lost but instead I find out they are nerfing mob drops and ruining legit players rather than dealing with bots.................
The Crafting system needs to be updated to a new system easier to farm items than grind all day long, and most of all NCsoft needs to fix and make up for their mistake which compromised my account and other peoples accounts they never replaced any of the items I lost gave me a bound Blue-Wolf set which wasn't even for my sorcerer a non enchanted staff said take it or leave it wasn't even what I had all my items gone all my adena gone. In general NcSoft has become way too greedy, can't provide any good customer service, or fix mistakes they make themselves I had my account since 2005 one of the first few MMO's I played back in the day that was great.
NCsoft is renowned for this behavior. I was a Lineage 1 player during open beta (12 years ago) and did my best to stick to NCsoft's poor management and lack of common sense for their game development. I was banned on multiple accounts for minor offenses and then unbanned when Lineage 1 began to crash. NCsoft didn't even acknowledge that they had banned my account(s) for years. Lost money, time wasted, can't really blame anyone specific since NCsoft is a business.
Here's an example. I got banned for cursing at chinese botters/korean botters. Apparently NCsoft found botting to be within reason, but minor cursing such as "god damnit" to be worthy of a prolonged ban.
Once NCsoft bans you, they have the right to keep banning you if they find out you're a banned player. It was within the terms of service and this was used against me for years.
FYI - Lineage 1 NA servers no longer exist. NCsoft was forced to bring them down.
You got banned for saying "god damnit"? hahaha if you are gonna lie make it plausible!
First of all the nobody is botting higher level content because they will take ban.The areas they are nerfing are very low level that get exploited by bots and have no purpose in the game anymore. Second of all your account was compromised because YOU had a keylogger and gave out your password *without knowing* and it was your own fault.Last but not least if you would have brushed it off instead of crying you would have 10 times the better gear by now with a little effort. learn2play
If you hadnt logged your character for 3 years... yes it got deleted.At the time a 3 year old character is useless anyways and no different than making a lvl 1.